diff --git a/translations/validators.cs.xlf b/translations/validators.cs.xlf
index 6989975..864a720 100644
--- a/translations/validators.cs.xlf
+++ b/translations/validators.cs.xlf
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
This value should be true.Tato hodnota musí být pravdivá (true).
- This value should be of type {{ type }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být typu {{ type }}.
+ This value should be of type {{type}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být typu {{type}}.This value should be blank.
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
The value you selected is not a valid choice.Vybraná hodnota není platnou možností.
- You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.
- Musí být vybrána nejméně {{ limit }} možnost.|Musí být vybrány nejméně {{ limit }} možnosti.|Musí být vybráno nejméně {{ limit }} možností.
+ You must select at least {{limit}} choice.|You must select at least {{limit}} choices.
+ Musí být vybrána nejméně {{limit}} možnost.|Musí být vybrány nejméně {{limit}} možnosti.|Musí být vybráno nejméně {{limit}} možností.
- You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.
- Musí být vybrána maximálně {{ limit }} možnost.|Musí být vybrány maximálně {{ limit }} možnosti.|Musí být vybráno maximálně {{ limit }} možností.
+ You must select at most {{limit}} choice.|You must select at most {{limit}} choices.
+ Musí být vybrána maximálně {{limit}} možnost.|Musí být vybrány maximálně {{limit}} možnosti.|Musí být vybráno maximálně {{limit}} možností.One or more of the given values is invalid.
@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@
The file is not readable.Soubor je nečitelný.
- The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Soubor je příliš velký ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Maximální povolená velikost souboru je {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Soubor je příliš velký ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Maximální povolená velikost souboru je {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
- The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.
- Neplatný mime typ souboru ({{ type }}). Povolené mime typy souborů jsou {{ types }}.
+ The mime type of the file is invalid ({{type}}). Allowed mime types are {{types}}.
+ Neplatný mime typ souboru ({{type}}). Povolené mime typy souborů jsou {{types}}.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or less.
- Tato hodnota musí být {{ limit }} nebo méně.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or less.
+ Tato hodnota musí být {{limit}} nebo méně.
- This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.
- Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá. Musí obsahovat maximálně {{ limit }} znak.|Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá. Musí obsahovat maximálně {{ limit }} znaky.|Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá. Musí obsahovat maximálně {{ limit }} znaků.
+ This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} characters or less.
+ Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá. Musí obsahovat maximálně {{limit}} znak.|Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá. Musí obsahovat maximálně {{limit}} znaky.|Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá. Musí obsahovat maximálně {{limit}} znaků.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or more.
- Tato hodnota musí být {{ limit }} nebo více.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or more.
+ Tato hodnota musí být {{limit}} nebo více.
- This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.
- Tato hodnota je příliš krátká. Musí obsahovat minimálně {{ limit }} znak.|Tato hodnota je příliš krátká. Musí obsahovat minimálně {{ limit }} znaky.|Tato hodnota je příliš krátká. Musí obsahovat minimálně {{ limit }} znaků.
+ This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} characters or more.
+ Tato hodnota je příliš krátká. Musí obsahovat minimálně {{limit}} znak.|Tato hodnota je příliš krátká. Musí obsahovat minimálně {{limit}} znaky.|Tato hodnota je příliš krátká. Musí obsahovat minimálně {{limit}} znaků.This value should not be blank.
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
The two values should be equal.Tyto dvě hodnoty musí být stejné.
- The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Soubor je příliš velký. Maximální povolená velikost souboru je {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Soubor je příliš velký. Maximální povolená velikost souboru je {{limit}} {{suffix}}.The file is too large.
@@ -161,29 +161,29 @@
The size of the image could not be detected.Nepodařily se zjistit rozměry obrázku.
- The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.
- Obrázek je příliš široký ({{ width }}px). Maximální povolená šířka obrázku je {{ max_width }}px.
+ The image width is too big ({{width}}px). Allowed maximum width is {{max_width}}px.
+ Obrázek je příliš široký ({{width}}px). Maximální povolená šířka obrázku je {{max_width}}px.
- The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.
- Obrázek je příliš úzký ({{ width }}px). Minimální šířka musí být {{ min_width }}px.
+ The image width is too small ({{width}}px). Minimum width expected is {{min_width}}px.
+ Obrázek je příliš úzký ({{width}}px). Minimální šířka musí být {{min_width}}px.
- The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.
- Obrázek je příliš vysoký ({{ height }}px). Maximální povolená výška obrázku je {{ max_height }}px.
+ The image height is too big ({{height}}px). Allowed maximum height is {{max_height}}px.
+ Obrázek je příliš vysoký ({{height}}px). Maximální povolená výška obrázku je {{max_height}}px.
- The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.
- Obrázek je příliš nízký ({{ height }}px). Minimální výška obrázku musí být {{ min_height }}px.
+ The image height is too small ({{height}}px). Minimum height expected is {{min_height}}px.
+ Obrázek je příliš nízký ({{height}}px). Minimální výška obrázku musí být {{min_height}}px.This value should be the user's current password.Tato hodnota musí být aktuální heslo uživatele.
- This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.
- Tato hodnota musí mít přesně {{ limit }} znak.|Tato hodnota musí mít přesně {{ limit }} znaky.|Tato hodnota musí mít přesně {{ limit }} znaků.
+ This value should have exactly {{limit}} character.|This value should have exactly {{limit}} characters.
+ Tato hodnota musí mít přesně {{limit}} znak.|Tato hodnota musí mít přesně {{limit}} znaky.|Tato hodnota musí mít přesně {{limit}} znaků.The file was only partially uploaded.
@@ -205,17 +205,17 @@
A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.Rozšíření PHP zabránilo nahrání souboru.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.
- Tato kolekce musí obsahovat minimálně {{ limit }} prvek.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat minimálně {{ limit }} prvky.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat minimálně {{ limit }} prvků.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or more.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or more.
+ Tato kolekce musí obsahovat minimálně {{limit}} prvek.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat minimálně {{limit}} prvky.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat minimálně {{limit}} prvků.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.
- Tato kolekce musí obsahovat maximálně {{ limit }} prvek.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat maximálně {{ limit }} prvky.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat maximálně {{ limit }} prvků.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or less.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or less.
+ Tato kolekce musí obsahovat maximálně {{limit}} prvek.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat maximálně {{limit}} prvky.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat maximálně {{limit}} prvků.
- This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.
- Tato kolekce musí obsahovat přesně {{ limit }} prvek.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat přesně {{ limit }} prvky.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat přesně {{ limit }} prvků.
+ This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} elements.
+ Tato kolekce musí obsahovat přesně {{limit}} prvek.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat přesně {{limit}} prvky.|Tato kolekce musí obsahovat přesně {{limit}} prvků.Invalid card number.
@@ -249,57 +249,57 @@
This value is not a valid currency.Tato měna neexistuje.
- This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být rovna {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být rovna {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být větší než {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být větší než {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být větší nebo rovna {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být větší nebo rovna {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být typu {{ compared_value_type }} a zároveň musí být rovna {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být typu {{compared_value_type}} a zároveň musí být rovna {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být menší než {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být menší než {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být menší nebo rovna {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být menší nebo rovna {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota nesmí být rovna {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota nesmí být rovna {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota nesmí být typu {{ compared_value_type }} a zároveň nesmí být rovna {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota nesmí být typu {{compared_value_type}} a zároveň nesmí být rovna {{compared_value}}.
- The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.
- Poměr stran obrázku je příliš velký ({{ ratio }}). Maximální povolený poměr stran obrázku je {{ max_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too big ({{ratio}}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{max_ratio}}.
+ Poměr stran obrázku je příliš velký ({{ratio}}). Maximální povolený poměr stran obrázku je {{max_ratio}}.
- The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.
- Poměr stran obrázku je příliš malý ({{ ratio }}). Minimální povolený poměr stran obrázku je {{ min_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too small ({{ratio}}). Minimum ratio expected is {{min_ratio}}.
+ Poměr stran obrázku je příliš malý ({{ratio}}). Minimální povolený poměr stran obrázku je {{min_ratio}}.
- The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.
- Strany obrázku jsou čtvercové ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Čtvercové obrázky nejsou povolené.
+ The image is square ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Square images are not allowed.
+ Strany obrázku jsou čtvercové ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Čtvercové obrázky nejsou povolené.
- The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
- Obrázek je orientovaný na šířku ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Obrázky orientované na šířku nejsou povolené.
