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File metadata and controls

2024 lines (1280 loc) · 33.6 KB

Node.js and Typescript

Banuprakash C

Full Stack Architect,

Co-founder Lucida Technologies Pvt Ltd.,

Corporate Trainer,


Softwares Required:

  1. Visual Studio Code. []
  2. Chrome Web Browser
  3. NodeJS Latest LTS Version: 16.x.x []


JS ==> JS engine [ V8 { Google ==> Chrome, NodeJS}, SpiderMonkey [ FireFox, Adobe], Chkra, Nashorn, ...]


  • Platform built on V8 engine runtime
  • event-driven [Thread ], non-blocking I/O model [NIO]

libuv is a multi-platform C library that provides support for asynchronous I/O based on event loops. It is primarily designed for use in Node.js but it is also used by other software projects.

event loop psuedocode


const microTask = []; // PromiseAPI, async await, nextTick()

const pendingTimers = []; // macrotask ==> setTimeout, setInterval, setImmediate const pendingOsTasks = []; // macrotask const pendingOperations = []; // macrotask

function shouldContinue() { return pendingTimers.length || pendingOsTasks || pendingOperations.length .. }

// Running Thread while(shouldContinue()) { // is stack empty // 1 check all microTasks and empty it ==> push them to Stack // 2 check and empty all pendingTimers ==> push them to Stack // 3 pending OS tasks ==> Socket related, I/O callbacks ==> read chunk of data from file ==> push them to Stack // 4 Pending Operations ==> close of connections , etc ==> push them to Stack // pause execution }

Tick ==> one iteration of while()




setTimeout(function one() { console.log("t1"); }, 0);

setTimeout(function two() { console.log("t2"); }, 0);

Promise.resolve().then(function p1() { console.log("p1"); });

Promise.resolve().then(function p2() { console.log("p2"); });




function logA() {..} function logB() {..} function logC() {..} function logD() {..} function logE() {..} function logF() {..} function logG() {..}


setTimeout(logG, 0);

Promise.resolve() .then(logB) .then(setTimeout(logC)) .then(logD) .then(logE);




Every time the event loop takes a full trip we call it as tick.

// microtask process.nextTick(function task() { // do something });

==> function executes at the end of current tick.

setTimeout(function timed() {

}, 0);


NodeJS V8 Memory Structure

  • ResidentSet

  • Code Segment ==> JIT compiler compiles code blocks

  • Heap

    1. New Generation [ SemiSpace 1, Semispace] ==> In Java ==> Surviour state 1 and Surviour state 2
    2. Old Generation
  • Stack

  • Large Objects [Code, MMap]

C#, JS and Java or any technology which uses Virtual machine doesn't allow pointers

node --min_semi_space_size(intial) --max_old_space_size(max) --stack-size(size) server.js


nodeJs provides built-in modules crypto, fs, http, path, repl, ...

Module System:

  1. IIFE ==> Immediately invoke function expression

let ShoppingModule = (function() { let data = 100; function doTask() {

return {


let paymentModule = (function() { let data = 999; let done = false; function doTask() {

return {

})(); ==> 100 // not visible ==> 999

  1. CommonJS module system ==> default module system in NodeJS


    module.exports.add = function(){ }

    function sub() {



    let compute = require('./compute');

    can access compute.add() but not compute.sub()

  2. ESM ==> ES 6 module system

export const add = function() {}


import {add} from './compute';

  1. AMD
  2. System
  3. UMD ==> wrapper for different module system to dynamically decide which module system has to be used
  • NodeJS Threads concept

  • NodeJS Async Operations Network related operations doesn't use libuv Threads


node.js Event Emitter


  • fs sync
  • fs callback
  • fs stream based

Where can i use NodeJS?

