A number of people have contributed to psiTurk by reporting problems, suggesting improvements or submitting changes. Some of these people are (alphabetically):
Patricia Chan - https://github.com/patriciachan
Anna Coenen - https://github.com/annacoenen
Dave Eargle - https://github.com/deargle
Todd Gureckis - https://github.com/gureckis
Jessica Hamrick - https://github.com/jhamrick
Doug Markant - https://github.com/dmarkant
Jay Martin - https://github.com/jbmartin
John McDonnell - https://github.com/johnmcdonnell
Alex Rich - https://github.com/alexanderrich
Joseph Slote - https://github.com/JSlote
Several organizations have also provided help, by supporting projects that led to improvements in psiTurk and/or its documentation. Some of these organizations are:
The David A. Gardner '69 Magic project - http://humanities.princeton.edu/grants/magic
The PIIRs Research Community on Global Systemic Risk - https://www.princeton.edu/piirs/research-communities/global-systemic-risk/index.xml
Deutshe Bank (via support of a 2014-15 Membership at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study) - https://www.sss.ias.edu/