+ The image is landscape oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
+ Obrázek je orientovaný na šířku ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Obrázky orientované na šířku nejsou povolené.
- The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
- Obrázek je orientovaný na výšku ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Obrázky orientované na výšku nejsou povolené.
+ The image is portrait oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
+ Obrázek je orientovaný na výšku ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Obrázky orientované na výšku nejsou povolené.An empty file is not allowed.
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@
The host could not be resolved.Hostitele nebylo možné rozpoznat.
- This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.
- Tato hodnota neodpovídá očekávané znakové sadě {{ charset }}.
+ This value does not match the expected {{charset}} charset.
+ Tato hodnota neodpovídá očekávané znakové sadě {{charset}}.This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).
@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@
This is not a valid UUID.Tato hodnota není platným UUID.
- This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- Tato hodnota musí být násobek hodnoty {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ Tato hodnota musí být násobek hodnoty {{compared_value}}.
- This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.
- Bankovní identifikační kód (BIC) neodpovídá mezinárodnímu číslu účtu (IBAN) {{ iban }}.
+ This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{iban}}.
+ Bankovní identifikační kód (BIC) neodpovídá mezinárodnímu číslu účtu (IBAN) {{iban}}.This value should be valid JSON.
@@ -365,17 +365,17 @@
This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.Zadané heslo bylo součástí úniku dat, takže ho není možné použít. Použijte prosím jiné heslo.
- This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- Hodnota musí být mezi {{ min }} a {{ max }}.
+ This value should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ Hodnota musí být mezi {{min}} a {{max}}.This value is not a valid hostname.Tato hodnota není platný hostname.
- The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- Počet prvků v této kolekci musí být násobek {{ compared_value }}.
+ The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ Počet prvků v této kolekci musí být násobek {{compared_value}}.This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:
@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@
This value is not a valid CIDR notation.Tato hodnota není platná notace CIDR.
- The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- Hodnota masky sítě musí být mezi {{ min }} a {{ max }}.
+ The value of the netmask should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ Hodnota masky sítě musí být mezi {{min}} a {{max}}.
- The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} characters or less.
- Název souboru je příliš dlouhý. Měl by obsahovat {{ filename_max_length }} znak nebo méně.|Název souboru je příliš dlouhý. Měl by obsahovat {{ filename_max_length }} znaky nebo méně.|Název souboru je příliš dlouhý. Měl by obsahovat {{ filename_max_length }} znaků nebo méně.
+ The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} characters or less.
+ Název souboru je příliš dlouhý. Měl by obsahovat {{filename_max_length}} znak nebo méně.|Název souboru je příliš dlouhý. Měl by obsahovat {{filename_max_length}} znaky nebo méně.|Název souboru je příliš dlouhý. Měl by obsahovat {{filename_max_length}} znaků nebo méně.The password strength is too low. Please use a stronger password.
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@
Using hidden overlay characters is not allowed.Použití skrytých překrývajících znaků není povoleno.
- The extension of the file is invalid ({{ extension }}). Allowed extensions are {{ extensions }}.
- Přípona souboru je neplatná ({{ extension }}). Povolené přípony jsou {{ extensions }}.
+ The extension of the file is invalid ({{extension}}). Allowed extensions are {{extensions}}.
+ Přípona souboru je neplatná ({{extension}}). Povolené přípony jsou {{extensions}}.
- The detected character encoding is invalid ({{ detected }}). Allowed encodings are {{ encodings }}.
- Zjištěné kódování znaků je neplatné ({{ detected }}). Povolená kódování jsou {{ encodings }}.
+ The detected character encoding is invalid ({{detected}}). Allowed encodings are {{encodings}}.
+ Zjištěné kódování znaků je neplatné ({{detected}}). Povolená kódování jsou {{encodings}}.This value is not a valid MAC address.
@@ -445,13 +445,13 @@
This URL is missing a top-level domain.Této URL není doména nejvyššího řádu.
- This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{ min }} words.
- Tato hodnota je příliš krátká, měla by obsahovat alespoň jedno slovo|Tato hodnota je příliš krátká, měla by obsahovat alespoň {{ min }} slova.
+ This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{min}} words.
+ Tato hodnota je příliš krátká, měla by obsahovat alespoň jedno slovo|Tato hodnota je příliš krátká, měla by obsahovat alespoň {{min}} slova.
- This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{ max }} words or less.
- Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá, měla obsahovat pouze jedno slovo.|Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá, měla by obsahovat {{ max }} slova a nebo méně.
+ This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{max}} words or less.
+ Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá, měla obsahovat pouze jedno slovo.|Tato hodnota je příliš dlouhá, měla by obsahovat {{max}} slova a nebo méně.This value does not represent a valid week in the ISO 8601 format.
@@ -461,13 +461,13 @@
This value is not a valid week.Tato hodnota není validní týden.
- This value should not be before week "{{ min }}".
- Tato hodnota by neměla být týden před "{{ min }}".
+ This value should not be before week "{{min}}".
+ Tato hodnota by neměla být týden před "{{min}}".
- This value should not be after week "{{ max }}".
- Tato hodnota by neměla být týden za "{{ max }}".
+ This value should not be after week "{{max}}".
+ Tato hodnota by neměla být týden za "{{max}}".This form should not contain extra fields.
@@ -609,8 +609,8 @@
Please enter a password
- Your password should be at least {{ limit }} characters
+ Your password should be at least {{limit}} characters
diff --git a/translations/validators.de.xlf b/translations/validators.de.xlf
index 919aabe..7d422d6 100644
--- a/translations/validators.de.xlf
+++ b/translations/validators.de.xlf
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
This value should be true.Dieser Wert sollte true sein.
- This value should be of type {{ type }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte vom Typ {{ type }} sein.
+ This value should be of type {{type}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte vom Typ {{type}} sein.This value should be blank.
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
The value you selected is not a valid choice.Sie haben einen ungültigen Wert ausgewählt.
- You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.
- Sie müssen mindestens {{ limit }} Möglichkeit wählen.|Sie müssen mindestens {{ limit }} Möglichkeiten wählen.
+ You must select at least {{limit}} choice.|You must select at least {{limit}} choices.
+ Sie müssen mindestens {{limit}} Möglichkeit wählen.|Sie müssen mindestens {{limit}} Möglichkeiten wählen.
- You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.
- Sie dürfen höchstens {{ limit }} Möglichkeit wählen.|Sie dürfen höchstens {{ limit }} Möglichkeiten wählen.
+ You must select at most {{limit}} choice.|You must select at most {{limit}} choices.
+ Sie dürfen höchstens {{limit}} Möglichkeit wählen.|Sie dürfen höchstens {{limit}} Möglichkeiten wählen.One or more of the given values is invalid.
@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@
The file is not readable.Die Datei ist nicht lesbar.
- The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Die Datei ist zu groß ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Die maximal zulässige Größe beträgt {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Die Datei ist zu groß ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Die maximal zulässige Größe beträgt {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
- The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.
- Der Dateityp ist ungültig ({{ type }}). Erlaubte Dateitypen sind {{ types }}.
+ The mime type of the file is invalid ({{type}}). Allowed mime types are {{types}}.
+ Der Dateityp ist ungültig ({{type}}). Erlaubte Dateitypen sind {{types}}.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or less.
- Dieser Wert sollte kleiner oder gleich {{ limit }} sein.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or less.
+ Dieser Wert sollte kleiner oder gleich {{limit}} sein.
- This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.
- Diese Zeichenkette ist zu lang. Sie sollte höchstens {{ limit }} Zeichen haben.|Diese Zeichenkette ist zu lang. Sie sollte höchstens {{ limit }} Zeichen haben.
+ This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} characters or less.
+ Diese Zeichenkette ist zu lang. Sie sollte höchstens {{limit}} Zeichen haben.|Diese Zeichenkette ist zu lang. Sie sollte höchstens {{limit}} Zeichen haben.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or more.
- Dieser Wert sollte größer oder gleich {{ limit }} sein.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or more.
+ Dieser Wert sollte größer oder gleich {{limit}} sein.
- This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.
- Diese Zeichenkette ist zu kurz. Sie sollte mindestens {{ limit }} Zeichen haben.|Diese Zeichenkette ist zu kurz. Sie sollte mindestens {{ limit }} Zeichen haben.
+ This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} characters or more.
+ Diese Zeichenkette ist zu kurz. Sie sollte mindestens {{limit}} Zeichen haben.|Diese Zeichenkette ist zu kurz. Sie sollte mindestens {{limit}} Zeichen haben.This value should not be blank.
