Applies to: Version 0.6 and later
MdDocs is a distributed as NuGet packages.
MdDocs can be used either as .NET Core CLI tool or integrated into the project build as a set of MSBuild targets (see MdDocs MSBuild Integration).
The package Grynwald.MdDocs
provides MdDocs as a .NET CLI tool.
To install it, run
dotnet tool install --global Grynwald.MdDocs
The Grynwald.MdDocs
package requires the .NET 6 (or later) SDK to be installed.
See also: Command Line Reference
To generate API reference documentation for one or more .NET assemblies, run:
mddocs apireference --assemblies <PATH-TO-ASSEMBLY-1> <PATH-TO-ASSEMBLY-2> --outdir <OUTPUT-DIRECTORY>
- For an example of what the output looks like, have a look at the demo project.
- For a list of supported documentation tags, see Supported documentation tags.
To generate command line help for .NET console application implemented using the CommandLineParser package, run:
mddocs commandlinehelp --assembly <PATH-TO-ASSEMBLY> --outdir <OUTPUT-DIRECTORY>
For an example of what the output looks like, have a look at the demo project.