import { AccountingJournalEntriesAddRequest } from "@apideck/unify/models/operations";
let value: AccountingJournalEntriesAddRequest = {
serviceId: "salesforce",
journalEntry: {
title: "Purchase Invoice-Inventory (USD): 2019/02/01 Batch Summary Entry",
currencyRate: 0.69,
currency: "USD",
companyId: "12345",
lineItems: [
"Model Y is a fully electric, mid-size SUV, with seating for up to seven, dual motor AWD and unparalleled protection.",
taxAmount: 27500,
subTotal: 27500,
totalAmount: 27500,
type: "debit",
taxRate: {
id: "123456",
rate: 10,
trackingCategories: [
id: "123456",
name: "New York",
ledgerAccount: {
id: "123456",
nominalCode: "N091",
code: "453",
customer: {
id: "12345",
displayName: "Windsurf Shop",
email: "",
supplier: {
id: "12345",
displayName: "Windsurf Shop",
address: {
id: "123",
type: "primary",
string: "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
name: "HQ US",
line1: "Main street",
line2: "apt #",
line3: "Suite #",
line4: "delivery instructions",
streetNumber: "25",
city: "San Francisco",
state: "CA",
postalCode: "94104",
country: "US",
latitude: "40.759211",
longitude: "-73.984638",
county: "Santa Clara",
contactName: "Elon Musk",
salutation: "Mr",
phoneNumber: "111-111-1111",
fax: "122-111-1111",
email: "",
website: "",
notes: "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
rowVersion: "1-12345",
lineNumber: 1,
memo: "Thank you for your business and have a great day!",
postedAt: new Date("2020-09-30T07:43:32.000Z"),
journalSymbol: "IND",
taxType: "sales",
taxCode: "1234",
number: "OIT00546",
trackingCategories: [
id: "123456",
name: "New York",
accountingPeriod: "01-24",
rowVersion: "1-12345",
customFields: [
id: "2389328923893298",
name: "employee_level",
description: "Employee Level",
value: [
passThrough: [
serviceId: "<id>",
extendPaths: [
path: "$",
value: {
"TaxClassificationRef": {
"value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",