FIX: Cannot target calendar api with several instances (#155)
support for Vue 3 KNOWN BUG: templates within slots do not inherit App's mixins, directives, filters, and components (like #123)
- no longer expose component as 'fullcalendar' when used globally
- eventContent slot doesn't properly destroy the Vue components inside (#111)
- global mixins, directives, filters & components work inside slots (#105)
- better compatibility with Webpack 5, deeming
unnecessary (core-5822) - dist files now include a CJS file. ESM is still used by default in most environments (core-5929)
- webpack upgrade note: use style-loader instead of vue-style-loader
... ... this changelog does not mention all releases. ... visit the github releases page as well as the main fullcalendar repo. ...
- pre-built release of the Vue component (#61)
- using the component through a CDN (#28)
- Build errors due to missing types in main.ts (#101)
- when appropriate, expose as 'fullcalendar' component, for DOM templates
fix regression where object props wrongly forcing rerenders (#11, #34)
Emergency bugfix: event objects with Date objects wouldn't render
Fixed bugs surfaced in issue #32:
- event/resource-fetching functions don't work
- event/resource computed properties don't work
- removed
as a dependency
- nested props data mutations, like events being updated, will now be rendred on the calendar (#9)
- added missing props (#25, #29)
- the following emitted events are now deprecated.
use props instead. pass in a function as the prop:
Allows returning false/DOM nodes (#27)
- no unnecessary rerendering of calendar caused by header/footer props being specified as literals (#11)
- new dependency: fast-deep-equal automatically bundled with UMD dist
Fix missing option googleCalendarApiKey