HTML Structure:
A grid to display the cellular automaton Control buttons for starting, stopping, and resetting the simulation An explanation section describing the axioms and their effects
CSS Styling:
A dark theme to emphasize the photonic nature of the simulation Responsive grid layout using CSS Grid Smooth transitions for cell state changes
JavaScript Implementation:
Grid Initialization: Creates a 20x20 grid of cells, each with a random initial state and axiom. Cell Representation: Each cell has a state (0 or 1) and an axiom (0-3). Axiom Implementation:
☼/☾ (Day/Night Cycle): Follows rules similar to Conway's Game of Life ■~□ (Solid/Empty): Becomes active if surrounded by many active cells ↑↓→ (Movement): State changes based on the sum of its state and active neighbors ◊/◊ (Interaction): Becomes active if it has exactly three active neighbors
Simulation Loop: Applies rules and updates the grid at regular intervals Photonic Visualization: Uses HSL color model to represent cell states, with brighter colors for active cells
User Interaction:
Start: Begins the simulation Stop: Pauses the simulation Reset: Reinitializes the grid with random states
Code Structure:
Functions are modular and well-commented for easy understanding The main simulation logic is separated into applyRules and updateGrid functions
To use this HTML page:
Open it in a web browser The grid will initialize with random cell states and axioms Click "Start" to begin the simulation Observe how the cells evolve based on their axioms Use "Stop" to pause and "Reset" to start over with a new random configuration
└── The Photonic Cellular Automaton is an interactive web-based simulation that explores the behavior of cellular automata using photonic-inspired rules.
├── Interactive 20x20 grid ├── Four unique axioms governing cell behavior ├── Real-time visualization of cellular evolution └── Controls for starting, stopping, and resetting the simulation
├── ☼/☾ (Day/Night Cycle) │ └── Represents the alternation between active and dormant states ├── ■~□ (Solid/Empty) │ └── Symbolizes the presence or absence of energy in a cell ├── ↑↓→ (Movement) │ └── Indicates the potential for change or evolution in any direction └── ◊/◊ (Interaction) └── Represents the influence of neighboring cells on each other
├── Clone the repository
│ └── git clone
├── Navigate to the project directory
│ └── cd photonic-cellular-automaton
└── Open index.html in your web browser
├── Open the application in a web browser ├── Observe the initial random state of the grid ├── Use the control buttons: │ ├── Start: Begin the simulation │ ├── Stop: Pause the simulation │ └── Reset: Reinitialize the grid with random states └── Watch how cells evolve based on their axioms and interactions
├── Grid Initialization │ └── Creates a 20x20 grid of cells, each with a random initial state and axiom ├── Cell Representation │ ├── State: 0 (inactive) or 1 (active) │ └── Axiom: One of the four governing rules (0-3) ├── Axiom Implementation │ ├── ☼/☾ (Day/Night Cycle): Similar to Conway's Game of Life rules │ ├── ■~□ (Solid/Empty): Activates if surrounded by many active cells │ ├── ↑↓→ (Movement): State changes based on sum of its state and active neighbors │ └── ◊/◊ (Interaction): Activates if it has exactly three active neighbors ├── Simulation Loop │ └── Applies rules and updates the grid at regular intervals └── Photonic Visualization └── Uses HSL color model to represent cell states, brighter colors for active cells
├── Fork the repository
├── Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
├── Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
├── Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
└── Open a pull request
└── Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
└── Your Name - @your_twitter -
├── Conway's Game of Life ├── Cellular Automaton └── JavaScript