- create - Create Invoice
- list - List Invoices
- delete - Delete Invoice
- get - Get Invoice
- update - Update Invoice
Create Invoice
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Apideck\Unify;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Components;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Operations;
use Brick\DateTime\LocalDate;
$security = '<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>';
$sdk = Unify\Apideck::builder()
$request = new Operations\AccountingInvoicesAddRequest(
invoice: new Components\InvoiceInput(
invoiceSent: true,
lineItems: [
new Components\InvoiceLineItemInput(
rowId: '12345',
item: new Components\LinkedInvoiceItem(
id: '12344',
code: '120-C',
name: 'Model Y',
taxRate: new Components\LinkedTaxRateInput(
id: '123456',
rate: 10,
customFields: [
new Components\CustomField(
id: '2389328923893298',
name: 'employee_level',
description: 'Employee Level',
value: true,
id: '12345',
code: '120-C',
lineNumber: 1,
description: 'Model Y is a fully electric, mid-size SUV, with seating for up to seven, dual motor AWD and unparalleled protection.',
type: Components\InvoiceLineItemType::SalesItem,
taxAmount: 27500,
totalAmount: 27500,
quantity: 1,
unitPrice: 27500.5,
unitOfMeasure: 'pc.',
discountPercentage: 0.01,
discountAmount: 19.99,
locationId: '1234',
departmentId: '1234',
trackingCategories: [
new Components\LinkedTrackingCategory(
id: '123456',
name: 'New York',
ledgerAccount: new Components\LinkedLedgerAccountInput(
id: '123456',
nominalCode: 'N091',
code: '453',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
billingAddress: new Components\Address(
id: '123',
type: Components\Type::Primary,
string: '25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130',
name: 'HQ US',
line1: 'Main street',
line2: 'apt #',
line3: 'Suite #',
line4: 'delivery instructions',
streetNumber: '25',
city: 'San Francisco',
state: 'CA',
postalCode: '94104',
country: 'US',
latitude: '40.759211',
longitude: '-73.984638',
county: 'Santa Clara',
contactName: 'Elon Musk',
salutation: 'Mr',
phoneNumber: '111-111-1111',
fax: '122-111-1111',
email: 'elon@musk.com',
website: 'https://elonmusk.com',
notes: 'Address notes or delivery instructions.',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
shippingAddress: new Components\Address(
id: '123',
type: Components\Type::Primary,
string: '25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130',
name: 'HQ US',
line1: 'Main street',
line2: 'apt #',
line3: 'Suite #',
line4: 'delivery instructions',
streetNumber: '25',
city: 'San Francisco',
state: 'CA',
postalCode: '94104',
country: 'US',
latitude: '40.759211',
longitude: '-73.984638',
county: 'Santa Clara',
contactName: 'Elon Musk',
salutation: 'Mr',
phoneNumber: '111-111-1111',
fax: '122-111-1111',
email: 'elon@musk.com',
website: 'https://elonmusk.com',
notes: 'Address notes or delivery instructions.',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
bankAccount: new Components\BankAccount(
bankName: 'Monzo',
accountNumber: '123465',
accountName: 'SPACEX LLC',
accountType: Components\AccountType::CreditCard,
iban: 'CH2989144532982975332',
routingNumber: '012345678',
bsbNumber: '062-001',
branchIdentifier: '001',
bankCode: 'BNH',
currency: Components\Currency::Usd,
customFields: [
new Components\CustomField(
id: '2389328923893298',
name: 'employee_level',
description: 'Employee Level',
value: new Components\Four(),
passThrough: [
new Components\PassThroughBody(
serviceId: '<id>',
extendPaths: [
new Components\ExtendPaths(
path: '$.nested.property',
value: [
'TaxClassificationRef' => [
'value' => 'EUC-99990201-V1-00020000',
type: Components\InvoiceType::Service,
number: 'OIT00546',
customer: new Components\LinkedCustomerInput(
id: '12345',
email: 'boring@boring.com',
displayName: 'Windsurf Shop',
companyId: '12345',
invoiceDate: LocalDate::parse('2020-09-30'),
dueDate: LocalDate::parse('2020-09-30'),
terms: 'Net 30 days',
poNumber: '90000117',
reference: '123456',
status: Components\InvoiceStatus::Draft,
currency: Components\Currency::Usd,
currencyRate: 0.69,
taxInclusive: true,
subTotal: 27500,
totalTax: 2500,
taxCode: '1234',
discountPercentage: 5.5,
discountAmount: 25,
total: 27500,
balance: 27500,
deposit: 0,
customerMemo: 'Thank you for your business and have a great day!',
trackingCategories: [
new Components\LinkedTrackingCategory(
id: '123456',
name: 'New York',
templateId: '123456',
sourceDocumentUrl: 'https://www.invoicesolution.com/invoice/123456',
paymentMethod: 'cash',
channel: 'email',
language: 'EN',
accountingByRow: false,
ledgerAccount: new Components\LinkedLedgerAccountInput(
id: '123456',
nominalCode: 'N091',
code: '453',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
serviceId: 'salesforce',
$response = $sdk->accounting->invoices->create(