  1. Real time application
  2. Streaming API ==> Netflix Squid Game chunk of data has to pushed to client; client buffers
  3. Traditional Web application ==> server rendered pages
  4. build RESTful Web services
  5. GraphQL services


npm i -g learnyounode



Day 2

Recap: NodeJS --> What , Why [ Non blocking I/O ]

  • Event loop, V8 and libuv

  • MicroTask and MacroTask Callback Queue ==> Stack

  • RSS --> Heap [ New Gen {SS1, SS2}, Old Generation], Stack, Large Objects, Code Segment

  • CommonJS module system

  • Threads [ libuv Thread pool ]

  • Async Operations [ Network ]

  • crypto module

  • EventEmitter [ emit(), on("event")] ==> Observer Observable pattern

  • fs module [ readFileSync(), readFile() uses callback and createReadStream() ]

Observable object will be on Heap area and will have list of observers

emit() for(Observer os in ObserversList) { os.fn(); }


ab -c 100 -n 1000 http://localhost:9000/

npx autocannon -c 100 -p 10 http://localhost:9000/


  • Represents a book.
  • @constructor
  • @param {string} title - The title of the book.
  • @param {string} author - The author of the book. */ function Book(title, author) { }


What if task is CPU intensive operation? Run cpu intense operation on seperate thread [ not libuv thread ]


cluster module


npm install pm2 -g

pm2 start server.js -i max

pm2 restart / all

pm2 delete / all

pm2 monit

pm2 ps


Debug :

node --inspect-brk server.js

chrome browser

about:inspect in addressbar


Node Application Package Managers:

  1. NPM installs by default along with node installation
  2. YARN npm install yarn -g
  3. PNPM npm install pnpm -g
  • download 3rd party dependencies from repo
  • publish to repo
  • to run scripts [ start, build, test, lint]

Node by default installs NPM

myapp> npm init --y

this initializes the node project

  • creates "package.json"

{ "scripts": { "start": "node ./app/server.js", "test" : "jest / mocha / jasmine ... command", "build" : "webpack " }, "dependencies": { // dependency required in production env also }, "devDependencies" : { // required only in development stage // testing, lint } }

AAA ==> Assemble Action Assert

npm i -D mocha chai request

JS Unit Testing Framework:

  • Mocha
  • Jasmine
  • JEST

"devDependencies": { "chai": "^4.3.6", "mocha": "^10.0.0", "request": "^2.88.2" }

"mocha": "10.0.0", ==> exact version 10.0.0

"mocha": "~10.0.0", ==> major version has to be 10

"mocha": "^10.0.0", ==> any version equal or greater than 10.0.0

node_modules folder is created in application having dependecies


  • checks is it builtin node module
  • checks "node_modules" folder
  • checks parent "node_modules" folder ==> YARN workspaces


add node_modules to .gitignore

team member downloads and runs:

npm install



JS engine understands only JS ==> ECMAScript 5

ES 6 / 7, TypeScript, DART, CoffeeScript, LiveScript


Babel ==> ES6/ESNext of JS to downward compatable JS

TSC ==> .ts ==> .js

npm i -g typescript

tsc a.ts ==> a.js


tscexample> npm i typescipt



  • provide an optional type system for JavaScript JS is loosely typed and dynamically typed

var x = "a"; // x behaves like string x.toUpperCase(); x = 10; // number x++;

  • code quality and understandability

  • catch errors at compile time instead of runtime

  • sort of document

Basic Types

  • number
  • string
  • boolean

let x:number = 10;

x = "Test"; //error

let name:string = "Harry";

let flag:boolean = true;

Complex Types:

  • enum
  • array
  • object

enum Directions { North = 'N', East = 'E', .. }

const direction:Directions = Directions.North;

let person: { name:string, age:number } = { "name" : "a", "age" : 33 };

type Person = { name:string, age:number };

let person:Person = { "name" : "a", "age" : 33 }

let people:Array = ...

let people:[Person] = [ { "name" : "a", "age" : 33 }, { "name" : "b", "age" : 31 } ]

let data:[number] = [5,2,11,4];

Union Types:

let course:string|number = "NodeJS";

course = 21;

npm i -g typescript


function add(a:number, b: number): void { console.log("Result " + (a+b)); }

function add(a:number, b:number) { return a + b; }

function add(a:number, b:number) : number | string { return a + b; }


//add("a", "b"); ==> error

tsc file.ts ==> file.js

node file.js


Day 3


  • NodeJS application ==> Package managers [ NPM, YARN, PNPM ], package.json {dependecies, dev-dependecies, scripts}

node_modules: npm i package [ dependencies] npm i -D package [ devDep]

