List activities
using ApideckUnifySdk;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Components;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Requests;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
var sdk = new Apideck(
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX"
CrmActivitiesAllRequest req = new CrmActivitiesAllRequest() {
ServiceId = "salesforce",
Filter = new ActivitiesFilter() {
UpdatedSince = System.DateTime.Parse("2020-09-30T07:43:32.000Z"),
Sort = new ActivitiesSort() {
By = ActivitiesSortBy.CreatedAt,
Direction = SortDirection.Desc,
PassThrough = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "search", "San Francisco" },
Fields = "id,updated_at",
CrmActivitiesAllResponse? res = await sdk.Crm.Activities.ListAsync(req);
while(res != null)
// handle items
res = await res.Next!();
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.BadRequestResponse |
400 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnauthorizedResponse |
401 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.PaymentRequiredResponse |
402 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.NotFoundResponse |
404 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnprocessableResponse |
422 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.APIException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Create activity
using ApideckUnifySdk;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Components;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Requests;
using System.Collections.Generic;
var sdk = new Apideck(
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX"
CrmActivitiesAddRequest req = new CrmActivitiesAddRequest() {
Activity = new ActivityInput() {
ActivityDatetime = "2021-05-01T12:00:00.000Z",
DurationSeconds = 1800,
UserId = "12345",
AccountId = "12345",
ContactId = "12345",
CompanyId = "12345",
OpportunityId = "12345",
LeadId = "12345",
OwnerId = "12345",
CampaignId = "12345",
CaseId = "12345",
AssetId = "12345",
ContractId = "12345",
ProductId = "12345",
SolutionId = "12345",
CustomObjectId = "12345",
Type = ActivityType.Meeting,
Title = "Meeting",
Description = "More info about the meeting",
Note = "An internal note about the meeting",
Location = "Space",
LocationAddress = new Address() {
Id = "123",
Type = ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Components.Type.Primary,
String = "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
Name = "HQ US",
Line1 = "Main street",
Line2 = "apt #",
Line3 = "Suite #",
Line4 = "delivery instructions",
StreetNumber = "25",
City = "San Francisco",
State = "CA",
PostalCode = "94104",
Country = "US",
Latitude = "40.759211",
Longitude = "-73.984638",
County = "Santa Clara",
ContactName = "Elon Musk",
Salutation = "Mr",
PhoneNumber = "111-111-1111",
Fax = "122-111-1111",
Email = "elon@musk.com",
Website = "https://elonmusk.com",
Notes = "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
RowVersion = "1-12345",
AllDayEvent = false,
Private = true,
GroupEvent = true,
EventSubType = "debrief",
GroupEventType = "Proposed",
Child = false,
Archived = false,
Deleted = false,
ShowAs = ShowAs.Busy,
Done = false,
StartDatetime = "2021-05-01T12:00:00.000Z",
EndDatetime = "2021-05-01T12:30:00.000Z",
ActivityDate = "2021-05-01",
EndDate = "2021-05-01",
Recurrent = false,
ReminderDatetime = "2021-05-01T17:00:00.000Z",
ReminderSet = false,
VideoConferenceUrl = "https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88120759396",
VideoConferenceId = "zoom:88120759396",
CustomFields = new List<CustomField>() {
new CustomField() {
Id = "2389328923893298",
Name = "employee_level",
Description = "Employee Level",
Value = Value.CreateBoolean(
Attendees = new List<ActivityAttendeeInput>() {
new ActivityAttendeeInput() {
Name = "Elon Musk",
FirstName = "Elon",
MiddleName = "D.",
LastName = "Musk",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Suffix = "PhD",
EmailAddress = "elon@musk.com",
IsOrganizer = true,
Status = ActivityAttendeeStatus.Accepted,
PassThrough = new List<PassThroughBody>() {
new PassThroughBody() {
ServiceId = "<id>",
ExtendPaths = new List<ExtendPaths>() {
new ExtendPaths() {
Path = "$.nested.property",
Value = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "TaxClassificationRef", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "value", "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000" },
} },
ServiceId = "salesforce",
var res = await sdk.Crm.Activities.CreateAsync(req);
// handle response
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.BadRequestResponse |
400 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnauthorizedResponse |
401 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.PaymentRequiredResponse |
402 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.NotFoundResponse |
404 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnprocessableResponse |
422 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.APIException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Get activity
using ApideckUnifySdk;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Components;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Requests;
var sdk = new Apideck(
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX"
CrmActivitiesOneRequest req = new CrmActivitiesOneRequest() {
Id = "<id>",
