Resources for the language Bislama (Bichelamar), an English-based creole, which is one of the official languages of Vanuatu.
- Pidginise your English, a short, written introduction to the language for speakers of English
- Liahona magazine in Bislama.
Liahona is a monthly religious magazine published by the Latter Day Saints. Many issues (but not all of them) are translated into lots of underresourced languages. - Vanuatu Daily Post, mostly in English but has some short articles in Bislama
- Vanuatu Daily Digest, a blog summarizing news from Vanuatu;
lots of links to local media outlets, blogs etc. (mostly English, though)
I couldn't find any compiled corpora, but here are some sources to get you started:
- The bible in Bislama
- Jehovah’s Witnesses website in Bislama
- Tweets in Bislama and blog posts in Bislama from Indigenous Tweets
- Primary texts in Bislama, compiled by the Open Language Archives Community
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Bislama
- Wikipedia in Bislama, 480+ articles
- Speech recordings in Bislama from the Pangloss Collection
- Working Together in Vanuatu: Research Histories, Collaborations, Projects and Reflections, an ebook (HTML) about fieldwork in Vanuatu, with some chapters available in English and Bislama
- Yumi Toktok Stret ('we talk straight') is said to be Vanuatus biggest Facebook group,
its discussions (mostly in Bislama) are archived and categorized in the Yumi Toktok Stret Opinions blog
- Bislama spelling dictionary, available for MS Word and Firefox (6500 words)
- the same spelling dictionary as a list in PDF format with coarse-grained POS tags and English translations for each word (both licensed under GPLv2)
- Bislama word frequency lists (unigrams, bigrams and character trigrams)
from the An Crúbadán project