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1415 lines (1297 loc) · 57 KB

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1415 lines (1297 loc) · 57 KB




Available Operations


List companies

Example Usage

import { Apideck } from "@apideck/unify";

const apideck = new Apideck({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const result = await apideck.crm.companies.list({
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    filter: {
      name: "SpaceX",
    sort: {
      by: "created_at",
      direction: "desc",
    passThrough: {
      "search": "San Francisco",
    fields: "id,updated_at",

  for await (const page of result) {
    // Handle the page


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ApideckCore } from "@apideck/unify/core.js";
import { crmCompaniesList } from "@apideck/unify/funcs/crmCompaniesList.js";

// Use `ApideckCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const apideck = new ApideckCore({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const res = await crmCompaniesList(apideck, {
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    filter: {
      name: "SpaceX",
    sort: {
      by: "created_at",
      direction: "desc",
    passThrough: {
      "search": "San Francisco",
    fields: "id,updated_at",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  for await (const page of result) {
    // Handle the page



Parameter Type Required Description
request operations.CrmCompaniesAllRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.BadRequestResponse 400 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedResponse 401 application/json
errors.PaymentRequiredResponse 402 application/json
errors.NotFoundResponse 404 application/json
errors.UnprocessableResponse 422 application/json
errors.APIError 4XX, 5XX */*


Create company

Example Usage

import { Apideck } from "@apideck/unify";
import { RFCDate } from "@apideck/unify/types";

const apideck = new Apideck({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const result = await apideck.crm.companies.create({
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    company: {
      name: "SpaceX",
      ownerId: "12345",
      image: "",
      description: "Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is an American aerospace manufacturer, space transportation services and communications company headquartered in Hawthorne, California.",
      vatNumber: "BE0689615164",
      currency: "USD",
      status: "Open",
      fax: "+12129876543",
      annualRevenue: "+$35m",
      numberOfEmployees: "500-1000",
      industry: "Apparel",
      ownership: "Public",
      salesTaxNumber: "12456EN",
      payeeNumber: "78932EN",
      abnOrTfn: "46 115 614 695",
      abnBranch: "123",
      acn: "XXX XXX XXX",
      firstName: "Elon",
      lastName: "Musk",
      bankAccounts: [
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
      websites: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "primary",
      addresses: [
          id: "123",
          type: "primary",
          string: "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
          name: "HQ US",
          line1: "Main street",
          line2: "apt #",
          line3: "Suite #",
          line4: "delivery instructions",
          streetNumber: "25",
          city: "San Francisco",
          state: "CA",
          postalCode: "94104",
          country: "US",
          latitude: "40.759211",
          longitude: "-73.984638",
          county: "Santa Clara",
          contactName: "Elon Musk",
          salutation: "Mr",
          phoneNumber: "111-111-1111",
          fax: "122-111-1111",
          email: "",
          website: "",
          notes: "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
          rowVersion: "1-12345",
          id: "123",
          type: "primary",
          string: "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
          name: "HQ US",
          line1: "Main street",
          line2: "apt #",
          line3: "Suite #",
          line4: "delivery instructions",
          streetNumber: "25",
          city: "San Francisco",
          state: "CA",
          postalCode: "94104",
          country: "US",
          latitude: "40.759211",
          longitude: "-73.984638",
          county: "Santa Clara",
          contactName: "Elon Musk",
          salutation: "Mr",
          phoneNumber: "111-111-1111",
          fax: "122-111-1111",
          email: "",
          website: "",
          notes: "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
          rowVersion: "1-12345",
      socialLinks: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
      phoneNumbers: [
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
      emails: [
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
      rowType: {
        id: "12345",
        name: "Customer Account",
      customFields: [
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          value: "Uses Salesforce and Marketo",
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          value: "Uses Salesforce and Marketo",
      tags: [
      readOnly: false,
      salutation: "Mr",
      birthday: new RFCDate("2000-08-12"),
      passThrough: [
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ApideckCore } from "@apideck/unify/core.js";
import { crmCompaniesCreate } from "@apideck/unify/funcs/crmCompaniesCreate.js";
import { RFCDate } from "@apideck/unify/types";

