A 4-lesson course on preprints, the traditional journal-dependent publication process, and the future of academic publishing.
Plinio Casarotto
Christine Cucinotta
ASAPbio Fellows Program
ASAPbio Community
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: README.md Lesson-I_Intro/Intro_Lesson-plan_052221.md Lesson-II_Preprints/Preprints_Lesson-plan_2021_05_29.md Lesson-III_PeerReview_Editorial/PeerReview_Editorial_Lesson_Plan_20210524.md Lesson-IV_Sci-Comm/SciComm_Lesson-plan_022821.md Resources
Each lesson is planned for 1-2 hours and can be administered “workshop” style over 4 subsequent days in one week or 1 day/week over a 4-week period. Alternatively, each lesson can be divided into 30 minute ‘blocks’ for adaptation to shorter course times.
We value community feedback. Please ask any question or make any comments through the GitHub discussion found on this link: Community discussions
You can learn more about ASAPbio here<https://asapbio.org/> and FAQs<https://asapbio.org/preprint-info> on Preprints. You can also check out ASAPbio Fellows Program<https://asapbio.org/?s=fellows>