#Temple of Anput
- featuring procedurally generated dungeon action and CGA graphics!
- written using the awesome LÖVE framework
- not finished yet; this is essentially an engine demo
##Download These are pre-packaged versions of the source code that are updated whenever I make a new commit:
- Windows Executable
- Cross-Platform Game File (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows; requires LÖVE 0.8.0)
##History One day in 2003 (when I was 16 years old), I was watching Strong Bad Email #4. At the end, Strong Bad plays a game that is supposed to be Temple of Apshai but is apparently just a mock-up of a generic CGA-era dungeon crawler. I saw this and thought it would be cool to play a real game with that look and feel, so I wrote a simple one in QBASIC. Eight years later, I rediscovered my old unfinished program and thought a more developed remake of it would be a fun project for trying out Lua and the LÖVE framework.
##Controls ###Gameplay
- move: wasd
- switch weapon: 1 - 5, or Shift
- shoot: arrow buttons
- pause: spacebar
- use elixir: e
- use potion: p
- context sensitive button: enter
- use item: enter
- drop item: delete
- fullscreen: f11, Alt + Enter
- new game: Ctrl + n
- increase/decrease graphics scaling: Ctrl +/-
- quit: Ctrl + q, or close the window