- List - List Suppliers
- Create - Create Supplier
- Get - Get Supplier
- Update - Update Supplier
- Delete - Delete Supplier
List Suppliers
package main
sdkgo "github.com/apideck-libraries/sdk-go"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
s := sdkgo.New(
res, err := s.Accounting.Suppliers.List(ctx, operations.AccountingSuppliersAllRequest{
ServiceID: sdkgo.String("salesforce"),
Filter: &components.SuppliersFilter{
CompanyName: sdkgo.String("SpaceX"),
DisplayName: sdkgo.String("Elon Musk"),
FirstName: sdkgo.String("Elon"),
LastName: sdkgo.String("Musk"),
Email: sdkgo.String("elon@musk.com"),
UpdatedSince: types.MustNewTimeFromString("2020-09-30T07:43:32.000Z"),
Sort: &components.SuppliersSort{
By: components.SuppliersSortByUpdatedAt.ToPointer(),
Direction: components.SortDirectionDesc.ToPointer(),
PassThrough: map[string]any{
"search": "San Francisco",
Fields: sdkgo.String("id,updated_at"),
if err != nil {
if res.GetSuppliersResponse != nil {
for {
// handle items
res, err = res.Next()
if err != nil {
// handle error
if res == nil {
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
ctx |
context.Context | ✔️ | The context to use for the request. |
request |
operations.AccountingSuppliersAllRequest | ✔️ | The request object to use for the request. |
opts |
[]operations.Option | ➖ | The options for this request. |
*operations.AccountingSuppliersAllResponse, error
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
apierrors.BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
apierrors.UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
apierrors.PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
apierrors.NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
apierrors.UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
apierrors.APIError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
Create Supplier
package main
sdkgo "github.com/apideck-libraries/sdk-go"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
s := sdkgo.New(
res, err := s.Accounting.Suppliers.Create(ctx, components.SupplierInput{
DisplayID: sdkgo.String("EMP00101"),
DisplayName: sdkgo.String("Windsurf Shop"),
CompanyName: sdkgo.String("SpaceX"),
CompanyID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
Title: sdkgo.String("CEO"),
FirstName: sdkgo.String("Elon"),
MiddleName: sdkgo.String("D."),
LastName: sdkgo.String("Musk"),
Suffix: sdkgo.String("Jr."),
Individual: sdkgo.Bool(true),
Addresses: []components.Address{
ID: sdkgo.String("123"),
Type: components.TypePrimary.ToPointer(),
String: sdkgo.String("25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130"),
Name: sdkgo.String("HQ US"),
Line1: sdkgo.String("Main street"),
Line2: sdkgo.String("apt #"),
Line3: sdkgo.String("Suite #"),
Line4: sdkgo.String("delivery instructions"),
StreetNumber: sdkgo.String("25"),
City: sdkgo.String("San Francisco"),
State: sdkgo.String("CA"),
PostalCode: sdkgo.String("94104"),
Country: sdkgo.String("US"),
Latitude: sdkgo.String("40.759211"),
Longitude: sdkgo.String("-73.984638"),
County: sdkgo.String("Santa Clara"),
ContactName: sdkgo.String("Elon Musk"),
Salutation: sdkgo.String("Mr"),
PhoneNumber: sdkgo.String("111-111-1111"),
Fax: sdkgo.String("122-111-1111"),
Email: sdkgo.String("elon@musk.com"),
Website: sdkgo.String("https://elonmusk.com"),
Notes: sdkgo.String("Address notes or delivery instructions."),
RowVersion: sdkgo.String("1-12345"),
PhoneNumbers: []components.PhoneNumber{
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
CountryCode: sdkgo.String("1"),
AreaCode: sdkgo.String("323"),
Number: "111-111-1111",
Extension: sdkgo.String("105"),
Type: components.PhoneNumberTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
CountryCode: sdkgo.String("1"),
AreaCode: sdkgo.String("323"),
Number: "111-111-1111",
Extension: sdkgo.String("105"),
Type: components.PhoneNumberTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
Emails: []components.Email{
ID: sdkgo.String("123"),
Email: sdkgo.String("elon@musk.com"),
Type: components.EmailTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
Websites: []components.Website{
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
URL: "http://example.com",
Type: components.WebsiteTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
BankAccounts: []components.BankAccount{
BankName: sdkgo.String("Monzo"),
AccountNumber: sdkgo.String("123465"),
