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ADViewers Releases

The latest untagged master branch can be obtained at

Prior to the release of ADCore R3-0 the code in ADViewers was in the Viewers subdirectory of ADCore.

Tagged source code releases can be obtained at .

Release Notes

R1-7 (May 26, 2021)


  • Many enhancements.

EPICS Java libraries

  • Updated to latest versions.

R1-6-1 (March 4, 2020)


  • The pvAccess channel name can be specifed with the environment variable EPICS_NTNDA_VIEWER_CHANNELNAME.

R1-6 (March 3, 2020)

New Python viewer, PY_NTNDA_Viewer. It was written by Marty Kraimer.

This viewer has the following features:

  • Supports compressed NDArrays using any of the codecs in NDPluginCodec.
  • Supports all NDArray data types and color modes.
  • Allows zooming by defining the subregion with a mouse.
  • Allows changing the window size.
  • Allows changing the lower and upper display intensities with sliders.
  • Supports pvAccess only, does not support Channel Access.
  • Works with both the p4p and pvapy Python bindings for pvAccess.
    • p4p works on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
    • pvapy works only on Linux and Mac.

IDL support routines

  • Updated IDL support routines to the latest versions. These are minor changes.

Documentation improvements

  • Broke up the documentation into smaller documents to make it easier to read.

R1-5 (January 5, 2020)


  • Fix to allow stretching the contrast with RGB images using the ImageJ Image/Adjust/Brightness/Contrast control. Previously if one did this it would apply to the currently displayed image, but would reset to 0 to 255 when the next image was received. The fix was implemented using a lookup table when using RGB mode and the display range is not set to 0 to 255.
  • Fix to update the mouse X and Y positions in the ImageJ status window when each frame is displayed. Previously it was not tracking the mouse position correctly when images were being displayed quickly.

R1-4 (October 20, 2019)


  • Added support for lz4 and bitshuffle/lz4 decompresion without Blosc. This is useful for viewing compressed images directly from the ADEiger driver on the Stream interface. The arrays never need to be decompressed in the IOC before they exported with NDPluginPva and viewed in ImageJ.
  • Removed the dependency on the JBlosc Java package. Blosc, JPEG, LZ4, and Bitshuffle/LZ4 are now all handled the same way, with a thin wrapper Java class in ADViewers and the JNA package to call C shareable libraries from Java.
  • Renamed to and removed its dependency on JBlosc.
  • Moved the decompression code to its own class, This class may be useful in other projects, e.g. CSS. Thanks to Marty Kraimer for this.

R1-3 (December 3, 2018)


  • Added support for reading compressed NTNDArrays. Blosc and JPEG compression are both supported. This can substantially reduce network traffic when the IOC and the viewer are running on different machines.
    • The decompression is done using the C libraries because I could not find any native Java code for blosc decompression, and the native Java code for jpeg decompression is signifcantly more complicated (and probably slower) than just using the C library. The required libraries on Linux are,,, and On Windows the libraries are decompressJPEG.dll, jpeg.dll, blosc.dll, and zlib.dll.
    • ImageJ needs to be able to find these shareable libraries to handle compressed arrays. One way to do this is to add areaDetector/ADSupport/lib/linux-x86_64/ to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on Linux, and areaDetector/ADSupport/lib/windows-x86 to the PATH environment variable on Windows. This assumes that ADSupport was built using WITH_BLOSC=YES, WITH_JPEG=YES, BLOSC_EXTERNAL=NO, and JPEG_EXTERNAL=NO.
    • In principle another way to do this is to set the jna.library.path property to point to that directory when starting ImageJ, e.g. java -Djna.library.path=/home/epics/support/areaDetector/ADSupport/lib/linux-x86_64 -jar ij.jar However, ImageJ is normally started via an executable file rather than a script invoking ij.jar on both Linux and Windows, and loading via the above command requires other settings as well to make ImageJ work properly.
    • The ADViewers distribution includes two new jar files, jna-5.1.0.jar and The jna file provides support for Java Native Access, which is the interface to calling the shareable libraries. The jblosc file provides a Java wrapper around the blosc shareable library. These files need to be copied to ImageJ/plugins/EPICS_areaDetector along with the other files in the ADViewers/ImageJ/EPICS_areaDetector directory.
    • The ADViewers distribution also includes two new .java files, and is a wrapper around the C JPEG library. is a modified version of that is included in the JBlosc package. The version in that package lacked support for short (16-bit integer) arrays, and lacked the ability to specify the byte order for JNA buffers.
    • In ImageJ doing "Compile and run ..." on will also compile any other required .java files, these do not need to be manually compiled.
  • Changes to the user interface.
    • Removed the Connect/Disconnect button. Typing Enter in the Channel Name field will do a connect.
    • Typing a new Channel Name followed by Enter will disconnect the existing channel and connect the new one.
    • The Start/Stop button has been replaced by separate Start and Stop buttons. This makes it easier to tell the current state at a glance.