request: $request
if ($response->createInvoiceResponse !== null) {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
$request |
Operations\AccountingInvoicesAddRequest | ✔️ | The request object to use for the request. |
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
Errors\BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
Errors\UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
Errors\PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
Errors\NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
Errors\UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
Errors\APIException | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
List Invoices
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Apideck\Unify;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Components;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Operations;
use Apideck\Unify\Utils;
$security = '<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>';
$sdk = Unify\Apideck::builder()
$request = new Operations\AccountingInvoicesAllRequest(
serviceId: 'salesforce',
filter: new Components\InvoicesFilter(
updatedSince: Utils\Utils::parseDateTime('2020-09-30T07:43:32.000Z'),
createdSince: Utils\Utils::parseDateTime('2020-09-30T07:43:32.000Z'),
number: 'OIT00546',
sort: new Components\InvoicesSort(
by: Components\InvoicesSortBy::UpdatedAt,
direction: Components\SortDirection::Desc,
passThrough: [
'search' => 'San Francisco',
fields: 'id,updated_at',
$responses = $sdk->accounting->invoices->list(
request: $request
foreach ($responses as $response) {
if ($response->httpMeta->response->getStatusCode() === 200) {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
$request |
Operations\AccountingInvoicesAllRequest | ✔️ | The request object to use for the request. |
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
Errors\BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
Errors\UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
Errors\PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
Errors\NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
Errors\UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
Errors\APIException | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
Delete Invoice
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Apideck\Unify;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Operations;
$security = '<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>';
$sdk = Unify\Apideck::builder()
$request = new Operations\AccountingInvoicesDeleteRequest(
id: '<id>',
serviceId: 'salesforce',
$response = $sdk->accounting->invoices->delete(
request: $request
if ($response->deleteInvoiceResponse !== null) {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
$request |
Operations\AccountingInvoicesDeleteRequest | ✔️ | The request object to use for the request. |
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
Errors\BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
Errors\UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
Errors\PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
Errors\NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
Errors\UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
Errors\APIException | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
Get Invoice
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Apideck\Unify;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Operations;
$security = '<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>';
$sdk = Unify\Apideck::builder()
$request = new Operations\AccountingInvoicesOneRequest(
id: '<id>',
serviceId: 'salesforce',
fields: 'id,updated_at',
$response = $sdk->accounting->invoices->get(
request: $request
if ($response->getInvoiceResponse !== null) {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
$request |
Operations\AccountingInvoicesOneRequest | ✔️ | The request object to use for the request. |
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
Errors\BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
Errors\UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
Errors\PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
Errors\NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
Errors\UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
Errors\APIException | 4XX, 5XX | */* |
Update Invoice
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Apideck\Unify;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Components;
use Apideck\Unify\Models\Operations;
use Brick\DateTime\LocalDate;
$security = '<YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE>';
$sdk = Unify\Apideck::builder()
$request = new Operations\AccountingInvoicesUpdateRequest(
id: '<id>',
invoice: new Components\InvoiceInput(
invoiceSent: true,