AccountName: sdkgo.String("SPACEX LLC"),
AccountType: components.AccountTypeCreditCard.ToPointer(),
Iban: sdkgo.String("CH2989144532982975332"),
Bic: sdkgo.String("AUDSCHGGXXX"),
RoutingNumber: sdkgo.String("012345678"),
BsbNumber: sdkgo.String("062-001"),
BranchIdentifier: sdkgo.String("001"),
BankCode: sdkgo.String("BNH"),
Currency: components.CurrencyUsd.ToPointer(),
Notes: sdkgo.String("Some notes about this supplier"),
TaxRate: &components.LinkedTaxRateInput{
ID: sdkgo.String("123456"),
Rate: sdkgo.Float64(10),
TaxNumber: sdkgo.String("US123945459"),
Currency: components.CurrencyUsd.ToPointer(),
Account: &components.LinkedLedgerAccountInput{
ID: sdkgo.String("123456"),
NominalCode: sdkgo.String("N091"),
Code: sdkgo.String("453"),
Status: components.SupplierStatusActive.ToPointer(),
PaymentMethod: sdkgo.String("cash"),
Channel: sdkgo.String("email"),
RowVersion: sdkgo.String("1-12345"),
PassThrough: []components.PassThroughBody{
ServiceID: "<id>",
ExtendPaths: []components.ExtendPaths{
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
ServiceID: "<id>",
ExtendPaths: []components.ExtendPaths{
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
ServiceID: "<id>",
ExtendPaths: []components.ExtendPaths{
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
}, nil, sdkgo.String("salesforce"))
if err != nil {
if res.CreateSupplierResponse != nil {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
ctx |
context.Context | ✔️ | The context to use for the request. | |
supplier |
components.SupplierInput | ✔️ | N/A | |
raw |
*bool | ➖ | Include raw response. Mostly used for debugging purposes | |
serviceID |
*string | ➖ | Provide the service id you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). Only needed when a consumer has activated multiple integrations for a Unified API. | salesforce |
opts |
[]operations.Option | ➖ | The options for this request. |
*operations.AccountingSuppliersAddResponse, error
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
apierrors.BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
apierrors.UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
apierrors.PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
apierrors.NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
apierrors.UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
apierrors.APIError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
Get Supplier
package main
sdkgo "github.com/apideck-libraries/sdk-go"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
s := sdkgo.New(
res, err := s.Accounting.Suppliers.Get(ctx, "<id>", sdkgo.String("salesforce"), nil, sdkgo.String("id,updated_at"))
if err != nil {
if res.GetSupplierResponse != nil {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
ctx |
context.Context | ✔️ | The context to use for the request. | |
id |
string | ✔️ | ID of the record you are acting upon. | |
serviceID |
*string | ➖ | Provide the service id you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). Only needed when a consumer has activated multiple integrations for a Unified API. | salesforce |
raw |
*bool | ➖ | Include raw response. Mostly used for debugging purposes | |
fields |
*string | ➖ | The 'fields' parameter allows API users to specify the fields they want to include in the API response. If this parameter is not present, the API will return all available fields. If this parameter is present, only the fields specified in the comma-separated string will be included in the response. Nested properties can also be requested by using a dot notation. Example: fields=name,email,addresses.city In the example above, the response will only include the fields "name", "email" and "addresses.city". If any other fields are available, they will be excluded. |
id,updated_at |
opts |
[]operations.Option | ➖ | The options for this request. |
*operations.AccountingSuppliersOneResponse, error
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
apierrors.BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
apierrors.UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
apierrors.PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
apierrors.NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
apierrors.UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
apierrors.APIError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