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
The two values should be equal.Die beiden Werte sollten identisch sein.
- The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Die Datei ist zu groß. Die maximal zulässige Größe beträgt {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Die Datei ist zu groß. Die maximal zulässige Größe beträgt {{limit}} {{suffix}}.The file is too large.
@@ -161,29 +161,29 @@
The size of the image could not be detected.Die Größe des Bildes konnte nicht ermittelt werden.
- The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.
- Die Bildbreite ist zu groß ({{ width }}px). Die maximal zulässige Breite beträgt {{ max_width }}px.
+ The image width is too big ({{width}}px). Allowed maximum width is {{max_width}}px.
+ Die Bildbreite ist zu groß ({{width}}px). Die maximal zulässige Breite beträgt {{max_width}}px.
- The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.
- Die Bildbreite ist zu gering ({{ width }}px). Die erwartete Mindestbreite beträgt {{ min_width }}px.
+ The image width is too small ({{width}}px). Minimum width expected is {{min_width}}px.
+ Die Bildbreite ist zu gering ({{width}}px). Die erwartete Mindestbreite beträgt {{min_width}}px.
- The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.
- Die Bildhöhe ist zu groß ({{ height }}px). Die maximal zulässige Höhe beträgt {{ max_height }}px.
+ The image height is too big ({{height}}px). Allowed maximum height is {{max_height}}px.
+ Die Bildhöhe ist zu groß ({{height}}px). Die maximal zulässige Höhe beträgt {{max_height}}px.
- The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.
- Die Bildhöhe ist zu gering ({{ height }}px). Die erwartete Mindesthöhe beträgt {{ min_height }}px.
+ The image height is too small ({{height}}px). Minimum height expected is {{min_height}}px.
+ Die Bildhöhe ist zu gering ({{height}}px). Die erwartete Mindesthöhe beträgt {{min_height}}px.This value should be the user's current password.Dieser Wert sollte dem aktuellen Benutzerpasswort entsprechen.
- This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.
- Dieser Wert sollte genau {{ limit }} Zeichen lang sein.|Dieser Wert sollte genau {{ limit }} Zeichen lang sein.
+ This value should have exactly {{limit}} character.|This value should have exactly {{limit}} characters.
+ Dieser Wert sollte genau {{limit}} Zeichen lang sein.|Dieser Wert sollte genau {{limit}} Zeichen lang sein.The file was only partially uploaded.
@@ -205,17 +205,17 @@
A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.Eine PHP-Erweiterung verhinderte den Upload.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.
- Diese Sammlung sollte {{ limit }} oder mehr Elemente beinhalten.|Diese Sammlung sollte {{ limit }} oder mehr Elemente beinhalten.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or more.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or more.
+ Diese Sammlung sollte {{limit}} oder mehr Elemente beinhalten.|Diese Sammlung sollte {{limit}} oder mehr Elemente beinhalten.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.
- Diese Sammlung sollte {{ limit }} oder weniger Elemente beinhalten.|Diese Sammlung sollte {{ limit }} oder weniger Elemente beinhalten.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or less.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or less.
+ Diese Sammlung sollte {{limit}} oder weniger Elemente beinhalten.|Diese Sammlung sollte {{limit}} oder weniger Elemente beinhalten.
- This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.
- Diese Sammlung sollte genau {{ limit }} Element beinhalten.|Diese Sammlung sollte genau {{ limit }} Elemente beinhalten.
+ This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} elements.
+ Diese Sammlung sollte genau {{limit}} Element beinhalten.|Diese Sammlung sollte genau {{limit}} Elemente beinhalten.Invalid card number.
@@ -249,57 +249,57 @@
This value is not a valid currency.Dieser Wert ist keine gültige Währung.
- This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte gleich {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ This value should be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte gleich {{compared_value}} sein.
- This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte größer als {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ This value should be greater than {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte größer als {{compared_value}} sein.
- This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte größer oder gleich {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte größer oder gleich {{compared_value}} sein.
- This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte identisch sein mit {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte identisch sein mit {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte kleiner als {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ This value should be less than {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte kleiner als {{compared_value}} sein.
- This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte kleiner oder gleich {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ This value should be less than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte kleiner oder gleich {{compared_value}} sein.
- This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte nicht {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ This value should not be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte nicht {{compared_value}} sein.
- This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte nicht identisch sein mit {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte nicht identisch sein mit {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.
- Das Seitenverhältnis des Bildes ist zu groß ({{ ratio }}). Der erlaubte Maximalwert ist {{ max_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too big ({{ratio}}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{max_ratio}}.
+ Das Seitenverhältnis des Bildes ist zu groß ({{ratio}}). Der erlaubte Maximalwert ist {{max_ratio}}.
- The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.
- Das Seitenverhältnis des Bildes ist zu klein ({{ ratio }}). Der erwartete Minimalwert ist {{ min_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too small ({{ratio}}). Minimum ratio expected is {{min_ratio}}.
+ Das Seitenverhältnis des Bildes ist zu klein ({{ratio}}). Der erwartete Minimalwert ist {{min_ratio}}.
- The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.
- Das Bild ist quadratisch ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Quadratische Bilder sind nicht erlaubt.
+ The image is square ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Square images are not allowed.
+ Das Bild ist quadratisch ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Quadratische Bilder sind nicht erlaubt.
- The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
- Das Bild ist im Querformat ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Bilder im Querformat sind nicht erlaubt.
+ The image is landscape oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
+ Das Bild ist im Querformat ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Bilder im Querformat sind nicht erlaubt.
- The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
- Das Bild ist im Hochformat ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Bilder im Hochformat sind nicht erlaubt.
+ The image is portrait oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
+ Das Bild ist im Hochformat ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Bilder im Hochformat sind nicht erlaubt.An empty file is not allowed.
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@
The host could not be resolved.Der Hostname konnte nicht aufgelöst werden.
- This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.
- Dieser Wert entspricht nicht dem erwarteten Zeichensatz {{ charset }}.
+ This value does not match the expected {{charset}} charset.
+ Dieser Wert entspricht nicht dem erwarteten Zeichensatz {{charset}}.This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).
@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@
This is not a valid UUID.Dieser Wert ist keine gültige UUID.
- This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte ein Vielfaches von {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ This value should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte ein Vielfaches von {{compared_value}} sein.
- This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.
- Diese internationale Bankleitzahl (BIC) ist nicht mit der IBAN {{ iban }} assoziiert.
+ This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{iban}}.
+ Diese internationale Bankleitzahl (BIC) ist nicht mit der IBAN {{iban}} assoziiert.This value should be valid JSON.
@@ -365,17 +365,17 @@
This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.Dieses Passwort ist Teil eines Datenlecks, es darf nicht verwendet werden.
- This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- Dieser Wert sollte zwischen {{ min }} und {{ max }} sein.
+ This value should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ Dieser Wert sollte zwischen {{min}} und {{max}} sein.This value is not a valid hostname.Dieser Wert ist kein gültiger Hostname.
- The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- Die Anzahl an Elementen in dieser Sammlung sollte ein Vielfaches von {{ compared_value }} sein.
+ The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ Die Anzahl an Elementen in dieser Sammlung sollte ein Vielfaches von {{compared_value}} sein.This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:
@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@
This value is not a valid CIDR notation.Dieser Wert entspricht nicht der CIDR-Notation.
- The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- Der Wert der Subnetzmaske sollte zwischen {{ min }} und {{ max }} liegen.
+ The value of the netmask should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ Der Wert der Subnetzmaske sollte zwischen {{min}} und {{max}} liegen.
- The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} characters or less.
- Der Dateiname ist zu lang. Er sollte nicht länger als {{ filename_max_length }} Zeichen sein.|Der Dateiname ist zu lang. Er sollte nicht länger als {{ filename_max_length }} Zeichen sein.
+ The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} characters or less.
+ Der Dateiname ist zu lang. Er sollte nicht länger als {{filename_max_length}} Zeichen sein.|Der Dateiname ist zu lang. Er sollte nicht länger als {{filename_max_length}} Zeichen sein.The password strength is too low. Please use a stronger password.
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@
Using hidden overlay characters is not allowed.Verstecke Overlay-Zeichen sind nicht erlaubt.
- The extension of the file is invalid ({{ extension }}). Allowed extensions are {{ extensions }}.
- Die Dateiendung ist ungültig ({{ extension }}). Gültige Dateiendungen sind {{ extensions }}.
+ The extension of the file is invalid ({{extension}}). Allowed extensions are {{extensions}}.
