diff --git a/packages/docs/pages/networks/starting-network/genesis-flow/participants.mdx b/packages/docs/pages/networks/starting-network/genesis-flow/participants.mdx
index 3e01136b..4ee26c08 100644
--- a/packages/docs/pages/networks/starting-network/genesis-flow/participants.mdx
+++ b/packages/docs/pages/networks/starting-network/genesis-flow/participants.mdx
@@ -252,6 +252,8 @@ namadac utils genesis-bond \
### Signing transactions
+*See [below](#signing-with-a-ledger-hardware-wallet) for instructions on how to sign with a Ledger hardware wallet.*
For validator initialization and bonding transactions, after generating your pre-genesis transaction (but before submitting it for inclusion in the genesis block), you must
sign it with the relevant private key. You can do this using the `sign-genesis-txs` command.
@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ To sign an init-validator transaction, use:
namadac utils sign-genesis-txs --path $INPUT_FILE --output $OUTPUT_FILE --alias $VALIDATOR_ALIAS
-When signing a bond transaction, the `alias` can be omitted:
+When signing a bond transaction, the `alias` is omitted:
```bash copy
namadac utils sign-genesis-txs --path $INPUT_FILE --output $OUTPUT_FILE
@@ -280,3 +282,95 @@ repo will be created where the files can be submitted via pull request. By conve
the git repository. The signed transactions `toml` file is then submitted to its respective directory.
+## Using a Ledger hardware wallet
+You can sign your pre-genesis transactions using a Ledger hardware wallet.
+First, refer to the [Hardware Wallet](./../../../users/wallet/hardware-wallet.mdx) section for instructions on how to install the
+Namada app on your Ledger device and how to use it with the Namada CLI.
+Once your Ledger is ready, connect it via USB and open the Namada Ledger app.
+The general procedure of generating and signing pre-genesis transactions is the same as given
+above with a few minor variations.
+### Deriving your account
+Before doing anything else, begin by deriving a Ledger account and adding it to the pre-genesis wallet using this command:
+```bash copy
+namadaw --pre-genesis derive --use-device --alias $ALIAS
+(You will be asked to confirm the operation on your device.)
+If successful, you should see the following output:
+Using HD derivation path m/44'/877'/0'/0'/0'
+Successfully added a key and an address with alias: "..."
+The default derivation path is `m/44'/877'/0'/0'/0`. You can use the flag `--hd-path` to specify a different derivation path. Use `namadaw derive --help` for more information.
+You can list your wallet contents with:
+```bash copy
+namadaw --pre-genesis list
+You should see your address and public key listed under the `$ALIAS` you provided. Beside them should be the label `(external)` indicating that they are associated with a device.
+You will need to make note of your public key in order to complete the remaining steps.
+### Signing the pre-genesis transaction `toml`
+The flag `--use-device` is used to indicate that a Ledger will be used for signing. When attempting to sign, have the device
+connected to your computer with the Namada Ledger app open.
+Ensure the 'expert mode' toggle in the Ledger app is set to `disabled`.
+#### Signing an `initialize-validator` pre-genesis transaction
+To create a pre-genesis initialize-validator transaction, begin by using the Ledger account public key to
+[initialize an established account](#initialize-an-established-account). In this command, `$ALIAS` should be the alias
+given to your Ledger account during [derivation](#deriving-your-account):
+```bash copy
+namadac utils init-genesis-established-account \
+ --path $OUTPUT_FILE \
+ --aliases $ALIAS
+Proceed with [initializing a validator account](#initialize-a-pre-genesis-validator-account) according to the usual procedure.
+Finally, sign using the following command:
+```bash copy
+namadac utils sign-genesis-txs \
+ --path $INPUT_FILE \
+ --output $OUTPUT_FILE \
+ --alias $VALIDATOR_ALIAS \
+ --use-device
+It's important to note that both the Ledger and the validator soft wallet created when initializing your validator account
+are required to sign the transaction.
+- The Ledger account is checked against the public key in the `[[established_account]]` section and used to generate the corresponding signature
+- The validator soft wallet (located inside `$BASE_DIR/pre-genesis/$VALIDATOR_ALIAS/`) is used to generate the corresponding
+signatures (`[validator_account.protocol_key]`, `[validator_account.tendermint_node_key]`, etc.)
+If either is not accessible, signing will fail.