Update Supplier
package main
sdkgo "github.com/apideck-libraries/sdk-go"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
s := sdkgo.New(
res, err := s.Accounting.Suppliers.Update(ctx, "<id>", components.SupplierInput{
DisplayID: sdkgo.String("EMP00101"),
DisplayName: sdkgo.String("Windsurf Shop"),
CompanyName: sdkgo.String("SpaceX"),
CompanyID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
Title: sdkgo.String("CEO"),
FirstName: sdkgo.String("Elon"),
MiddleName: sdkgo.String("D."),
LastName: sdkgo.String("Musk"),
Suffix: sdkgo.String("Jr."),
Individual: sdkgo.Bool(true),
Addresses: []components.Address{
ID: sdkgo.String("123"),
Type: components.TypePrimary.ToPointer(),
String: sdkgo.String("25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130"),
Name: sdkgo.String("HQ US"),
Line1: sdkgo.String("Main street"),
Line2: sdkgo.String("apt #"),
Line3: sdkgo.String("Suite #"),
Line4: sdkgo.String("delivery instructions"),
StreetNumber: sdkgo.String("25"),
City: sdkgo.String("San Francisco"),
State: sdkgo.String("CA"),
PostalCode: sdkgo.String("94104"),
Country: sdkgo.String("US"),
Latitude: sdkgo.String("40.759211"),
Longitude: sdkgo.String("-73.984638"),
County: sdkgo.String("Santa Clara"),
ContactName: sdkgo.String("Elon Musk"),
Salutation: sdkgo.String("Mr"),
PhoneNumber: sdkgo.String("111-111-1111"),
Fax: sdkgo.String("122-111-1111"),
Email: sdkgo.String("elon@musk.com"),
Website: sdkgo.String("https://elonmusk.com"),
Notes: sdkgo.String("Address notes or delivery instructions."),
RowVersion: sdkgo.String("1-12345"),
ID: sdkgo.String("123"),
Type: components.TypePrimary.ToPointer(),
String: sdkgo.String("25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130"),
Name: sdkgo.String("HQ US"),
Line1: sdkgo.String("Main street"),
Line2: sdkgo.String("apt #"),
Line3: sdkgo.String("Suite #"),
Line4: sdkgo.String("delivery instructions"),
StreetNumber: sdkgo.String("25"),
City: sdkgo.String("San Francisco"),
State: sdkgo.String("CA"),
PostalCode: sdkgo.String("94104"),
Country: sdkgo.String("US"),
Latitude: sdkgo.String("40.759211"),
Longitude: sdkgo.String("-73.984638"),
County: sdkgo.String("Santa Clara"),
ContactName: sdkgo.String("Elon Musk"),
Salutation: sdkgo.String("Mr"),
PhoneNumber: sdkgo.String("111-111-1111"),
Fax: sdkgo.String("122-111-1111"),
Email: sdkgo.String("elon@musk.com"),
Website: sdkgo.String("https://elonmusk.com"),
Notes: sdkgo.String("Address notes or delivery instructions."),
RowVersion: sdkgo.String("1-12345"),
ID: sdkgo.String("123"),
Type: components.TypePrimary.ToPointer(),
String: sdkgo.String("25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130"),
Name: sdkgo.String("HQ US"),
Line1: sdkgo.String("Main street"),
Line2: sdkgo.String("apt #"),
Line3: sdkgo.String("Suite #"),
Line4: sdkgo.String("delivery instructions"),
StreetNumber: sdkgo.String("25"),
City: sdkgo.String("San Francisco"),
State: sdkgo.String("CA"),
PostalCode: sdkgo.String("94104"),
Country: sdkgo.String("US"),
Latitude: sdkgo.String("40.759211"),
Longitude: sdkgo.String("-73.984638"),
County: sdkgo.String("Santa Clara"),
ContactName: sdkgo.String("Elon Musk"),
Salutation: sdkgo.String("Mr"),
PhoneNumber: sdkgo.String("111-111-1111"),
Fax: sdkgo.String("122-111-1111"),
Email: sdkgo.String("elon@musk.com"),
Website: sdkgo.String("https://elonmusk.com"),
Notes: sdkgo.String("Address notes or delivery instructions."),
RowVersion: sdkgo.String("1-12345"),
PhoneNumbers: []components.PhoneNumber{
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
CountryCode: sdkgo.String("1"),
AreaCode: sdkgo.String("323"),
Number: "111-111-1111",
Extension: sdkgo.String("105"),
Type: components.PhoneNumberTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
CountryCode: sdkgo.String("1"),
AreaCode: sdkgo.String("323"),
Number: "111-111-1111",
Extension: sdkgo.String("105"),
Type: components.PhoneNumberTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
Emails: []components.Email{
ID: sdkgo.String("123"),
Email: sdkgo.String("elon@musk.com"),
Type: components.EmailTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
Websites: []components.Website{
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
URL: "http://example.com",
Type: components.WebsiteTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
URL: "http://example.com",
Type: components.WebsiteTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