+ Die Dateiendung ist ungültig ({{extension}}). Gültige Dateiendungen sind {{extensions}}.
- The detected character encoding is invalid ({{ detected }}). Allowed encodings are {{ encodings }}.
- Der erkannte Zeichensatz ist nicht gültig ({{ detected }}). Gültige Zeichensätze sind {{ encodings }}.
+ The detected character encoding is invalid ({{detected}}). Allowed encodings are {{encodings}}.
+ Der erkannte Zeichensatz ist nicht gültig ({{detected}}). Gültige Zeichensätze sind {{encodings}}.This value is not a valid MAC address.
@@ -445,13 +445,13 @@
This URL is missing a top-level domain.Dieser URL fehlt eine Top-Level-Domain.
- This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{ min }} words.
- Dieser Wert ist zu kurz. Er muss aus mindestens einem Wort bestehen.|Dieser Wert ist zu kurz. Er muss mindestens {{ min }} Wörter enthalten.
+ This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{min}} words.
+ Dieser Wert ist zu kurz. Er muss aus mindestens einem Wort bestehen.|Dieser Wert ist zu kurz. Er muss mindestens {{min}} Wörter enthalten.
- This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{ max }} words or less.
- Dieser Wert ist zu lang. Er darf maximal aus einem Wort bestehen.|Dieser Wert ist zu lang. Er darf maximal {{ max }} Wörter enthalten.
+ This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{max}} words or less.
+ Dieser Wert ist zu lang. Er darf maximal aus einem Wort bestehen.|Dieser Wert ist zu lang. Er darf maximal {{max}} Wörter enthalten.This value does not represent a valid week in the ISO 8601 format.
@@ -461,13 +461,13 @@
This value is not a valid week.Dieser Wert ist keine gültige Woche.
- This value should not be before week "{{ min }}".
- Dieser Wert darf nicht vor der Woche "{{ min }}" sein.
+ This value should not be before week "{{min}}".
+ Dieser Wert darf nicht vor der Woche "{{min}}" sein.
- This value should not be after week "{{ max }}".
- Dieser Wert darf nicht nach der Woche "{{ max }}" sein.
+ This value should not be after week "{{max}}".
+ Dieser Wert darf nicht nach der Woche "{{max}}" sein.This form should not contain extra fields.
@@ -609,8 +609,8 @@
Please enter a password
- Your password should be at least {{ limit }} characters
+ Your password should be at least {{limit}} characters
diff --git a/translations/validators.en.xlf b/translations/validators.en.xlf
index 87c1092..2a4a084 100644
--- a/translations/validators.en.xlf
+++ b/translations/validators.en.xlf
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
This value should be true.This value should be true.
- This value should be of type {{ type }}.
- This value should be of type {{ type }}.
+ This value should be of type {{type}}.
+ This value should be of type {{type}}.This value should be blank.
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
The value you selected is not a valid choice.The value you selected is not a valid choice.
- You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.
- You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.
+ You must select at least {{limit}} choice.|You must select at least {{limit}} choices.
+ You must select at least {{limit}} choice.|You must select at least {{limit}} choices.
- You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.
- You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.
+ You must select at most {{limit}} choice.|You must select at most {{limit}} choices.
+ You must select at most {{limit}} choice.|You must select at most {{limit}} choices.One or more of the given values is invalid.
@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@
The file is not readable.The file is not readable.
- The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ The file is too large ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
- The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.
- The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.
+ The mime type of the file is invalid ({{type}}). Allowed mime types are {{types}}.
+ The mime type of the file is invalid ({{type}}). Allowed mime types are {{types}}.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or less.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or less.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or less.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or less.
- This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.
- This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.
+ This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} characters or less.
+ This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} characters or less.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or more.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or more.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or more.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or more.
- This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.
- This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.
+ This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} characters or more.
+ This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} characters or more.This value should not be blank.
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
The two values should be equal.The two values should be equal.
- The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.The file is too large.
@@ -161,29 +161,29 @@
The size of the image could not be detected.The size of the image could not be detected.
- The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.
- The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.
+ The image width is too big ({{width}}px). Allowed maximum width is {{max_width}}px.
+ The image width is too big ({{width}}px). Allowed maximum width is {{max_width}}px.
- The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.
- The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.
+ The image width is too small ({{width}}px). Minimum width expected is {{min_width}}px.
+ The image width is too small ({{width}}px). Minimum width expected is {{min_width}}px.
- The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.
- The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.
+ The image height is too big ({{height}}px). Allowed maximum height is {{max_height}}px.
+ The image height is too big ({{height}}px). Allowed maximum height is {{max_height}}px.
- The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.
- The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.
+ The image height is too small ({{height}}px). Minimum height expected is {{min_height}}px.
+ The image height is too small ({{height}}px). Minimum height expected is {{min_height}}px.This value should be the user's current password.This value should be the user's current password.
- This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.
- This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.
+ This value should have exactly {{limit}} character.|This value should have exactly {{limit}} characters.
+ This value should have exactly {{limit}} character.|This value should have exactly {{limit}} characters.The file was only partially uploaded.
@@ -205,17 +205,17 @@
A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or more.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or more.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or more.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or more.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or less.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or less.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or less.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or less.
- This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.
- This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.
+ This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} elements.
+ This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} elements.Invalid card number.
@@ -249,57 +249,57 @@
This value is not a valid currency.This value is not a valid currency.
- This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should be equal to {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should be greater than {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should be less than {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should be less than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should not be equal to {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should not be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.
- The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too big ({{ratio}}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{max_ratio}}.
+ The image ratio is too big ({{ratio}}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{max_ratio}}.
- The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.
- The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too small ({{ratio}}). Minimum ratio expected is {{min_ratio}}.
+ The image ratio is too small ({{ratio}}). Minimum ratio expected is {{min_ratio}}.
- The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.
- The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.
+ The image is square ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Square images are not allowed.
+ The image is square ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Square images are not allowed.
- The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
- The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
+ The image is landscape oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
+ The image is landscape oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
- The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
- The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
+ The image is portrait oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
+ The image is portrait oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.An empty file is not allowed.
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@
The host could not be resolved.The host could not be resolved.
- This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.
- This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.
+ This value does not match the expected {{charset}} charset.
+ This value does not match the expected {{charset}} charset.This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).
@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@
This is not a valid UUID.This value is not a valid UUID.
- This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ This value should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
- This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.
- This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.
+ This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{iban}}.
+ This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{iban}}.This value should be valid JSON.
@@ -365,17 +365,17 @@
This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.
- This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
+ This value should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ This value should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.This value is not a valid hostname.This value is not a valid hostname.
- The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
+ The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:
@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@
This value is not a valid CIDR notation.This value is not a valid CIDR notation.
- The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
+ The value of the netmask should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ The value of the netmask should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
- The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} characters or less.
- The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} characters or less.
+ The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} characters or less.
+ The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} characters or less.The password strength is too low. Please use a stronger password.
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@
Using hidden overlay characters is not allowed.Using hidden overlay characters is not allowed.
- The extension of the file is invalid ({{ extension }}). Allowed extensions are {{ extensions }}.
- The extension of the file is invalid ({{ extension }}). Allowed extensions are {{ extensions }}.
+ The extension of the file is invalid ({{extension}}). Allowed extensions are {{extensions}}.
+ The extension of the file is invalid ({{extension}}). Allowed extensions are {{extensions}}.
- The detected character encoding is invalid ({{ detected }}). Allowed encodings are {{ encodings }}.
- The detected character encoding is invalid ({{ detected }}). Allowed encodings are {{ encodings }}.
+ The detected character encoding is invalid ({{detected}}). Allowed encodings are {{encodings}}.
+ The detected character encoding is invalid ({{detected}}). Allowed encodings are {{encodings}}.This value is not a valid MAC address.
@@ -445,13 +445,13 @@
This URL is missing a top-level domain.This URL is missing a top-level domain.
- This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{ min }} words.
- This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{ min }} words.
+ This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{min}} words.
+ This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{min}} words.
- This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{ max }} words or less.
- This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{ max }} words or less.
+ This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{max}} words or less.
+ This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{max}} words or less.This value does not represent a valid week in the ISO 8601 format.
@@ -461,13 +461,13 @@
This value is not a valid week.This value is not a valid week.
- This value should not be before week "{{ min }}".
- This value should not be before week "{{ min }}".
+ This value should not be before week "{{min}}".
+ This value should not be before week "{{min}}".
- This value should not be after week "{{ max }}".
- This value should not be after week "{{ max }}".
