For simple changes, and for users that aren't so confident with things like version control systems, you may just post your ideas and changes to the PsychoPy forum.
If you want to make more substantial changes, please discuss them first in the development section of the forum or in a new GitHub issue.
The ideal model is to contribute via the PsychoPy GitHub repository. There is more information on that in the developers section of the documentation.
Please note the importance of a good commit message and please use the following tags in your commit:
- BF : bug fix
- FF : ‘feature’ fix. This is for fixes to code that hasn’t been released
- RF : refactoring
- NF : new feature
- ENH : enhancement (to existing code, but don't worry too much about the difference between this and NF)
- DOC: for all kinds of documentation related commits
- TEST: for adding or changing tests
Very importantly, the difference between BF and FF is that BF indicates a fix that is appropriate for back-porting to earlier release streams, whereas FF indicates a fix to code that has not been released, and so should not be back-ported. So, if you incorrectly tag a bug fix as FIX then it won't be included in a bug-fix release, only in the next major release. If you're unsure whether one of your changes is a BF or FF, feel free to ask.