Any executable modules install it globally npm i -g package [ global installation] ==> users folder/AppData/roaming/npm/... Example: npm i -g typescript any prompt> tsc file.ts

JS testing Framework ==> Mocha Assertion Library ==> Chai

describe(), it(), expect()



  • number
  • string
  • boolean
  • enum
  • array
  • object

"any" type

let myVar:any = 10; // valid

myVar = "Good" ; //valid

myVar = false; // valid


"unknown" type

let myVar:unknown = 10; // valid

myVar = "Good" ; //valid

myVar = false; // valid

"any" vs "unknown"

function doTask(callback:any) { callback(); }


--> RuntimeError; TypeError: callback is not a function. 100 is a nuber cannot be invoked as function...

"unknown" ==> need to perform type checking before using "unknown" type

function doTask(callback:unknown) { if(typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }


JSON ==> JavaScript Object Notation

let obj = { "id": 1, "name": "Anil", "age": 32 }

  • Optional Properties ?

function printUser(user: {firstName:string, lastName?:string}) {


printUser({"firstName": "Tom", "lastName": "Alter"}); printUser({"firstName": "Thomas"});

  • type

type Person = { name:string, age:number };

  • interface Type

--> to define a shape similar to "type" --> for behaviour contract ==> Realization relationship --> extendable

interface Person { name:string, age:number };

interface AppUser extends Person { password:string role:string }


interface Renderable { render(); }

interface B { render(); }

class DomRender implements Renderable, B { .. render() {



class TestRenderer implements Renderable { .. render() {



class NativeRenderer implements Renderable { .. render() {



  • "as" ==> Type Assertions

interface Person { name:string, age:number };

3rd party js function function getPerson() { return {} }

"typescript file" let person = getPerson(); = ""; // Property "name" does not exist on type {} person.age = "";

Solution: let person = getPerson() as Person; = ""; // OK

const myDiv = document.getElementById("card") as HTMLDivElement; myDiv.innerHTML = "";

  • not - null Assertion Operatior (Postfix!)

Without !:

function doTask(x: string | null) { if(x != null) { console.log("Hello " + x.toUpperCase()); } }

with !: function doTask(x: string | null) { console.log(x!.toUpperCase()); }


function doTask(x: string | null) { console.log(x.toUpperCase()); } tsc --strictNullChecks notnull1.ts notnull1.ts:2:14 - error TS2531: Object is possibly 'null'.

2 console.log(x.toUpperCase()); ~ Found 1 error.

responseData!.map(user => {


TypeScript Rest Parameters ==> o to n

function getTotal(...numbers: number[]): number { let total = 0; numbers.forEach(num => total += num); return total; }

console.log(getTotal()); // 0 console.log(getTotal(5,2,5)); // 12 console.log(getTotal(100)); // 100

Without Rest Parameters:

function getTotal(numbers: number[]): number {


console.log(getTotal([])); // 0 console.log(getTotal([5,2,5])); // 12 console.log(getTotal([100])); // 100

==== // VARargs function insert(msg:string,[]) {



let data = [5,2,6,11,46,2];

let [v1,...others] = data;


! avoids not null assertions ==> to tell compiler i am sure that data is not null

data? ==> do this operation if not null

function doTask( ) { let x:string|null = null; console.log(x?.toUpperCase()); }



Function types:

let add:(x:number, y:number) => number;

add = function(x: number, y: number) { return x + y; }

Promise API in typescript

interface User { id:number, name:string }

// Type alias type FetchData = (id:number) => Promise

function FetchData(id:number) { return new Promise ( (resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve({"id":20, "name": "Peter"}); },2000); }); } // sync call let res = FetchData(20);

FetchData(20).then( data => console.log(data), err => console.log("Boom :-(", err) );

tsc --lib ES2015,dom PromiseExample.ts


fetch("") .then( response => response.json() ).then(data => {

}) .then( op => {

}) .then( result => {



npm i -g typescript


High Order Functions in TypeScript

  • function accepting function as argument
  • function returning a function

let data = [6,3,2,11];

for(i = 0; i< data.length; i++) { console.log(data[i]); }

for(i = 0; i< data.length; i++) { alert(data[i]); }

HOF forEach

function forEach(elems, action) { for(i = 0; i< elems.length; i++) { action(elems[i]); } }

forEach(data, console.log); forEach(data, alert);


tsexample> tsc --init

creates tsconfig.json

"outDir": "dist", "lib": ["ES2015"]