+ This value should not be after week "{{max}}".
+ This value should not be after week "{{max}}".This form should not contain extra fields.
@@ -609,9 +609,9 @@
Please enter a passwordPlease enter a password
- Your password should be at least {{ limit }} characters
- Your password should be at least {{ limit }} characters
+ Your password should be at least {{limit}} characters
+ Your password should be at least {{limit}} charactersPlease upload a valid SVG image
diff --git a/translations/validators.es.xlf b/translations/validators.es.xlf
index 842a9d0..8c5416a 100644
--- a/translations/validators.es.xlf
+++ b/translations/validators.es.xlf
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
This value should be true.Este valor debería ser verdadero.
- This value should be of type {{ type }}.
- Este valor debería ser de tipo {{ type }}.
+ This value should be of type {{type}}.
+ Este valor debería ser de tipo {{type}}.This value should be blank.
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
The value you selected is not a valid choice.El valor seleccionado no es una opción válida.
- You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.
- Debe seleccionar al menos {{ limit }} opción.|Debe seleccionar al menos {{ limit }} opciones.
+ You must select at least {{limit}} choice.|You must select at least {{limit}} choices.
+ Debe seleccionar al menos {{limit}} opción.|Debe seleccionar al menos {{limit}} opciones.
- You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.
- Debe seleccionar como máximo {{ limit }} opción.|Debe seleccionar como máximo {{ limit }} opciones.
+ You must select at most {{limit}} choice.|You must select at most {{limit}} choices.
+ Debe seleccionar como máximo {{limit}} opción.|Debe seleccionar como máximo {{limit}} opciones.One or more of the given values is invalid.
@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@
The file is not readable.No se puede leer el archivo.
- The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- El archivo es demasiado grande ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). El tamaño máximo permitido es {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ El archivo es demasiado grande ({{size}} {{suffix}}). El tamaño máximo permitido es {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
- The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.
- El tipo mime del archivo no es válido ({{ type }}). Los tipos mime válidos son {{ types }}.
+ The mime type of the file is invalid ({{type}}). Allowed mime types are {{types}}.
+ El tipo mime del archivo no es válido ({{type}}). Los tipos mime válidos son {{types}}.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or less.
- Este valor debería ser {{ limit }} o menos.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or less.
+ Este valor debería ser {{limit}} o menos.
- This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.
- Este valor es demasiado largo. Debería tener {{ limit }} carácter o menos.|Este valor es demasiado largo. Debería tener {{ limit }} caracteres o menos.
+ This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} characters or less.
+ Este valor es demasiado largo. Debería tener {{limit}} carácter o menos.|Este valor es demasiado largo. Debería tener {{limit}} caracteres o menos.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or more.
- Este valor debería ser {{ limit }} o más.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or more.
+ Este valor debería ser {{limit}} o más.
- This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.
- Este valor es demasiado corto. Debería tener {{ limit }} carácter o más.|Este valor es demasiado corto. Debería tener {{ limit }} caracteres o más.
+ This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} characters or more.
+ Este valor es demasiado corto. Debería tener {{limit}} carácter o más.|Este valor es demasiado corto. Debería tener {{limit}} caracteres o más.This value should not be blank.
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
The two values should be equal.Los dos valores deberían ser iguales.
- The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- El archivo es demasiado grande. El tamaño máximo permitido es {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ El archivo es demasiado grande. El tamaño máximo permitido es {{limit}} {{suffix}}.The file is too large.
@@ -161,29 +161,29 @@
The size of the image could not be detected.No se pudo determinar el tamaño de la imagen.
- The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.
- El ancho de la imagen es demasiado grande ({{ width }}px). El ancho máximo permitido es de {{ max_width }}px.
+ The image width is too big ({{width}}px). Allowed maximum width is {{max_width}}px.
+ El ancho de la imagen es demasiado grande ({{width}}px). El ancho máximo permitido es de {{max_width}}px.
- The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.
- El ancho de la imagen es demasiado pequeño ({{ width }}px). El ancho mínimo requerido es {{ min_width }}px.
+ The image width is too small ({{width}}px). Minimum width expected is {{min_width}}px.
+ El ancho de la imagen es demasiado pequeño ({{width}}px). El ancho mínimo requerido es {{min_width}}px.
- The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.
- La altura de la imagen es demasiado grande ({{ height }}px). La altura máxima permitida es de {{ max_height }}px.
+ The image height is too big ({{height}}px). Allowed maximum height is {{max_height}}px.
+ La altura de la imagen es demasiado grande ({{height}}px). La altura máxima permitida es de {{max_height}}px.
- The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.
- La altura de la imagen es demasiado pequeña ({{ height }}px). La altura mínima requerida es de {{ min_height }}px.
+ The image height is too small ({{height}}px). Minimum height expected is {{min_height}}px.
+ La altura de la imagen es demasiado pequeña ({{height}}px). La altura mínima requerida es de {{min_height}}px.This value should be the user's current password.Este valor debería ser la contraseña actual del usuario.
- This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.
- Este valor debería tener exactamente {{ limit }} carácter.|Este valor debería tener exactamente {{ limit }} caracteres.
+ This value should have exactly {{limit}} character.|This value should have exactly {{limit}} characters.
+ Este valor debería tener exactamente {{limit}} carácter.|Este valor debería tener exactamente {{limit}} caracteres.The file was only partially uploaded.
@@ -205,17 +205,17 @@
A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.Una extensión de PHP provocó que la carga fallara.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.
- Esta colección debe contener {{ limit }} elemento o más.|Esta colección debe contener {{ limit }} elementos o más.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or more.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or more.
+ Esta colección debe contener {{limit}} elemento o más.|Esta colección debe contener {{limit}} elementos o más.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.
- Esta colección debe contener {{ limit }} elemento o menos.|Esta colección debe contener {{ limit }} elementos o menos.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or less.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or less.
+ Esta colección debe contener {{limit}} elemento o menos.|Esta colección debe contener {{limit}} elementos o menos.
- This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.
- Esta colección debe contener exactamente {{ limit }} elemento.|Esta colección debe contener exactamente {{ limit }} elementos.
+ This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} elements.
+ Esta colección debe contener exactamente {{limit}} elemento.|Esta colección debe contener exactamente {{limit}} elementos.Invalid card number.
@@ -249,57 +249,57 @@
This value is not a valid currency.Este valor no es una divisa válida.
- This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser igual que {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser igual que {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser mayor que {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser mayor que {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser mayor o igual que {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser mayor o igual que {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser idéntico a {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser idéntico a {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser menor que {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser menor que {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser menor o igual que {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser menor o igual que {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser distinto de {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser distinto de {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor no debería ser idéntico a {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor no debería ser idéntico a {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.
- La proporción de la imagen es demasiado grande ({{ ratio }}). La máxima proporción permitida es {{ max_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too big ({{ratio}}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{max_ratio}}.
+ La proporción de la imagen es demasiado grande ({{ratio}}). La máxima proporción permitida es {{max_ratio}}.
- The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.
- La proporción de la imagen es demasiado pequeña ({{ ratio }}). La mínima proporción permitida es {{ min_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too small ({{ratio}}). Minimum ratio expected is {{min_ratio}}.
+ La proporción de la imagen es demasiado pequeña ({{ratio}}). La mínima proporción permitida es {{min_ratio}}.
- The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.
- La imagen es cuadrada ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Las imágenes cuadradas no están permitidas.
+ The image is square ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Square images are not allowed.
+ La imagen es cuadrada ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Las imágenes cuadradas no están permitidas.
- The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
- La imagen está orientada horizontalmente ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Las imágenes orientadas horizontalmente no están permitidas.
+ The image is landscape oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
+ La imagen está orientada horizontalmente ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Las imágenes orientadas horizontalmente no están permitidas.
- The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
- La imagen está orientada verticalmente ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Las imágenes orientadas verticalmente no están permitidas.
+ The image is portrait oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
+ La imagen está orientada verticalmente ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Las imágenes orientadas verticalmente no están permitidas.An empty file is not allowed.
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@
The host could not be resolved.No se puede resolver el host.
- This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.
- La codificación de caracteres para este valor debería ser {{ charset }}.
+ This value does not match the expected {{charset}} charset.
+ La codificación de caracteres para este valor debería ser {{charset}}.This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).
@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@
This is not a valid UUID.Este valor no es un UUID válido.
- This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- Este valor debería ser múltiplo de {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ Este valor debería ser múltiplo de {{compared_value}}.