ID: sdkgo.String("12345"),
URL: "http://example.com",
Type: components.WebsiteTypePrimary.ToPointer(),
BankAccounts: []components.BankAccount{
BankName: sdkgo.String("Monzo"),
AccountNumber: sdkgo.String("123465"),
AccountName: sdkgo.String("SPACEX LLC"),
AccountType: components.AccountTypeCreditCard.ToPointer(),
Iban: sdkgo.String("CH2989144532982975332"),
Bic: sdkgo.String("AUDSCHGGXXX"),
RoutingNumber: sdkgo.String("012345678"),
BsbNumber: sdkgo.String("062-001"),
BranchIdentifier: sdkgo.String("001"),
BankCode: sdkgo.String("BNH"),
Currency: components.CurrencyUsd.ToPointer(),
BankName: sdkgo.String("Monzo"),
AccountNumber: sdkgo.String("123465"),
AccountName: sdkgo.String("SPACEX LLC"),
AccountType: components.AccountTypeCreditCard.ToPointer(),
Iban: sdkgo.String("CH2989144532982975332"),
Bic: sdkgo.String("AUDSCHGGXXX"),
RoutingNumber: sdkgo.String("012345678"),
BsbNumber: sdkgo.String("062-001"),
BranchIdentifier: sdkgo.String("001"),
BankCode: sdkgo.String("BNH"),
Currency: components.CurrencyUsd.ToPointer(),
Notes: sdkgo.String("Some notes about this supplier"),
TaxRate: &components.LinkedTaxRateInput{
ID: sdkgo.String("123456"),
Rate: sdkgo.Float64(10),
TaxNumber: sdkgo.String("US123945459"),
Currency: components.CurrencyUsd.ToPointer(),
Account: &components.LinkedLedgerAccountInput{
ID: sdkgo.String("123456"),
NominalCode: sdkgo.String("N091"),
Code: sdkgo.String("453"),
Status: components.SupplierStatusActive.ToPointer(),
PaymentMethod: sdkgo.String("cash"),
Channel: sdkgo.String("email"),
RowVersion: sdkgo.String("1-12345"),
PassThrough: []components.PassThroughBody{
ServiceID: "<id>",
ExtendPaths: []components.ExtendPaths{
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
Path: "$.nested.property",
Value: map[string]any{
"TaxClassificationRef": map[string]any{
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
}, sdkgo.String("salesforce"), nil)
if err != nil {
if res.UpdateSupplierResponse != nil {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
ctx |
context.Context | ✔️ | The context to use for the request. | |
id |
string | ✔️ | ID of the record you are acting upon. | |
supplier |
components.SupplierInput | ✔️ | N/A | |
serviceID |
*string | ➖ | Provide the service id you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). Only needed when a consumer has activated multiple integrations for a Unified API. | salesforce |
raw |
*bool | ➖ | Include raw response. Mostly used for debugging purposes | |
opts |
[]operations.Option | ➖ | The options for this request. |
*operations.AccountingSuppliersUpdateResponse, error
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
apierrors.BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
apierrors.UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
apierrors.PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
apierrors.NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
apierrors.UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
apierrors.APIError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
Delete Supplier
package main
sdkgo "github.com/apideck-libraries/sdk-go"
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
s := sdkgo.New(
res, err := s.Accounting.Suppliers.Delete(ctx, "<id>", sdkgo.String("salesforce"), nil)
if err != nil {
if res.DeleteSupplierResponse != nil {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
ctx |
context.Context | ✔️ | The context to use for the request. | |
id |
string | ✔️ | ID of the record you are acting upon. | |
serviceID |
*string | ➖ | Provide the service id you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). Only needed when a consumer has activated multiple integrations for a Unified API. | salesforce |
raw |
*bool | ➖ | Include raw response. Mostly used for debugging purposes | |
opts |
[]operations.Option | ➖ | The options for this request. |
*operations.AccountingSuppliersDeleteResponse, error
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
apierrors.BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
apierrors.UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
apierrors.PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
apierrors.NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
apierrors.UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
apierrors.APIError | 4XX, 5XX | */* |