// Use `ApideckCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const apideck = new ApideckCore({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const res = await crmCompaniesCreate(apideck, {
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    company: {
      name: "SpaceX",
      ownerId: "12345",
      image: "",
      description: "Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is an American aerospace manufacturer, space transportation services and communications company headquartered in Hawthorne, California.",
      vatNumber: "BE0689615164",
      currency: "USD",
      status: "Open",
      fax: "+12129876543",
      annualRevenue: "+$35m",
      numberOfEmployees: "500-1000",
      industry: "Apparel",
      ownership: "Public",
      salesTaxNumber: "12456EN",
      payeeNumber: "78932EN",
      abnOrTfn: "46 115 614 695",
      abnBranch: "123",
      acn: "XXX XXX XXX",
      firstName: "Elon",
      lastName: "Musk",
      bankAccounts: [
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
      websites: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "primary",
      addresses: [
          id: "123",
          type: "primary",
          string: "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
          name: "HQ US",
          line1: "Main street",
          line2: "apt #",
          line3: "Suite #",
          line4: "delivery instructions",
          streetNumber: "25",
          city: "San Francisco",
          state: "CA",
          postalCode: "94104",
          country: "US",
          latitude: "40.759211",
          longitude: "-73.984638",
          county: "Santa Clara",
          contactName: "Elon Musk",
          salutation: "Mr",
          phoneNumber: "111-111-1111",
          fax: "122-111-1111",
          email: "",
          website: "",
          notes: "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
          rowVersion: "1-12345",
          id: "123",
          type: "primary",
          string: "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
          name: "HQ US",
          line1: "Main street",
          line2: "apt #",
          line3: "Suite #",
          line4: "delivery instructions",
          streetNumber: "25",
          city: "San Francisco",
          state: "CA",
          postalCode: "94104",
          country: "US",
          latitude: "40.759211",
          longitude: "-73.984638",
          county: "Santa Clara",
          contactName: "Elon Musk",
          salutation: "Mr",
          phoneNumber: "111-111-1111",
          fax: "122-111-1111",
          email: "",
          website: "",
          notes: "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
          rowVersion: "1-12345",
      socialLinks: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
      phoneNumbers: [
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
      emails: [
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
      rowType: {
        id: "12345",
        name: "Customer Account",
      customFields: [
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          value: "Uses Salesforce and Marketo",
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          value: "Uses Salesforce and Marketo",
      tags: [
      readOnly: false,
      salutation: "Mr",
      birthday: new RFCDate("2000-08-12"),
      passThrough: [
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request operations.CrmCompaniesAddRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.BadRequestResponse 400 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedResponse 401 application/json
errors.PaymentRequiredResponse 402 application/json
errors.NotFoundResponse 404 application/json
errors.UnprocessableResponse 422 application/json
errors.APIError 4XX, 5XX */*


Get company

Example Usage

import { Apideck } from "@apideck/unify";

const apideck = new Apideck({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const result = await apideck.crm.companies.get({
    id: "<id>",
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    fields: "id,updated_at",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ApideckCore } from "@apideck/unify/core.js";
import { crmCompaniesGet } from "@apideck/unify/funcs/crmCompaniesGet.js";

// Use `ApideckCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const apideck = new ApideckCore({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const res = await crmCompaniesGet(apideck, {
    id: "<id>",
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    fields: "id,updated_at",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request operations.CrmCompaniesOneRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.BadRequestResponse 400 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedResponse 401 application/json
errors.PaymentRequiredResponse 402 application/json
errors.NotFoundResponse 404 application/json
errors.UnprocessableResponse 422 application/json
errors.APIError 4XX, 5XX */*


Update company

Example Usage

import { Apideck } from "@apideck/unify";
import { RFCDate } from "@apideck/unify/types";

const apideck = new Apideck({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const result = await apideck.crm.companies.update({
    id: "<id>",
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    company: {
      name: "SpaceX",
      ownerId: "12345",
      image: "",
      description: "Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is an American aerospace manufacturer, space transportation services and communications company headquartered in Hawthorne, California.",
      vatNumber: "BE0689615164",
      currency: "USD",
      status: "Open",
      fax: "+12129876543",
      annualRevenue: "+$35m",
      numberOfEmployees: "500-1000",
      industry: "Apparel",
      ownership: "Public",
      salesTaxNumber: "12456EN",
      payeeNumber: "78932EN",
      abnOrTfn: "46 115 614 695",
      abnBranch: "123",
      acn: "XXX XXX XXX",
      firstName: "Elon",
      lastName: "Musk",
      bankAccounts: [
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
      websites: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "primary",
      addresses: [
          id: "123",
          type: "primary",
          string: "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
          name: "HQ US",
          line1: "Main street",
          line2: "apt #",
          line3: "Suite #",
          line4: "delivery instructions",
          streetNumber: "25",
          city: "San Francisco",
          state: "CA",
          postalCode: "94104",
          country: "US",
          latitude: "40.759211",
          longitude: "-73.984638",
          county: "Santa Clara",
          contactName: "Elon Musk",
          salutation: "Mr",
          phoneNumber: "111-111-1111",
          fax: "122-111-1111",
          email: "",
          website: "",
          notes: "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
          rowVersion: "1-12345",
      socialLinks: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
      phoneNumbers: [
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
      emails: [
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
      rowType: {
        id: "12345",
        name: "Customer Account",
      customFields: [
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          value: true,
      tags: [
      readOnly: false,
      salutation: "Mr",
      birthday: new RFCDate("2000-08-12"),
      passThrough: [
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ApideckCore } from "@apideck/unify/core.js";
import { crmCompaniesUpdate } from "@apideck/unify/funcs/crmCompaniesUpdate.js";
import { RFCDate } from "@apideck/unify/types";