- This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.
- Este Código de Identificación Bancaria (BIC) no está asociado con el IBAN {{ iban }}.
+ This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{iban}}.
+ Este Código de Identificación Bancaria (BIC) no está asociado con el IBAN {{iban}}.This value should be valid JSON.
@@ -365,17 +365,17 @@
This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.Esta contraseña no se puede utilizar porque está incluida en un listado de contraseñas públicas obtenido gracias a fallos de seguridad de otros sitios y aplicaciones. Por favor, utilice otra contraseña.
- This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- Este valor debería estar entre {{ min }} y {{ max }}.
+ This value should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ Este valor debería estar entre {{min}} y {{max}}.This value is not a valid hostname.Este valor no es un nombre de host válido.
- The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- El número de elementos en esta colección debería ser múltiplo de {{ compared_value }}.
+ The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ El número de elementos en esta colección debería ser múltiplo de {{compared_value}}.This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:
@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@
This value is not a valid CIDR notation.Este valor no es una notación CIDR válida.
- The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- El valor de la máscara de red debería estar entre {{ min }} y {{ max }}.
+ The value of the netmask should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ El valor de la máscara de red debería estar entre {{min}} y {{max}}.
- The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} characters or less.
- El nombre del archivo es demasiado largo. Debe tener {{ filename_max_length }} carácter o menos.|El nombre del archivo es demasiado largo. Debe tener {{ filename_max_length }} caracteres o menos.
+ The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} characters or less.
+ El nombre del archivo es demasiado largo. Debe tener {{filename_max_length}} carácter o menos.|El nombre del archivo es demasiado largo. Debe tener {{filename_max_length}} caracteres o menos.The password strength is too low. Please use a stronger password.
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@
Using hidden overlay characters is not allowed.No está permitido el uso de caracteres superpuestos ocultos.
- The extension of the file is invalid ({{ extension }}). Allowed extensions are {{ extensions }}.
- La extensión del archivo no es válida ({{ extension }}). Las extensiones permitidas son {{ extensions }}.
+ The extension of the file is invalid ({{extension}}). Allowed extensions are {{extensions}}.
+ La extensión del archivo no es válida ({{extension}}). Las extensiones permitidas son {{extensions}}.
- The detected character encoding is invalid ({{ detected }}). Allowed encodings are {{ encodings }}.
- La codificación de los caracteres detectada es inválida ({{ detected }}). Las codificaciones permitidas son {{ encodings }}.
+ The detected character encoding is invalid ({{detected}}). Allowed encodings are {{encodings}}.
+ La codificación de los caracteres detectada es inválida ({{detected}}). Las codificaciones permitidas son {{encodings}}.This value is not a valid MAC address.
@@ -445,13 +445,13 @@
This URL is missing a top-level domain.Esta URL no contiene una extensión de dominio (TLD).
- This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{ min }} words.
- Este valor es demasiado corto. Debe contener al menos una palabra.|Este valor es demasiado corto. Debe contener al menos {{ min }} palabras.
+ This value is too short. It should contain at least one word.|This value is too short. It should contain at least {{min}} words.
+ Este valor es demasiado corto. Debe contener al menos una palabra.|Este valor es demasiado corto. Debe contener al menos {{min}} palabras.
- This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{ max }} words or less.
- Este valor es demasiado largo. Debe contener una palabra.|Este valor es demasiado largo. Debe contener {{ max }} palabras o menos.
+ This value is too long. It should contain one word.|This value is too long. It should contain {{max}} words or less.
+ Este valor es demasiado largo. Debe contener una palabra.|Este valor es demasiado largo. Debe contener {{max}} palabras o menos.This value does not represent a valid week in the ISO 8601 format.
@@ -461,13 +461,13 @@
This value is not a valid week.Este valor no es una semana válida.
- This value should not be before week "{{ min }}".
- Este valor no debe ser anterior a la semana "{{ min }}".
+ This value should not be before week "{{min}}".
+ Este valor no debe ser anterior a la semana "{{min}}".
- This value should not be after week "{{ max }}".
- Este valor no debe ser posterior a la semana "{{ max }}".
+ This value should not be after week "{{max}}".
+ Este valor no debe ser posterior a la semana "{{max}}".This form should not contain extra fields.
@@ -609,8 +609,8 @@
Please enter a password
- Your password should be at least {{ limit }} characters
+ Your password should be at least {{limit}} characters
diff --git a/translations/validators.fi.xlf b/translations/validators.fi.xlf
index bf63125..d1deefb 100644
--- a/translations/validators.fi.xlf
+++ b/translations/validators.fi.xlf
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
This value should be true.Arvon tulee olla tosi.
- This value should be of type {{ type }}.
- Arvon tulee olla tyyppiä {{ type }}.
+ This value should be of type {{type}}.
+ Arvon tulee olla tyyppiä {{type}}.This value should be blank.
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
The value you selected is not a valid choice.Arvon tulee olla yksi annetuista vaihtoehdoista.
- You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.
- Sinun tulee valita vähintään yksi vaihtoehto.|Sinun tulee valita vähintään {{ limit }} vaihtoehtoa.
+ You must select at least {{limit}} choice.|You must select at least {{limit}} choices.
+ Sinun tulee valita vähintään yksi vaihtoehto.|Sinun tulee valita vähintään {{limit}} vaihtoehtoa.
- You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.
- Sinun tulee valita enintään yksi vaihtoehto.|Sinun tulee valita enintään {{ limit }} vaihtoehtoa.
+ You must select at most {{limit}} choice.|You must select at most {{limit}} choices.
+ Sinun tulee valita enintään yksi vaihtoehto.|Sinun tulee valita enintään {{limit}} vaihtoehtoa.One or more of the given values is invalid.
@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@
The file is not readable.Tiedostoa ei voi lukea.
- The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Tiedostonkoko ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}) on liian iso. Suurin sallittu tiedostonkoko on {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Tiedostonkoko ({{size}} {{suffix}}) on liian iso. Suurin sallittu tiedostonkoko on {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
- The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.
- Tiedostotyyppi ({{ type }}) on virheellinen. Sallittuja tiedostotyyppejä ovat {{ types }}.
+ The mime type of the file is invalid ({{type}}). Allowed mime types are {{types}}.
+ Tiedostotyyppi ({{type}}) on virheellinen. Sallittuja tiedostotyyppejä ovat {{types}}.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or less.
- Arvon tulee olla {{ limit }} tai vähemmän.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or less.
+ Arvon tulee olla {{limit}} tai vähemmän.
- This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.
- Liian pitkä syöte. Syöte saa olla enintään yhden merkin.|Liian pitkä syöte. Syöte saa olla enintään {{ limit }} merkkiä.
+ This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} characters or less.
+ Liian pitkä syöte. Syöte saa olla enintään yhden merkin.|Liian pitkä syöte. Syöte saa olla enintään {{limit}} merkkiä.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or more.
- Arvon tulee olla {{ limit }} tai enemmän.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or more.
+ Arvon tulee olla {{limit}} tai enemmän.
- This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.
- Liian lyhyt syöte. Syötteen tulee olla vähintään yhden merkin.|Liian lyhyt syöte. Syötteen tulee olla vähintään {{ limit }} merkkiä.
+ This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} characters or more.
+ Liian lyhyt syöte. Syötteen tulee olla vähintään yhden merkin.|Liian lyhyt syöte. Syötteen tulee olla vähintään {{limit}} merkkiä.This value should not be blank.
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
The two values should be equal.Kahden annetun arvon tulee olla samat.
- The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Annettu tiedosto on liian iso. Suurin sallittu tiedostokoko on {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Annettu tiedosto on liian iso. Suurin sallittu tiedostokoko on {{limit}} {{suffix}}.The file is too large.
@@ -161,29 +161,29 @@
The size of the image could not be detected.Kuvan kokoa ei tunnistettu.
- The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.
- Kuva on liian leveä ({{ width }} px). Leveyden tulee olla enintään {{ max_width }} px.
+ The image width is too big ({{width}}px). Allowed maximum width is {{max_width}}px.
+ Kuva on liian leveä ({{width}} px). Leveyden tulee olla enintään {{max_width}} px.
- The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.
- Kuva on liian kapea ({{ width }} px). Leveyden tulee olla vähintään {{ min_width }} px.
+ The image width is too small ({{width}}px). Minimum width expected is {{min_width}}px.
+ Kuva on liian kapea ({{width}} px). Leveyden tulee olla vähintään {{min_width}} px.
- The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.
