- mockery v 2.22.1 https://github.com/vektra/mockery/releases/download/v2.22.1/mockery_2.22.1_Linux_arm64.tar.gz
- make exexcutable
- cd interfaces
- /usr/local/bin/mockery or mockery --name=IPlayerService
- you need to do this after updating services!
- i dont have GOROOT set
- i deleted /usr/bin/go - go 1.15
- to trace stuff between double quotes "PS4='+$BASH_SOURCE> ' BASH_XTRACEFD=7 bash -xl 7>&2"
- check /etc/bash.bashrc
- made a symlink like "ln -s /root/Go/bin/go1.20.1 /usr/bin/go"
- be careful of /root/go vs /root/Go/
- update all deps once repo is ready
- start with app serving CSV and /random endpoint
- cleanup README
- through composition, entity should have create/update dates
- start new repo with this as boilerplate
- make my model!
- log rotation
- figure out staticcheck or equivalent
- negative input tests
- 5 minute timer after insert - sync to GCS bucket
- move from google drive to GCS bucket
- backup logic - every night prob better than after every insert wait 5 mins...
- suppress sqlite warnings
- https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/backup_finish.html#sqlite3backupinit - online backup API
- get this working in digital ocean
- try 3 month kubernetes from google
- create e2e tests
- kubernetes/docker
- GCS auth
- VACUUM main into '/mnt/c/Users/apkat/Desktop/vacuum.sqlite';
- ATTACH "/mnt/c/Users/apkat/Desktop/vacuum.sqlite" as main2;
- docker build -t test .
- docker run -p 8080:8080 test