+#### Signing a `bond` pre-genesis transaction
+To create a pre-genesis bond transaction, provide the public key associated with your Ledger account as the `$SOURCE`:
+```bash copy
+namadac utils genesis-bond \
+ --validator $TARGET_VALIDATOR \
+ --source $SOURCE \
+ --amount $AMOUNT \
+ --path $OUTPUT_FILE
+Signing the transaction is very similar to using a soft wallet:
+```bash copy
+namadac utils sign-genesis-txs \
+ --path $INPUT_FILE \
+ --output $OUTPUT_FILE \
+ --use-device
+### Troubleshooting
+Refer to the [Troubleshooting section of the Hardware Wallet page](../../../users/wallet/hardware-wallet.mdx#troubleshooting)
+for help resolving common errors.
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diff --git a/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/hardware-wallet.mdx b/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/hardware-wallet.mdx
index 49e07745..21f55ca2 100644
--- a/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/hardware-wallet.mdx
+++ b/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/hardware-wallet.mdx
@@ -1,28 +1,146 @@
import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
+import { Steps } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
-## Hardware Wallet
+# Ledger Hardware Wallet
-The Namada Ledger app is currently in active development and not recommended for use. Information below may be out-of-date.
+The Namada Ledger app is still in active development, and the version available on the official Ledger App store is not compatible with the current release of Namada.
+See the installation instructions below if you'd like to sideload an updated development version of the app onto your device for testing purposes.
-Namada's web wallet extension is compatible with the [Ledger](https://www.ledger.com/) hardware. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your Ledger device to work with Namada.
+Both Namada's web wallet extension and the Namada CLI are compatible with the [Ledger](https://www.ledger.com/) hardware wallet.
+This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your Ledger device to work with Namada.
-### Prerequisites
-A ledger device with the latest firmware installed. You can find instructions on how to update your firmware [here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002731113-Update-device-firmware).
+## Prerequisites
+You will need a Ledger device with the latest firmware installed. You can find instructions on how to update your firmware [here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002731113-Update-device-firmware).
-Install the javascript npm package [here](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@zondax/ledger-namada).
+In order to use the Ledger with the web wallet, you will need to install the [Namada Web Wallet](./web-wallet.mdx#install). To use the Ledger with the Namada CLI,
+you will need to [install the latest version](./../../introduction/install.mdx) of Namada.
-In order to use the ledger with the web wallet, you will need to install the [Namada Web Wallet](./web-wallet.mdx#install).
+## Installing the Namada Ledger app
+The Namada Ledger app is still a work in progress. Use at your own risk. At this preliminary stage of development, it is *highly* recommended that you use a device that
+does not contain any existing funds.
-### Connecting your Ledger
-1. Open the Namada web extension.
-2. Under settings, click on the `Connect Ledger` button.
-3. Set an alias for the account that ledger will control the keys for.
-4. You can choose to connect to the ledger via `USB` (recommended) or `HID` (Human Interface Devices).
-5. The ledger will ask you to confirm the connection. Confirm this connection on your ledger device.
-6. Once completed, the extension will show the address of the account that the ledger is controlling the keys for.
-7. You can now close the information window and use the ledger to sign transactions.
+When installing a Ledger app from any source besides the official app store, you will be shown a warning to that effect and prompted for confirmation. Please make sure you
+understand the risks before proceeding. Before installing *any* app from a non-official source, be sure that you trust the authors and the instructions being given. As always, do your own research.
+### Connect your device to your computer
+The remaining steps assume you have already completed the initial Ledger setup and your device is ready to use.
+### Uninstall any existing Namada apps on your device
+### Visit the Zondax Hub and prepare your device
+In your browser, visit the [Zondax Hub](https://hub.zondax.ch). Click the "Connect Device" button in the top right corner, and confirm the connection in your browser and on your device.
+### Install the Namada app
+Scroll down until you find Namada in the list, and select the newest version from the dropdown. Click "Install" and confirm on your device.
+## Using the Ledger app with the browser extension
+### Importing (deriving) your Ledger address
+Before any other operations with the Ledger, we will want to derive an address and public key and add them to the extension ([web wallet](./web-wallet.mdx)) under an alias for convenience.
+To derive your address using a Ledger:
+### Open Extension and click `Add keys`
+### Click `Connect hardware wallet`
+### Connect your device to your computer and Open the Namada app
+Follow the prompts and click `Next` after each step
+### Confirm on device
+After the following the prompts, your address and public key will be displayed on your device. Confirm the operation on your device.