"sourceMap": true, ==> a.ts ==> ==> a.js


Generic Functions

npm run build npm start


CamelCase ==> forEach, MonogdbConnection

interface, class, type ==> should start with UpperCase

Functions, variables ==> should start with lowercase

module of functions ==> lowercase


similar to filter HOF, create map() HOF filter() ==> subset

Task to be done:

map() ==> transform the data input: {"id":1,"name":"iPhone","price":124447.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":2,"name":"Onida","price":4444.44,"category" : "tv"}, {"id":3,"name":"OnePlus 6","price":98444.44,"category" : "mobile"}, {"id":4,"name":"HDMI connector","price":2444.00,"category" : "computer"}, {"id":5,"name":"Samsung","price":68000.00,"category" : "tv"}

output: ["iPhone", "Onida", "OnePlus 6", "Hdmi connector", "Samsung"]


input: [5,6,2,11,4];

output: [10, 12, 4, 22, 8];


  • HOF => function returning a function ==> Closure

Closure ==> returned function can access all the members of outer function

function adder(base, value) { return base + value; }

adder(5,2); adder(5,3);


function adder(base) { return function(value) { return base + value; } }

let fiveAdder = adder(5); fiveAdder(2); fiveAdder(7); fiveAdder(1);


React.memo() ==> HOC ==> closure


Cache the computed result ==> Memoization


getProduct(4) ==> Product with {"id":4,"name":"HDMI connector","price":2444.00,"category" : "computer"}

<number, number> fibanocci


ESLint: npm i -D eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

Day 4

Recap: TypeScript

  • basic types ==> string, number and boolean
  • enum, array, object
  • type, interface
  • any, unknown types
  • as, ?, !
  • Rest operators ==> VarArgs
  • HOF, generics <> forEach, filter, map ==> OCP ==> Open for extension and closed for Change

export function filter(elems:T[], predicate:(elem:T) => boolean): T[] { let result:T[] = []; forEach(elems, elem => { if(predicate(elem)) { result.push(elem); } }); return result; }

function test(elem:T) {


test("a"); // T acts like string test(10); // T acts like number

function merge<U, V> (obj1: U, obj2: V) { return { ...obj1, ...obj2 } }

let person = merge( {"name": "Jack"}, {"age": 25});

person will have {name: "Jack", "age": 25}

let p = merge({"name": "Jack"}, 25); // works

function merge<U extends object, V extends object> (obj1: U, obj2: V) {


Product, Mobile is a Product, Tv is Product

function print(elem:T) {


to print i can pass only Product or Mobile or Tv


Task ==> map()

===================== ES 6 supports class


  • class

class Book { title:string; // instance variable price:number; // instance variable

constructor(title:string = "", price:number = 0.0) {
	this.title = title;
	this.price = price;

// instance method
getTitle() {
	return this.title;


let b = new Book();

let b1 = new Book("typescript", 1200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price let b2 = new Book("express", 4200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price

b1.getTitle(); // context is "b1" ==> within getTitle() "this" refers to b1

"this" => context

all fields and methods are "public" by default

class Book { private title:string; // instance variable private price:number; // instance variable

constructor(title:string = "", price:number = 0.0) {
	this.title = title;
	this.price = price;

// instance method
getTitle() {
	return this.title;


let b1 = new Book("typescript", 1200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price let b2 = new Book("express", 4200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price

b1.getTitle(); // is valid

console.log(b1.title); // error ==> title is private

console.log(b1["title"]); // accessable ==> even if title is private


ES 6 introduced # to declare private fields

class Book { #title:string; // private instance variable private price:number; // instance variable

constructor(title:string = "", price:number = 0.0) {
	this.#title = title;
	this.price = price;