- Kuva on liian korkea ({{ width }} px). Korkeuden tulee olla enintään {{ max_width }} px.
+ The image height is too big ({{height}}px). Allowed maximum height is {{max_height}}px.
+ Kuva on liian korkea ({{width}} px). Korkeuden tulee olla enintään {{max_width}} px.
- The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.
- Kuva on liian matala ({{ height }} px). Korkeuden tulee olla vähintään {{ min_height }} px.
+ The image height is too small ({{height}}px). Minimum height expected is {{min_height}}px.
+ Kuva on liian matala ({{height}} px). Korkeuden tulee olla vähintään {{min_height}} px.This value should be the user's current password.Arvon tulee olla käyttäjän tämänhetkinen salasana.
- This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.
- Arvon tulee olla tasan yhden merkin pituinen.|Arvon tulee olla tasan {{ limit }} merkin pituinen.
+ This value should have exactly {{limit}} character.|This value should have exactly {{limit}} characters.
+ Arvon tulee olla tasan yhden merkin pituinen.|Arvon tulee olla tasan {{limit}} merkin pituinen.The file was only partially uploaded.
@@ -205,17 +205,17 @@
A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.PHP-laajennoksen vuoksi tiedoston lataus epäonnistui.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.
- Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla vähintään yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla vähintään {{ limit }} elementtiä.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or more.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or more.
+ Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla vähintään yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla vähintään {{limit}} elementtiä.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.
- Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla enintään yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla enintään {{ limit }} elementtiä.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or less.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or less.
+ Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla enintään yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla enintään {{limit}} elementtiä.
- This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.
- Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla tasan yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla tasan {{ limit }} elementtiä.
+ This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} elements.
+ Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla tasan yksi elementti.|Tässä ryhmässä tulee olla tasan {{limit}} elementtiä.Invalid card number.
@@ -249,57 +249,57 @@
This value is not a valid currency.Arvo ei ole kelvollinen valuutta.
- This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvo ei ole sama kuin {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvo ei ole sama kuin {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvon tulee olla suurempi kuin {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvon tulee olla suurempi kuin {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvon tulee olla suurempi tai yhtä suuri kuin {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvon tulee olla suurempi tai yhtä suuri kuin {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvon tulee olla sama kuin {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvon tulee olla sama kuin {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvon tulee olla pienempi kuin {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvon tulee olla pienempi kuin {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvon tulee olla pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvon tulee olla pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvon ei tule olla sama kuin {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvon ei tule olla sama kuin {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Arvon ei tule olla sama kuin {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Arvon ei tule olla sama kuin {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.
- Kuvasuhde on liian suuri ({{ ratio }}). Suurin sallittu suhde on {{ max_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too big ({{ratio}}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{max_ratio}}.
+ Kuvasuhde on liian suuri ({{ratio}}). Suurin sallittu suhde on {{max_ratio}}.
- The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.
- Kuvasuhde on liian pieni ({{ ratio }}). Pienin sallittu suhde on {{ min_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too small ({{ratio}}). Minimum ratio expected is {{min_ratio}}.
+ Kuvasuhde on liian pieni ({{ratio}}). Pienin sallittu suhde on {{min_ratio}}.
- The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.
- Kuva on neliö ({{ width }}x{{ height }} px). Neliönmuotoiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.
+ The image is square ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Square images are not allowed.
+ Kuva on neliö ({{width}}x{{height}} px). Neliönmuotoiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.
- The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
- Kuva on vaakasuuntainen ({{ width }}x{{ height }} px). Vaakasuuntaiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.
+ The image is landscape oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
+ Kuva on vaakasuuntainen ({{width}}x{{height}} px). Vaakasuuntaiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.
- The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
- Kuva on pystysuuntainen ({{ width }}x{{ height }} px). Pystysuuntaiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.
+ The image is portrait oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
+ Kuva on pystysuuntainen ({{width}}x{{height}} px). Pystysuuntaiset kuvat eivät ole sallittuja.An empty file is not allowed.
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@
The host could not be resolved.Palvelimeen ei saatu yhteyttä.
- This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.
- Arvo ei vastaa odotettua merkistöä {{ charset }}.
+ This value does not match the expected {{charset}} charset.
+ Arvo ei vastaa odotettua merkistöä {{charset}}.This is not a valid Business Identifier Code (BIC).
@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@
This is not a valid UUID.Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen UUID.
- This value should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- Tämän arvon tulee olla luvun {{ compared_value }} kerrannainen.
+ This value should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ Tämän arvon tulee olla luvun {{compared_value}} kerrannainen.
- This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{ iban }}.
- Tätä yritystunnusta (BIC) ei ole liitetty IBAN-tilinumeroon {{ iban }}.
+ This Business Identifier Code (BIC) is not associated with IBAN {{iban}}.
+ Tätä yritystunnusta (BIC) ei ole liitetty IBAN-tilinumeroon {{iban}}.This value should be valid JSON.
@@ -365,17 +365,17 @@
This password has been leaked in a data breach, it must not be used. Please use another password.Tämä salasana on vuotanut tietomurrossa, eikä sitä saa käyttää. Käytä toista salasanaa.
- This value should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- Arvon tulee olla {{ min }} - {{ max }}.
+ This value should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ Arvon tulee olla {{min}} - {{max}}.This value is not a valid hostname.Arvo ei ole kelvollinen laitenimi (hostname).
- The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.
- Ryhmässä olevien elementtien määrän pitää olla luvun {{ compared_value }} kerrannainen.
+ The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{compared_value}}.
+ Ryhmässä olevien elementtien määrän pitää olla luvun {{compared_value}} kerrannainen.This value should satisfy at least one of the following constraints:
@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@
This value is not a valid CIDR notation.Tämä arvo ei ole kelvollinen CIDR-merkintä.
- The value of the netmask should be between {{ min }} and {{ max }}.
- Verkkomaskille annetun arvon tulee olla {{ min }} - {{ max }}.
+ The value of the netmask should be between {{min}} and {{max}}.
+ Verkkomaskille annetun arvon tulee olla {{min}} - {{max}}.
- The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} characters or less.
- Tiedostonimi on liian pitkä. Nimi saa olla enintään yhden merkin pituinen.|Tiedostonimi on liian pitkä. Nimi saa olla enintään {{ filename_max_length }} merkin pituinen.
+ The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} character or less.|The filename is too long. It should have {{filename_max_length}} characters or less.
+ Tiedostonimi on liian pitkä. Nimi saa olla enintään yhden merkin pituinen.|Tiedostonimi on liian pitkä. Nimi saa olla enintään {{filename_max_length}} merkin pituinen.The password strength is too low. Please use a stronger password.
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@
Using hidden overlay characters is not allowed.Piilotettuja tarkemerkkejä ei saa käyttää.
- The extension of the file is invalid ({{ extension }}). Allowed extensions are {{ extensions }}.
- Tiedostopääte ({{ extension }}) on virheellinen. Sallitut tiedostopäätteet ovat: {{ extensions }}.
+ The extension of the file is invalid ({{extension}}). Allowed extensions are {{extensions}}.
+ Tiedostopääte ({{extension}}) on virheellinen. Sallitut tiedostopäätteet ovat: {{extensions}}.
- The detected character encoding is invalid ({{ detected }}). Allowed encodings are {{ encodings }}.
- Havaittu merkistö on virheellinen ({{ detected }}). Sallitut merkistöt ovat {{ encodings }}.
+ The detected character encoding is invalid ({{detected}}). Allowed encodings are {{encodings}}.
+ Havaittu merkistö on virheellinen ({{detected}}). Sallitut merkistöt ovat {{encodings}}.This value is not a valid MAC address.
@@ -585,8 +585,8 @@
Please enter a password
- Your password should be at least {{ limit }} characters
+ Your password should be at least {{limit}} characters
diff --git a/translations/validators.nl.xlf b/translations/validators.nl.xlf
index 15741fb..e631998 100644
--- a/translations/validators.nl.xlf
+++ b/translations/validators.nl.xlf
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
This value should be true.Deze waarde moet waar zijn.
- This value should be of type {{ type }}.
- Deze waarde moet van het type {{ type }} zijn.
+ This value should be of type {{type}}.
+ Deze waarde moet van het type {{type}} zijn.This value should be blank.
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
The value you selected is not a valid choice.De geselecteerde waarde is geen geldige optie.
- You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.
- Selecteer ten minste {{ limit }} optie.|Selecteer ten minste {{ limit }} opties.
+ You must select at least {{limit}} choice.|You must select at least {{limit}} choices.