+### Name your Ledger account
+Give your account an easy to remember name.
+### Click `Finish setup`
+### Display your address/public key
+To display your Ledger address/public key, first open the extension. Find your Ledger account in the list, click the `⋮` icon (three vertical dots) and select 'View keys'.
+### Signing a transaction
+To sign a transaction from a front-end app (such as [Namadillo](./../../integrating-with-namada/interface.mdx)), follow these steps:
+### Connect your device and open the Namada app
+### Set your Ledger as the active account
+Open the extension and click the checkbox next to your Ledger account to set it as the active account.
+### Perform your transaction
+### Review transaction
+You will be presented with a browser pop-up containing a summary of the transaction. You can click `View data` to see the
+details of what will be submitted on-chain. You can also verify the correct public key is listed under `Signer`. When you're
+ready to proceed, click `Approve`.
+You will be reminded again to connect your device and open the Namada app; click `Submit` to send the signing request to the Ledger.
+### Approve on your device
+Review the transaction details on your device and click `Approve` to sign and submit the transaction to the chain.
+## Using the Ledger app with the CLI
+You can use your Ledger to sign transactions from the Namada CLI.
+Make sure the 'expert mode' toggle is set to disabled in the Namada app; this feature has not yet been implemented and may result in crashes.
+### Importing (deriving) your Ledger address
+Before any other operations with the Ledger, we will want to derive an address and public key and add them to the [file system wallet](./file-system-wallet.mdx) under an alias for convenience.
+To derive your address using a Ledger:
+### Connect your device to your computer
+### Open the Namada app on your device
+### Derive your address/public key
+This command will derive your address and public key and add them to your wallet under an `alias` of your choosing:
+```bash copy
+namadaw --use-device --alias $ALIAS
+The default derivation path is `m/44'/877'/0'/0'/0`. You can use the flag `--hd-path` to specify a different derivation path. Use `namadaw derive --help` for more information.
+### Confirm in wallet
+List your wallet contents with:
+```bash copy
+namadaw list
+You should see your address and pubic key listed under the `$ALIAS` you provided. Beside them should be the label `(external)` indicating that they are associated with a device.
+### Signing a transaction
+Use the `--use-device` flag when you wish to sign a transaction using the Ledger. For example:
+```bash copy
+namadac transparent-transfer \
+ --source $ALIAS \
+ --target $DEST_ADDRESS \
+ --token $TOKEN \
+ --amount $AMOUNT \
+ --use-device
+When constructing the transfer, the CLI will check your wallet for the public key given under `$ALIAS`. You will then be prompted on the device to approve the transaction
+### Troubleshooting
+Some common errors you may encounter while using the Ledger with the Namada CLI:
+- `Unable to connect to query address and public key from Ledger: Ledger | App Error: | 21781 [APDU_ERROR] Unknown`
+There is a USB connectivity issue; disconnecting and reconnecting the Ledger will often resolve this.
+- The CLI panics with `Message: Failed to sign transaction` or similar.
+Make sure you're using the correct versions of both the Ledger app and Namada binaries
+- The CLI panics with `Message: No signature could be produced for a transaction of type ...`
+Make sure the Ledger account has been properly [added to your wallet](#importing-deriving-your-ledger-address-1).
-### Sending transactions with the ledger
-See the [web wallet](./web-wallet.mdx#sending-transactions) guide for instructions on how to send transactions with the web wallet.
+- The CLI panics part-way through signing and the Ledger reboots.
+Make sure the `expert mode` toggle in the Ledger app is set to `disabled`.
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diff --git a/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/web-wallet.mdx b/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/web-wallet.mdx
index b3cd7af3..82b78c68 100644
--- a/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/web-wallet.mdx
+++ b/packages/docs/pages/users/wallet/web-wallet.mdx
@@ -71,4 +71,8 @@ Whenever you submit a transaction to the chain, you will be prompted to enter yo
### Disconnect
If you wish to disconnect (remove permissions) from a site, you can do so in the Settings menu of the extension, under 'Connected Sites'.
\ No newline at end of file
+## Using a hardware wallet (Ledger)
+See the [hardware wallet](./hardware-wallet.mdx) page for instructions on installing the Namada Ledger app and using it
+with the extension.
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