// instance method
getTitle() {
	return this.#title;


let b1 = new Book("typescript", 1200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price let b2 = new Book("express", 4200.00); ==> memory is allocated for title and price

b1.getTitle(); // is valid

console.log(b1.#title); // error ==> title is private

console.log(b1["#title"]); // error ==> title is private


class Book { // instance var declare and intialize constructor(private title:string, private price:number = 0.0) {} // instance method getTitle() { return this.#title; } }


class Product { constructor(public id:number, public name: string) {} }

// inheritance class Mobile extends Product { connectivity:string; constructor(id:number, name:string, con:string) { super(id,name); // chain to base class constructor this.connectivity = con; } }

let m = new Mobile(12,"iPhone", "4G");


keyword: ==> "protected" ==> private to class and inherited class


abstract class Product { constructor(public id:number, public name: string) {} getName() { return; } abstract isExpensive():boolean; }

let p1 = new Product(3,"Pixel2"); // error can't instante abstract class

class Mobile extends Product { connectivity:string; constructor(id:number, name:string, con:string) { super(id,name); // chain to base class constructor this.connectivity = con; } isExpensive(): boolean { logic and return boolean type } }

let m = new Mobile(12,"iPhone", "4G"); m.getName(); // valid m.isExpensive();

================================================ static ==> class member

class BankingAccount { private static count:number = 0; // class variable constructor(private id:number, private name:string) { count++; }

static getCount() {
	return count;


console.log(BankingAccount.getCount()); // 0

let b1 = new BankingAccount(33,"a"); console.log(BankingAccount.getCount()); // 1 let b2 = new BankingAccount(34,"b"); console.log(BankingAccount.getCount()); // 2


JavaScript modules in Typescript

  1. npm i lodash

chart.js, nvd3.js

installs js library in node_modules

create src/typings.d.ts

declare module 'lodash' { export function random(min:number, max:number): number }

index.ts import {random} from 'lodash';


  1. Scenario where lodash is included as <script></script> in index.html

declare var random:any console.log(random(1,100));

  1. install typedefinitions npm i @types/lodash -D


NodeJs modules using TS

npm i -D @types/node


import fs, {ReadStream} from 'fs'; import {createServer, Server, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse} from 'http';

const server:Server = createServer((request:IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse) => { switch(request.url) { case "/file" : const stream:ReadStream = fs.createReadStream("./src/server.ts"); stream.on("data", (chunk:string) => { response.write(chunk); }); stream.on("end", () => { response.end(); }); break; case "/": response.end("Hello World!!!"); } });


=============================================== // "allowJs": true,


export class Employee {



import {Employee} from 'Employee';


Testing of "ts" files JS unit testing libraries: mocha, jest, jasmine

npm i jest @types/jest ts-jest -D


import axios from 'axios'; const mockAxios = jest.mock(axios);


Static code analysis ==> linting

ESLint, TSList [ no longer supported]

npm i -D eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

Decorators ==> @ ==> Decorator Design Pattern Angular, Mobx,

@Component({ "selector": "card", "stleyUrl": "templateUrl" : './card.html' }) class ProductComponent extends Component { products:Product[]; addProduct() {} }

@Component({ "selector": "card", "styleUrl": "templateUrl" : './card.html' }) class CustomerComponent extends Component { customers:Customer[];


Mobx @observable public class Product {}


@Required() private firstName:string;

@Required() private lastName:string;


Decorators are functions

function sealed(target:any) { Object.seal(target); // not allow any new fields / properties to be added to target }

@sealed class Product { id name }

let p = new Product(...)


let p = {"id": 1, "name": "test"};

at runtime

p.price = 2222; // supports

Object.seal(p); // p.price = 2222; ==> ignored



Commonly we write decorators as HOF with closure ==> Decorator factory

=============================== @Course({ subject: "ExpressJS" }) class Student { firstName lastName }

student will have firstName, lastName and subject


export function Course() { return function(target:any) { Object.defineProperty(target.prototype, "subject", {"value": "ExperssJS"}) } }

@Course() class Student { firstName lastName }


function Student(fn, ln) { this.firstName = fn; this.lastName = ln; }

Student.prototype.getName = function() { return this.firstName; }


export function Course(config:any) { return function(target:any) { Object.defineProperty(target.prototype, "subject", {"value":}) } }