lineItems: [
new Components\InvoiceLineItemInput(
rowId: '12345',
item: new Components\LinkedInvoiceItem(
id: '12344',
code: '120-C',
name: 'Model Y',
taxRate: new Components\LinkedTaxRateInput(
id: '123456',
rate: 10,
customFields: [
new Components\CustomField(
id: '2389328923893298',
name: 'employee_level',
description: 'Employee Level',
value: [
new Components\Six(),
id: '12345',
code: '120-C',
lineNumber: 1,
description: 'Model Y is a fully electric, mid-size SUV, with seating for up to seven, dual motor AWD and unparalleled protection.',
type: Components\InvoiceLineItemType::SalesItem,
taxAmount: 27500,
totalAmount: 27500,
quantity: 1,
unitPrice: 27500.5,
unitOfMeasure: 'pc.',
discountPercentage: 0.01,
discountAmount: 19.99,
locationId: '1234',
departmentId: '1234',
trackingCategories: [
new Components\LinkedTrackingCategory(
id: '123456',
name: 'New York',
ledgerAccount: new Components\LinkedLedgerAccountInput(
id: '123456',
nominalCode: 'N091',
code: '453',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
billingAddress: new Components\Address(
id: '123',
type: Components\Type::Primary,
string: '25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130',
name: 'HQ US',
line1: 'Main street',
line2: 'apt #',
line3: 'Suite #',
line4: 'delivery instructions',
streetNumber: '25',
city: 'San Francisco',
state: 'CA',
postalCode: '94104',
country: 'US',
latitude: '40.759211',
longitude: '-73.984638',
county: 'Santa Clara',
contactName: 'Elon Musk',
salutation: 'Mr',
phoneNumber: '111-111-1111',
fax: '122-111-1111',
email: 'elon@musk.com',
website: 'https://elonmusk.com',
notes: 'Address notes or delivery instructions.',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
shippingAddress: new Components\Address(
id: '123',
type: Components\Type::Primary,
string: '25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130',
name: 'HQ US',
line1: 'Main street',
line2: 'apt #',
line3: 'Suite #',
line4: 'delivery instructions',
streetNumber: '25',
city: 'San Francisco',
state: 'CA',
postalCode: '94104',
country: 'US',
latitude: '40.759211',
longitude: '-73.984638',
county: 'Santa Clara',
contactName: 'Elon Musk',
salutation: 'Mr',
phoneNumber: '111-111-1111',
fax: '122-111-1111',
email: 'elon@musk.com',
website: 'https://elonmusk.com',
notes: 'Address notes or delivery instructions.',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
bankAccount: new Components\BankAccount(
bankName: 'Monzo',
accountNumber: '123465',
accountName: 'SPACEX LLC',
accountType: Components\AccountType::CreditCard,
iban: 'CH2989144532982975332',
routingNumber: '012345678',
bsbNumber: '062-001',
branchIdentifier: '001',
bankCode: 'BNH',
currency: Components\Currency::Usd,
customFields: [
new Components\CustomField(
id: '2389328923893298',
name: 'employee_level',
description: 'Employee Level',
value: new Components\Four(),
passThrough: [
new Components\PassThroughBody(
serviceId: '<id>',
extendPaths: [
new Components\ExtendPaths(
path: '$.nested.property',
value: [
'TaxClassificationRef' => [
'value' => 'EUC-99990201-V1-00020000',
type: Components\InvoiceType::Service,
number: 'OIT00546',
customer: new Components\LinkedCustomerInput(
id: '12345',
email: 'boring@boring.com',
displayName: 'Windsurf Shop',
companyId: '12345',
invoiceDate: LocalDate::parse('2020-09-30'),
dueDate: LocalDate::parse('2020-09-30'),
terms: 'Net 30 days',
poNumber: '90000117',
reference: '123456',
status: Components\InvoiceStatus::Draft,
currency: Components\Currency::Usd,
currencyRate: 0.69,
taxInclusive: true,
subTotal: 27500,
totalTax: 2500,
taxCode: '1234',
discountPercentage: 5.5,
discountAmount: 25,
total: 27500,
balance: 27500,
deposit: 0,
customerMemo: 'Thank you for your business and have a great day!',
trackingCategories: [
new Components\LinkedTrackingCategory(
id: '123456',
name: 'New York',
templateId: '123456',
sourceDocumentUrl: 'https://www.invoicesolution.com/invoice/123456',
paymentMethod: 'cash',
channel: 'email',
language: 'EN',
accountingByRow: false,
ledgerAccount: new Components\LinkedLedgerAccountInput(
id: '123456',
nominalCode: 'N091',
code: '453',
rowVersion: '1-12345',
serviceId: 'salesforce',
$response = $sdk->accounting->invoices->update(
request: $request
if ($response->updateInvoiceResponse !== null) {
// handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
$request |
Operations\AccountingInvoicesUpdateRequest | ✔️ | The request object to use for the request. |
Error Type | Status Code | Content Type |
Errors\BadRequestResponse | 400 | application/json |
Errors\UnauthorizedResponse | 401 | application/json |
Errors\PaymentRequiredResponse | 402 | application/json |
Errors\NotFoundResponse | 404 | application/json |
Errors\UnprocessableResponse | 422 | application/json |
Errors\APIException | 4XX, 5XX | */* |