R1-2 (November 11, 2018)


  • Changed connection management to use callbacks rather than polling. Thanks to Marty Kraimer for this.
  • Previously this viewer was incorrectly treating signed 8-bit and 16-bit images as unsigned. Changed so that signed 8-bit and 16-bit data are now converted to float, so ImageJ correctly displays negative values. Conversion to float is required because the ImageJ ByteProcessor and ShortProcessor only support unsigned integers.
  • Improved the status messages in the display to show when the display is stopped, and when connect and disconnect events occur.


  • Previously this viewer was incorrectly treating signed 8-bit and 16-bit images as unsigned. Changed so that signed 8-bit and 16-bit data are now converted to float, so ImageJ correctly displays negative values. Conversion to float is required because the ImageJ ByteProcessor and ShortProcessor only support unsigned integers.

R1-1 (October 4, 2018)


  • Found a serious bug in epics-pvaclient-4.3.1.jar. A destroy() function was not being called when it should have been. The result was that when the NTNDArray was not reachable (i.e. IOC not running) the broadcast search requests added additional copies of the same PV with time. This caused the request to grow in size until it required many packets. The network was thus flooded with broadcast packets if the ImageJ plugin ran for many hours or days without being able to connect to the IOC. This was sufficient to cause VME IOCs on the subnet to be 95% CPU bound just processing these broadcast packets.

  • Fixed the logic in connectPV() when a connect attempt failed. This was also incorrect, and could contribute to the above problem.

  • Marty Kraimer fixed the problem in epics-pvaclient-4.3.2.jar, which is now included in this release of ADViewer.

pvAccess jar files

  • All of the other pvAccess jar files were updated to the latest versions.

R1-0 (July 1, 2017)

Initial release.

  • Prior to the release of ADCore R3-0 the code in ADViewers was in the Viewers subdirectory of ADCore.


  • This is a new plugin written by Tim Madden and Marty Kraimer.
    It is essentially identical to except that it displays NTNDArrays from the NDPluginPva plugin, i.e. using pvAccess to transport the images rather than NDPluginStdArrays which uses Channel Access.
    This has a number of advantages:

    • The NTNDArray data is transmitted "atomically" over the network, rather than using separate PVs for the image data and the metadata (image dimensions, color mode, etc.)
    • When using Channel Access the data type of the waveform record is fixed at iocInit, and cannot be changed at runtime. This means, for example, that if the user might want to view both 8-bit images, 16-bit images, and 64-bit double FFT images then the waveform record would need to be 64-bit double, which adds a factor of 8 network overhead when viewing 8-bit images. pvAccess changes the data type of the NTNDArrays dynamically at run-time, removing this restriction.
    • Channel Access requires setting EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES, which is a source of considerable confusion and frustration for users. pvAccess does not use EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES and there is no restriction on the size of the NTNDArrays.
    • The performance using pvAccess is significantly better than using Channel Access. NDPluginPva is 5-10 times faster than NDPluginStdArrays, and ImageJ can display 1.5-2 times more images/s with pvAccess than with Channel Access.

    The required EPICS V4 jar files are included in ImageJ/EPICS_areaDetector. This entire directory should be copied to the ImageJ/plugins folder, and then one time do ImageJ/Compile and run and select the file

    Users are encouraged to switch to using pvAccess with this new plugin.


  • Previously this ImageJ plugin monitored the UniqueId_RBV PV in the NDPluginStdArrays plugin, and read the new image from this plugin when UniqueId_RBV changed.
    However, this does not work correctly with the new ProcessPlugin feature in NDPluginDriver, because that does not increment the UniqueId. was changed so that it now monitors the ArrayCounter_RBV PV in NDPluginStdArrays rather than UniqueId_RBV. ArrayCounter_RBV will increment every time the plugin receives a new NDArray, which fixes the problem.
    Note that ArrayCounter_RBV will also change if the user manually changes ArrayCounter, for example by setting it back to 0. This will also cause ImageJ to display the image, when it would not have done so previously. This should not be a problem.

ADCore R2-6 and earlier

Release notes are part of the ADCore Release Notes.