@Course({ name: 'NodeJS' }) class Student { firstName lastName }


class Some { get firstName() { return "test"; }

set firstName(a) {}


let s = new Some(); console.log(s.firstName); // get s.firstName = "Ashok"; // set



ExpressJS + MongoDB


MongoDB Express React / Angular Node

Docker Desktop

docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo:latest -p 27017:27017

docker cp employees.json some-mongo:/tmp/employees.json

docker exec -it some-mongo bash

mongoimport --db sales_db --collections employees --file tmp/employees.json


Day 5

Day 4: ==> Typescript, using JS in TS, JEST unit testing framework, class, Decorators

"ts-node" npm i -g ts-node ts-node script.ts


npx ts-node script.ts


npx tsdx create myproject ==> for scaffolding code

JavaScript build tools

  • Grunt == gruntfile.js
  • Gulp == gulp
  • Webpack == webpack.config.js

Automate running scripts ==> clean, compile, test, lint , minfify, uglify, bundle ...


expressapp> npm init --y expressapp> npm i typescript dotenv body-parser cookie-parser express jsonwebtoken expressapp> npm i -D @types/body-parser @types/cookie-parser @types/express ts-node expressapp> tsc --init



  • middleware framework for NodeJS
  • simplify application development
  1. Traditional web application pages are rendered on server and sent to client SSR ==> data [representation of documents of mongoDB or Rows of MySQL] to presentation [ HTML]
  2. Serve static pages
  3. Build RESTful web services [ CSR ] representation of data is served to clients in various formats [ JSON / XML / ATOM /CSV ] seperatation of client-server clients can be Web clients [ React, Angular, Vue], Swift, Android, Standalone app, WebOS,..
  4. GraphQL services ==> Apollo Server

RESTful Web Services

  • uses http protocol
  • Uniform URI to identify a Resources [ plural nouns]
  • actions are identified using HTTP verbs [ GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]

GET http://localhost:8080/api/products

get all products

-- GET http://localhost:8080/api/products/3

get product whose id is 3 pathparameter "/" to get by Unique id or sub resource


-- GET to get subset / filterd ==> Query Parameter http://localhost:8080/api/products?category=mobile http://localhost:8080/api/products?page=2&size=20

POST http://localhost:8080/api/products

payload from client will contain data which is added to "products"

PUT http://localhost:8080/api/products/2

payload from client will contain data which is updated to "products" with id 2

-- DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/products/2

delete a product whose id is 2

  • Docker Desktop

"start" : "node dist/api/app.js"

npm run build npm start

OR using ts-node

"start" : "ts-node ./api/app.ts",

http://localhost:3000/ http://localhost:3000/products http://localhost:3000/products/1



POST http://localhost:3000/products

Headers: Accept: text/plain Content-type: application/json

Body: select raw incomplete: { "price": 1234.33 }

or: { "id": 10, "name": "Sony Tv", "price": 123492.33, "category" : "tv" }


Session Tracking

Http protocol is a stateless protocol

Client Request ==> request, response objects are created; once response is commited to client they are destroyed


  • client - server
  • Uniform Uri
  • Stateless

JWT ==> Json Web Token

eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9. eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ. SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c

HEADER: { "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }

Payload: contains claims

{ "sub": "1234567890", // who you are "name": "John Doe", "iat": 1516239022 // issued at "exp": 1516239099 // exp "iss": "adobe", "authorities": ["admin", "user"] }

VERIFY: HMACSHA256( base64UrlEncode(header) + "." + base64UrlEncode(payload), mytopsecret ) secret base64 encoded


npm i -D @types/jsonwebtoken

=== REgister a User

POST http://localhost:3000/register Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json

Body: { "email": "", "password": "secret123" }



POST http://localhost:3000/login Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json

Body: { "email": "", "password": "secret123" }

Response: { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiZW1haWwiOiJtZUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpc3MiOiJhZG9iZSIsImlhdCI6MTY1MjQyNzAwMH0.kVWr66NUFYVSJhmjgr60bed9EYbX40DzvcW4fShI3go" }


