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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 6, 2018. It is now read-only.

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74 lines (47 loc) · 3.29 KB

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74 lines (47 loc) · 3.29 KB


Compiles a pre-trained TensorFlow model to a C++ library and provides an inference function that uses the learned weights of the neural network model as constants.

The currently supported operations are Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Matmul, their respective broadcasting versions and some activation functions like ReLU, ReLU6 and LeakyReLU.

The last release is v0.3 and this repository is now archived.


Other dependencies you don't need to worry about

  • Eigen - A linear algebra library for C++
  • GTest - A testing framework for C++

Directory Structure

src/: The source code directory that contains the TF compiler scripts.

src/templates/: The directory containing the Jinja C++ templates for the library that is to be generated.

test/: Contains tests for every supported operation for small TF models.

third_party/: The third-party dependency files. (Eigen, GTest, CUDA)


  1. Make sure you have a ProtoBuf model. Check the freeze_graph utility in TF to see how you can freeze your model.

    (Some graph-freezing utility is also available in the test scripts under test/

  2. Familiarize yourself with the usage of the compiler by invoking python src/ -h.

  3. Change the BUILD file in the src/ directory:

    • Change the -i and -o options by writing the input and output node names in the respective places.
  4. To generate the library files (.h and .cc) run:

    bazel build //src:compiler
  5. To test the library run:

    bazel test //test/<TEST-NAME>

    where TEST-NAME is the full-path name of one of the test cases or suites.

    Run bazel test //test:all to perform all tests.

  6. To see the dependency graph for the Brook library:

    bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(//src:compiler)' --output graph >
    dot -Tpng < > graph.png

    where you can substitute //src:compiler by the name of the rule whose graph you would like to generate.


  • When the compiler code is changed, the test models should be re-generated and tests should be re-run. For that purpose, you can use the script utility -h in the test/ directory. The help message should be self-explanatory. (From root directory run test/ -h)
  • The src/lib/ directory doesn't exist initially. Therefore, in rare occasions, Bazel may complain the the build has failed, when it has, indeed, generated all the necessary files. This is a known issue with Bazel, documented in #3114

Major development fronts, research questions & ideas

  • Extending the range of supported operations
  • Extending matrix algebra to Tensor algebra
  • Compression:
    • Quantization
    • Low precision GEMM