Releases: arpruss/raspberryjammod
Releases · arpruss/raspberryjammod
- improve to provide an efficient general purpose object drawing and moving class: you can scan objects from the world OR just provide them programmatically
- fix bug affecting many fractal scripts
- fix a problem on Windows with some python interpreters
- add camera.setDebug() (not officially supported and may be removed later)
- allow /py scripts to be launched from commandblocks (unless you have BOTH disabled remote connections AND have multiple players)
- allow multiply /py scripts to run at the same time via: /py -a scriptname (the "a" is for "add"); a single /py without a "-a" terminates them all
- improve
- Improve NBT TileEntity support on mod side
- Add NBT TileEntity support on python side. Block class now has an nbt field (normally None). setBlock(s)WithNBT() and getBlockWithNBT() (which also include the data/meta value) have been implemented. One warning: If you have a Block instance that has an nbt field, you will crash if you feed it to setBlock() or setBlocks(). This is not ideal, but needed for optimization of setBlock(s)().
- New command: /nightvision toggles night vision
- Unofficial and unsupported API to set block light level: block.setLightLevel(blockId, level) (level is a float between 0 and 1); unsupported APIs may be removed and their functionality may leave something to be desired; not officially supported in python, but you can access with mc.conn.send("block.setLightLevel", id, level)
- module for drawing large text with about a dozen bitmap fonts (converted from Cool Fonts for PalmOS)
- various optimizations and bug fixes
- improved pypy support in script and mod (set python interpreter in mod config)
- removed some digital clock scripts, replaced by a single digital clock script using the new