- Clean structure
- Add
- Add
- I/O utilities
- Import
- Export
- Grid utilities
- Tile distance
- Tile configuration structure
- Tile rotation
- Neighbours and utilities
- Pathfinding service
- Vision service
- 3-dimension vector utilities
- 2-dimension vector utilities
- Hexagonal tiles utilities
- Cubic to 2D space
- Rectangular boards
- Hexagonal boards
- Define board center / set origin on this tile/position
- Neighbour to array index utilities
- Map generator services
- Heatmap
- Terrain generator
- To be done later when structure stabilizes
- Automatically publish new package version
- Resource links page
- Polish to a clean project package
- Study package barrel imports, determine export structure accordingly
- Get demo clean, name subpackage accordingly
- Testing library
- Github CI automated tests
- Install git hooks services husky