Gist is a C++ based audio analysis library
Gist is written and maintained by Adam Stark.
Firstly, import the Gist header file:
#include "Gist.h"
Gist is a template class, so instantiate it with floating point precision:
int frameSize = 512;
int sampleRate = 44100;
Gist<float> gist (frameSize, sampleRate);
Or with double precision:
Gist<double> gist (frameSize, sampleRate);
We proceed with the documentation as if we were using floating point precision.
Once you have an audio frame, pass it to the Gist object. You can do this either as a STL vector:
std::vector<float> audioFrame;
// !
// fill audio frame with samples here
// !
gist.processAudioFrame (audioFrame);
Or, as an array:
float audioFrame[512];
// !
// fill audio frame with samples here
// !
gist.processAudioFrame (audioFrame, 512);
Now we can retrieve some audio features.
// Root Mean Square (RMS)
float rms = gist.rootMeanSquare();
// Peak Energy
float peakEnergy = gist.peakEnergy();
// Zero Crossing rate
float zcr = gist.zeroCrossingRate();
// Spectral Centroid
float specCent = gist.spectralCentroid();
// Spectral Crest
float specCrest = gist.spectralCrest();
// Spectral Flatness
float specFlat = gist.spectralFlatness();
// Spectral Rolloff
float specRolloff = gist.spectralRolloff();
// Spectral Kurtosis
float specKurtosis = gist.spectralKurtosis();
// Energy difference
float ed = gist.energyDifference();
// Spectral difference
float sd = gist.spectralDifference();
// Spectral difference (half-wave rectified)
float sd_hwr = gist.spectralDifferenceHWR();
// Complex Spectral Difference
float csd = gist.complexSpectralDifference();
// High Frequency Content
float hfc = gist.highFrequencyContent();
// FFT Magnitude Spectrum
const std::vector<float>& magSpec = gist.getMagnitudeSpectrum();
// Pitch Estimation
float pitch = gist.pitch();
// Mel-frequency Spectrum
const std::vector<float>& melSpec = gist.getMelFrequencySpectrum();
// MFCCs
const std::vector<float>& mfcc = gist.getMelFrequencyCepstralCoefficients();
=== 1.0.4 === (22nd January 2017)
- Small changes to the interface for MFCCs and Mel Spectrum
- Many internal improvements
- Added window functions
=== 1.0.3 === (17th June 2016)
- Added a Python module
- Added ability to set and get sampling frequency
- Bug fixes and implementation improvements
=== 1.0.2 === (24th April 2016)
- Added the option of using Apple Accelerate FFT
- Added two new features: Spectral Rolloff and Spectral Kurtosis
- Small usability and code style tweaks
=== 1.0.1 === (26th June 2014)
- Added the option of using Kiss FFT instead of FFTW
=== 1.0.0 === (22nd June 2014)
- The first version of Gist
The Gist library depends on one of the following FFT libraries:
You will need to install this yourself, link projects using -lfftw3 and use the flag -DUSE_FFTW
- Kiss FFT - included with project
This is included with the project. To use Kiss FFT, add the flag -DUSE_KISS_FFT
To use Accelerate FFT, add the flag -DUSE_ACCELERATE_FFT
Copyright (c) 2014 Adam Stark
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see