+ Selecteer ten minste {{limit}} optie.|Selecteer ten minste {{limit}} opties.
- You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.
- Selecteer maximaal {{ limit }} optie.|Selecteer maximaal {{ limit }} opties.
+ You must select at most {{limit}} choice.|You must select at most {{limit}} choices.
+ Selecteer maximaal {{limit}} optie.|Selecteer maximaal {{limit}} opties.One or more of the given values is invalid.
@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@
The file is not readable.Het bestand is niet leesbaar.
- The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Het bestand is te groot ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). De maximale grootte is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large ({{size}} {{suffix}}). Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Het bestand is te groot ({{size}} {{suffix}}). De maximale grootte is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
- The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.
- Het mediatype van het bestand is ongeldig ({{ type }}). De toegestane mediatypes zijn {{ types }}.
+ The mime type of the file is invalid ({{type}}). Allowed mime types are {{types}}.
+ Het mediatype van het bestand is ongeldig ({{type}}). De toegestane mediatypes zijn {{types}}.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or less.
- Deze waarde moet {{ limit }} of minder zijn.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or less.
+ Deze waarde moet {{limit}} of minder zijn.
- This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.
- Deze waarde is te lang. Hij mag maximaal {{ limit }} teken bevatten.|Deze waarde is te lang. Hij mag maximaal {{ limit }} tekens bevatten.
+ This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{limit}} characters or less.
+ Deze waarde is te lang. Hij mag maximaal {{limit}} teken bevatten.|Deze waarde is te lang. Hij mag maximaal {{limit}} tekens bevatten.
- This value should be {{ limit }} or more.
- Deze waarde moet {{ limit }} of meer zijn.
+ This value should be {{limit}} or more.
+ Deze waarde moet {{limit}} of meer zijn.
- This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.
- Deze waarde is te kort. Hij moet tenminste {{ limit }} teken bevatten.|Deze waarde is te kort. Hij moet tenminste {{ limit }} tekens bevatten.
+ This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{limit}} characters or more.
+ Deze waarde is te kort. Hij moet tenminste {{limit}} teken bevatten.|Deze waarde is te kort. Hij moet tenminste {{limit}} tekens bevatten.This value should not be blank.
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
The two values should be equal.De twee waarden moeten gelijk zijn.
- The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
- Het bestand is te groot. De maximale grootte is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.
+ The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.
+ Het bestand is te groot. De maximale grootte is {{limit}} {{suffix}}.The file is too large.
@@ -161,29 +161,29 @@
The size of the image could not be detected.De grootte van de afbeelding kon niet bepaald worden.
- The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.
- De afbeelding is te breed ({{ width }}px). De maximaal breedte is {{ max_width }}px.
+ The image width is too big ({{width}}px). Allowed maximum width is {{max_width}}px.
+ De afbeelding is te breed ({{width}}px). De maximaal breedte is {{max_width}}px.
- The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.
- De afbeelding is niet breed genoeg ({{ width }}px). De minimaal verwachte breedte is {{ min_width }}px.
+ The image width is too small ({{width}}px). Minimum width expected is {{min_width}}px.
+ De afbeelding is niet breed genoeg ({{width}}px). De minimaal verwachte breedte is {{min_width}}px.
- The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.
- De afbeelding is te hoog ({{ height }}px). De maximaal hoogte is {{ max_height }}px.
+ The image height is too big ({{height}}px). Allowed maximum height is {{max_height}}px.
+ De afbeelding is te hoog ({{height}}px). De maximaal hoogte is {{max_height}}px.
- The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.
- De afbeelding is niet hoog genoeg ({{ height }}px). De minimaal verwachte hoogte is {{ min_height }}px.
+ The image height is too small ({{height}}px). Minimum height expected is {{min_height}}px.
+ De afbeelding is niet hoog genoeg ({{height}}px). De minimaal verwachte hoogte is {{min_height}}px.This value should be the user's current password.Deze waarde moet het huidige wachtwoord van de gebruiker zijn.
- This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.
- Deze waarde moet exact {{ limit }} teken lang zijn.|Deze waarde moet exact {{ limit }} tekens lang zijn.
+ This value should have exactly {{limit}} character.|This value should have exactly {{limit}} characters.
+ Deze waarde moet exact {{limit}} teken lang zijn.|Deze waarde moet exact {{limit}} tekens lang zijn.The file was only partially uploaded.
@@ -205,17 +205,17 @@
A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.De upload is mislukt vanwege een PHP-extensie.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.
- Deze collectie moet {{ limit }} element of meer bevatten.|Deze collectie moet {{ limit }} elementen of meer bevatten.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or more.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or more.
+ Deze collectie moet {{limit}} element of meer bevatten.|Deze collectie moet {{limit}} elementen of meer bevatten.
- This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.
- Deze collectie moet {{ limit }} element of minder bevatten.|Deze collectie moet {{ limit }} elementen of minder bevatten.
+ This collection should contain {{limit}} element or less.|This collection should contain {{limit}} elements or less.
+ Deze collectie moet {{limit}} element of minder bevatten.|Deze collectie moet {{limit}} elementen of minder bevatten.
- This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.
- Deze collectie moet exact {{ limit }} element bevatten.|Deze collectie moet exact {{ limit }} elementen bevatten.
+ This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{limit}} elements.
+ Deze collectie moet exact {{limit}} element bevatten.|Deze collectie moet exact {{limit}} elementen bevatten.Invalid card number.
@@ -249,57 +249,57 @@
This value is not a valid currency.Deze waarde is geen geldige valuta.
- This value should be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde moet gelijk zijn aan {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde moet gelijk zijn aan {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde moet groter zijn dan {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be greater than {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde moet groter zijn dan {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be greater than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde moet groter dan of gelijk aan {{ compared_value }} zijn.
+ This value should be greater than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde moet groter dan of gelijk aan {{compared_value}} zijn.
- This value should be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde moet identiek zijn aan {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde moet identiek zijn aan {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde moet minder zijn dan {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should be less than {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde moet minder zijn dan {{compared_value}}.
- This value should be less than or equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde moet minder dan of gelijk aan {{ compared_value }} zijn.
+ This value should be less than or equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde moet minder dan of gelijk aan {{compared_value}} zijn.
- This value should not be equal to {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde mag niet gelijk zijn aan {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be equal to {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde mag niet gelijk zijn aan {{compared_value}}.
- This value should not be identical to {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
- Deze waarde mag niet identiek zijn aan {{ compared_value_type }} {{ compared_value }}.
+ This value should not be identical to {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
+ Deze waarde mag niet identiek zijn aan {{compared_value_type}} {{compared_value}}.
- The image ratio is too big ({{ ratio }}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{ max_ratio }}.
- De afbeeldingsverhouding is te groot ({{ ratio }}). De maximale verhouding is {{ max_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too big ({{ratio}}). Allowed maximum ratio is {{max_ratio}}.
+ De afbeeldingsverhouding is te groot ({{ratio}}). De maximale verhouding is {{max_ratio}}.
- The image ratio is too small ({{ ratio }}). Minimum ratio expected is {{ min_ratio }}.
- De afbeeldingsverhouding is te klein ({{ ratio }}). De minimale verhouding is {{ min_ratio }}.
+ The image ratio is too small ({{ratio}}). Minimum ratio expected is {{min_ratio}}.
+ De afbeeldingsverhouding is te klein ({{ratio}}). De minimale verhouding is {{min_ratio}}.
- The image is square ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Square images are not allowed.
- De afbeelding is vierkant ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Vierkante afbeeldingen zijn niet toegestaan.
+ The image is square ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Square images are not allowed.
+ De afbeelding is vierkant ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Vierkante afbeeldingen zijn niet toegestaan.
- The image is landscape oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
- De afbeelding is liggend ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Liggende afbeeldingen zijn niet toegestaan.
+ The image is landscape oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Landscape oriented images are not allowed.
+ De afbeelding is liggend ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Liggende afbeeldingen zijn niet toegestaan.
- The image is portrait oriented ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
- De afbeelding is staand ({{ width }}x{{ height }}px). Staande afbeeldingen zijn niet toegestaan.
+ The image is portrait oriented ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Portrait oriented images are not allowed.
+ De afbeelding is staand ({{width}}x{{height}}px). Staande afbeeldingen zijn niet toegestaan.An empty file is not allowed.
@@ -309,9 +309,9 @@
The host could not be resolved.De hostnaam kon niet worden bepaald.
- This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset.
- Deze waarde is niet in de verwachte tekencodering {{ charset }}.