All contributions should be headed to the master
branch. And you
should run following checks before sending a PR.
make codegen
:- To wipe out all manual changes in auto generating filesmake psalm
:- To analyze the codemake phpunit
:- To Run all unit tests
As you can see our code base has so many classes. Most of them are auto generated classes. These are the auto generated classes
So do not do any manual changes for these files. Change the code
generator at the gencode
directory as you need.
We are using the Sigfox API OpenAPI specification to get necessary data
and PHP-Parser
library to generate classes. If you found any new link
that not in this library, Kindly update the config/openapi.json
and run the make codegen
command. Make a PR after all checks completed.
If you found any undocumented functionality or a typo issue kindly add
those changes and send your PR. Documentations should be written on rst
format by using sphinx
You can generate your changed documentation by running make phpdoc
This command will generate the documentation at the docs/.build
directory. If your documentation not generated, Please run the make phpdoc-clean
and try it again. This command will clear the
documentation cache.
|-- docs // Documentation files
|-- examples // Examples about usage
|-- gencode // Code Generator
| |-- bin
| | |-- gencode.php // Entry point of the code generator
| |-- config // Configuration files
| `-- src // Source code of the code generator
| `-- Config // Files that requires to generate config files
|-- resources // External resources
|-- src // Source code of the client library
| |-- Client // HTTP request handlers
| |-- Exception
| | `-- Response // HTTP error exceptions
| |-- Model // Common models
| |-- Repository // Classes that calling requests
| |-- Request // Models associated with requests
| |-- Response // Models and classes associated with responses
| | |-- Generated // Response models
| | `-- Paginated // Paginated responses helper
| |-- Serializer // Request and response serializer
| `-- Validator // Request validator
`-- tests // Test cases
|-- Integration // Integration test cases
`-- Unit // Unit test cases