Protected REsources

GET: http://localhost:3000/products Accept: application/json


Autorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiZW1haWwiOiJtZUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpc3MiOiJhZG9iZSIsImlhdCI6MTY1MjQyNzAwMH0.kVWr66NUFYVSJhmjgr60bed9EYbX40DzvcW4fShI3go


express ==> MiddleWare ==> Route ==> MiddleWare ==> Controller ==> Service ==> Mongodb/mysql

jsonwebtoken ==> token based authorization




Day 6

Recap on ExpressJS --> middleware web framework for NodeJS --> Simplfies traditional web application dev [ SSR] --> RESTful web services

new express();

Routes ProductRoute.ts UserRoute.ts

Middleware ==> (req:Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {} next(); ==> next handler which matches URL pattern [ could be other middlerware or API] Examples of built-in: app.use(express.json()); // payload to json content-type:application/json JSON.parse(..); app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(cors());

Jsonwebtoken ==> tokenGuard.ts as middleware [ Before Route ] ProductValidatorMiddleware ==> [Route and Controller]

Docker Desktop


  • Serve static pages
  • SSR ==> Server Side Rendering data is read from backend and pages are rendered on Server and sent to client Librarires for SSR
    • EJS <%= data %>
    • JADE
    • PUG
    • Handlebars #data
    • Mustache {{data}}

expressapp> npm i ejs


$ docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo -p 27017:27017

$ docker cp employees.json some-mongo:/tmp/employees.json

MongoDB ==> NoSQL database ==> It's not RDBMS [ tables with relationship using Foreign key]

MongoDB RDBMS database database collection table document row BSON


$ docker run --name some-mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo

$ docker cp employees.json some-mongo:/tmp/employees.json

Access mongodb Container $ docker exec -it some-mongo bash root@8c738f59839c:/# mongoimport --db employees_db --collection employees --file tmp/employees.json

root@8c738f59839c:/# mongosh test> use employees_db employees_db> show collections employees employees_db> db.employees.find()

Where clause employees_db> db.employees.find({company:'Adobe'})

select name, company from employees where company='Adobe' employees_db> db.employees.find({company:'Adobe'}, {name:1,company:1})


expressapp> npm i mongoose


http server ==> express ==> MongoDB Driver => MongoDB

MongoDB NodeJS Driver

Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool ODM ==> similar to ORM

Object is JS object ==> map to Document of MongoDB

Simplifies CRUD operations


Schema: Everything in Mongoose starts with a Schema. Each schema maps to a MongoDB collection

model: for ==> CRUD operations

mongoose.model('Tank', schema);



npm i dotenv



NPM packages are developed in lots of small Github repos.

I am working in #5 and #6 repo, ignore pull requests from #8 repo

npm i repo_8


Monorepo ==> single repo will contain all the code for a given project


  • Single soource of truth
  • Code reuse
  • Atomic changes

Project 1 refers Project 2


Monorepo tools:

  • Lerna
  • Rush
  • Manually configure using NPM / YARN

npm i -g @microsoft/rush

npm i -g pnpm


rushexample>rush init

rushexample>md hello rushexample>cd hello rushexample/hello>pnpm init [ similar to npm init --y] rush.json { "packageName": "hello", "projectFolder": "hello" }

run in any terminal rush update

adding dependencies for hello project/module

rushexample/hello>rush add -p express [npm i express] rushexample/hello>rush add -p typescript --dev rushexample/hello>rush add -p @types/express --dev rushexample/hello>rush add -p @types/node --dev rushexample/hello>tsc --init

rushexample/hello>rush add -p ts-node --dev

package.json "build" : "tsc", "start": "ts-node src/index.ts",


import express from 'express';

const app = express();

app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.send("Hello Rush!!!"); });

app.listen(3000, () => { console.log("server started!!!"); });

Running npm scritps with Rush

rushexample/hello>rushx start

Adding other modules into monorepo

md lib cd lib rushexample/lib>pnpm init rushexample/lib>tsc --init update rush.json to specify this project also { "packageName": "@shared/lib", "projectFolder": "lib" }

rush update ==> from any terminal of the project rushexample/lib>rush add -p lodash rushexample/lib>rush add -p @types/lodash --dev

in hello module "dependencies": { "lib": "workspace:*",

rushexample/lib>tsc --init