ServiceId = "salesforce",
Fields = "id,updated_at",
var res = await sdk.Crm.Activities.GetAsync(req);
// handle response
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.BadRequestResponse |
400 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnauthorizedResponse |
401 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.PaymentRequiredResponse |
402 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.NotFoundResponse |
404 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnprocessableResponse |
422 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.APIException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Update activity
using ApideckUnifySdk;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Components;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Requests;
using System.Collections.Generic;
var sdk = new Apideck(
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX"
CrmActivitiesUpdateRequest req = new CrmActivitiesUpdateRequest() {
Id = "<id>",
Activity = new ActivityInput() {
ActivityDatetime = "2021-05-01T12:00:00.000Z",
DurationSeconds = 1800,
UserId = "12345",
AccountId = "12345",
ContactId = "12345",
CompanyId = "12345",
OpportunityId = "12345",
LeadId = "12345",
OwnerId = "12345",
CampaignId = "12345",
CaseId = "12345",
AssetId = "12345",
ContractId = "12345",
ProductId = "12345",
SolutionId = "12345",
CustomObjectId = "12345",
Type = ActivityType.Meeting,
Title = "Meeting",
Description = "More info about the meeting",
Note = "An internal note about the meeting",
Location = "Space",
LocationAddress = new Address() {
Id = "123",
Type = ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Components.Type.Primary,
String = "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
Name = "HQ US",
Line1 = "Main street",
Line2 = "apt #",
Line3 = "Suite #",
Line4 = "delivery instructions",
StreetNumber = "25",
City = "San Francisco",
State = "CA",
PostalCode = "94104",
Country = "US",
Latitude = "40.759211",
Longitude = "-73.984638",
County = "Santa Clara",
ContactName = "Elon Musk",
Salutation = "Mr",
PhoneNumber = "111-111-1111",
Fax = "122-111-1111",
Email = "elon@musk.com",
Website = "https://elonmusk.com",
Notes = "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
RowVersion = "1-12345",
AllDayEvent = false,
Private = true,
GroupEvent = true,
EventSubType = "debrief",
GroupEventType = "Proposed",
Child = false,
Archived = false,
Deleted = false,
ShowAs = ShowAs.Busy,
Done = false,
StartDatetime = "2021-05-01T12:00:00.000Z",
EndDatetime = "2021-05-01T12:30:00.000Z",
ActivityDate = "2021-05-01",
EndDate = "2021-05-01",
Recurrent = false,
ReminderDatetime = "2021-05-01T17:00:00.000Z",
ReminderSet = false,
VideoConferenceUrl = "https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88120759396",
VideoConferenceId = "zoom:88120759396",
CustomFields = new List<CustomField>() {
new CustomField() {
Id = "2389328923893298",
Name = "employee_level",
Description = "Employee Level",
Value = Value.CreateArrayOf6(
new List<Six>() {
new Six() {},
Attendees = new List<ActivityAttendeeInput>() {
new ActivityAttendeeInput() {
Name = "Elon Musk",
FirstName = "Elon",
MiddleName = "D.",
LastName = "Musk",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Suffix = "PhD",
EmailAddress = "elon@musk.com",
IsOrganizer = true,
Status = ActivityAttendeeStatus.Accepted,
PassThrough = new List<PassThroughBody>() {
new PassThroughBody() {
ServiceId = "<id>",
ExtendPaths = new List<ExtendPaths>() {
new ExtendPaths() {
Path = "$.nested.property",
Value = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "TaxClassificationRef", new Dictionary<string, object>() {
{ "value", "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000" },
} },
ServiceId = "salesforce",
var res = await sdk.Crm.Activities.UpdateAsync(req);
// handle response
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.BadRequestResponse |
400 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnauthorizedResponse |
401 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.PaymentRequiredResponse |
402 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.NotFoundResponse |
404 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnprocessableResponse |
422 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.APIException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Delete activity
using ApideckUnifySdk;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Components;
using ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Requests;
var sdk = new Apideck(
consumerId: "test-consumer",
appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX"
CrmActivitiesDeleteRequest req = new CrmActivitiesDeleteRequest() {
Id = "<id>",
ServiceId = "salesforce",
var res = await sdk.Crm.Activities.DeleteAsync(req);
// handle response
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.BadRequestResponse |
400 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnauthorizedResponse |
401 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.PaymentRequiredResponse |
402 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.NotFoundResponse |
404 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.UnprocessableResponse |
422 |
application/json |
ApideckUnifySdk.Models.Errors.APIException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |