python-game-dev Game Name - Bug and Insect Game Type : Shooting How to install : Just download the files and run this (Bug and Insect-0.0.0-win32.msi) file and easily install the game. To play open the application file : main (in the installed folder). How To Play: 1. 'A' : Bug goes left 2. 'D' : Bug goes right 3. 'SPACE' : Bug attacks with Fire or Bolt 4. 'W' : Bug Jumps in air 5. 'E' : Bug switches weapon b/w Fire and Bolt 6. 'SPACE' : Start Game Features: 1. Fire takes 2 hits to kill an insect 2. Bolt paralyzes the insect without life damage. But the insects fall and thus the bug can easily kill it 3. But here both attacks have its own advantages and disadvantages you'll see while playing 4. Score will count no. of bugs killed 5. If insect touches the bug then its Game Over i.e. you lose