// Use `ApideckCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const apideck = new ApideckCore({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const res = await crmCompaniesUpdate(apideck, {
    id: "<id>",
    serviceId: "salesforce",
    company: {
      name: "SpaceX",
      ownerId: "12345",
      image: "",
      description: "Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is an American aerospace manufacturer, space transportation services and communications company headquartered in Hawthorne, California.",
      vatNumber: "BE0689615164",
      currency: "USD",
      status: "Open",
      fax: "+12129876543",
      annualRevenue: "+$35m",
      numberOfEmployees: "500-1000",
      industry: "Apparel",
      ownership: "Public",
      salesTaxNumber: "12456EN",
      payeeNumber: "78932EN",
      abnOrTfn: "46 115 614 695",
      abnBranch: "123",
      acn: "XXX XXX XXX",
      firstName: "Elon",
      lastName: "Musk",
      bankAccounts: [
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
          bankName: "Monzo",
          accountNumber: "123465",
          accountName: "SPACEX LLC",
          accountType: "credit_card",
          iban: "CH2989144532982975332",
          bic: "AUDSCHGGXXX",
          routingNumber: "012345678",
          bsbNumber: "062-001",
          branchIdentifier: "001",
          bankCode: "BNH",
          currency: "USD",
      websites: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "primary",
      addresses: [
          id: "123",
          type: "primary",
          string: "25 Spring Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130",
          name: "HQ US",
          line1: "Main street",
          line2: "apt #",
          line3: "Suite #",
          line4: "delivery instructions",
          streetNumber: "25",
          city: "San Francisco",
          state: "CA",
          postalCode: "94104",
          country: "US",
          latitude: "40.759211",
          longitude: "-73.984638",
          county: "Santa Clara",
          contactName: "Elon Musk",
          salutation: "Mr",
          phoneNumber: "111-111-1111",
          fax: "122-111-1111",
          email: "",
          website: "",
          notes: "Address notes or delivery instructions.",
          rowVersion: "1-12345",
      socialLinks: [
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
          id: "12345",
          url: "",
          type: "twitter",
      phoneNumbers: [
          id: "12345",
          countryCode: "1",
          areaCode: "323",
          number: "111-111-1111",
          extension: "105",
          type: "primary",
      emails: [
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
          id: "123",
          email: "",
          type: "primary",
      rowType: {
        id: "12345",
        name: "Customer Account",
      customFields: [
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          id: "2389328923893298",
          name: "employee_level",
          description: "Employee Level",
          value: true,
      tags: [
      readOnly: false,
      salutation: "Mr",
      birthday: new RFCDate("2000-08-12"),
      passThrough: [
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
          serviceId: "<id>",
          extendPaths: [
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",
              path: "$",
              value: {
                "TaxClassificationRef": {
                  "value": "EUC-99990201-V1-00020000",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request operations.CrmCompaniesUpdateRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.BadRequestResponse 400 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedResponse 401 application/json
errors.PaymentRequiredResponse 402 application/json
errors.NotFoundResponse 404 application/json
errors.UnprocessableResponse 422 application/json
errors.APIError 4XX, 5XX */*


Delete company

Example Usage

import { Apideck } from "@apideck/unify";

const apideck = new Apideck({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const result = await apideck.crm.companies.delete({
    id: "<id>",
    serviceId: "salesforce",

  // Handle the result


Standalone function

The standalone function version of this method:

import { ApideckCore } from "@apideck/unify/core.js";
import { crmCompaniesDelete } from "@apideck/unify/funcs/crmCompaniesDelete.js";

// Use `ApideckCore` for best tree-shaking performance.
// You can create one instance of it to use across an application.
const apideck = new ApideckCore({
  apiKey: process.env["APIDECK_API_KEY"] ?? "",
  consumerId: "test-consumer",
  appId: "dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX",

async function run() {
  const res = await crmCompaniesDelete(apideck, {
    id: "<id>",
    serviceId: "salesforce",

  if (!res.ok) {
    throw res.error;

  const { value: result } = res;

  // Handle the result



Parameter Type Required Description
request operations.CrmCompaniesDeleteRequest ✔️ The request object to use for the request.
options RequestOptions Used to set various options for making HTTP requests.
options.fetchOptions RequestInit Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All Request options, except method and body, are allowed.
options.retries RetryConfig Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions.




Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.BadRequestResponse 400 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedResponse 401 application/json
errors.PaymentRequiredResponse 402 application/json
errors.NotFoundResponse 404 application/json
errors.UnprocessableResponse 422 application/json
errors.APIError 4XX, 5XX */*