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File metadata and controls

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This package allows to generate CRUD routes in a Mongoose/Express app.


npm install crud-mongoose-express


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const basicCrud = require('crud-mongoose-express');
app.use(basicCrud.make(router, basicCrudOptions)); 

the make() function returns a router and take 2 mandatory arguments:

  • an Express router instance
  • an array of object or an object (explained below)

To handle relations between models you have to add a foreignKey attribute in your Model:

const productSchema = mongoose.Schema({  
  stores: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Store', foreignKey: 'products'}],   
  name: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},  
  type: {type: String, required: true},  

const storeSchema = mongoose.Schema({  
  products: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Product', foreignKey: 'stores'}],   
  name: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},  
  address: {type: String, required: true},  
  phone: {type: String, required: true},  

For each model in the option array, the following routes will be generated:

Note {prefix} corresponds to the value you pass to the basicCrudOptions object and is the pluralized name of the model by default
{related} corresponds to the local key of a reference in the schema (for example with the 2 schemas above, in the StoreSchema {related} could be equals to "products")

Route name Verb Url Definition Parameters
get GET /{prefix} Get all documents of a collection include={related}
sort=fieldname1,... or -fieldname1...
filter= string (OData query)
filter[{related}]= string (OData query)
getById GET /{prefix}/:id Get document by id include={related},
post POST /{prefix} Create new document POST data: {fieldname1: value1, ..}
patch PATCH /{prefix}/:id Update a document POST data: {fieldname1: value1, ..}
delete DELETE {prefix}/:id Delete a document

the following routes will be generated if the model contains a reference to another one:

Note: {related} corresponds to the local key of a reference in the schema (for example with the 2 schemas above, in the StoreSchema {related} could be equals to "products")

Route name Verb Url Definition Parameters
getRelation GET {prefix}/:id/{related} get the documents associated to the document with :id include={related}
filter[{related}]= string (OData query)
associate POST {prefix}/:id/{related} associate a document with another {related} : Array
Payload: { stores: [1, 2, 3] }
deleteAssociation DELETE {prefix}/:id/{related} remove document association same as above

Exemple 1

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const basicCrud = require('crud-mongoose-express');  
//Mongoose Models 
const Product = require('./models/Product');
const Shop = require('./models/Shop');   
//An object containing middlewares to apply to the generated routes  
const authMiddlewares = require('./routes/middlewares/authorization'); 
const basicCrudOptions = [
        Model: Product,    
        middlewares: {    
                'deleteById, patch': authMiddlewares.isOwner(Product)    
        Model: Shop,    
        middlewares: {    
                'deleteById, patch, associate': authMiddlewares.isOwner(Shop)    

app.use(basicCrud.make(router, basicCrudOptions));

Exemple 2

You can also use it in a separated route definition file


const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const userRoutes = require('./routes/user.js');

const app = express();

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

app.use('/users', userRoutes );


const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const User = require('../models/User');
const basicCrud = require('crud-mongoose-express');
const authMiddlewares = require('./middlewares/authorization'); 

//Implement your own POST method (to register a user for example)'/', function (req, res) {    
//add any route you want to (here signIn for example)'/signIn', (req, res) => {    

const basicCrudOptions = { 
    Model: User,
    middlewares: {
        'getById, deleteById, patch': authMiddlewares.isOwner(User),    
        'get': authMiddlewares.isAdmin()    
    disableRoutes: ['post'], // as we re-implemented it we have to disable the default one   
    prefix: '' // as we set the prefix in the app.js file, we set it to empty here  
basicCrud.make(router, basicCrudOptions);
module.exports = router;  

BasicCrudOptions (object):

Key Type Definition
Model Mongoose model
middlewares Object Comma separated names of the routes as key and middleware to apply as value
disableRoutes Array of strings names of the routes to disable
prefix String override the prefix used for the route. Pluralized model name is used by default (for example Product -> products)

Extra Options

You can pass an object as third parameter to the make() function. For the moment there is only one extra option and you can use it like this:

const extra = { 
    endpoints: {    
	    routes: {    
	        enabled: true,    
	        params: {url: '/mcrud/routes'}    
basicCrud.make(router, basicCrudOptions, extra);  

this option creates an extra route accessible by default at yourApp/mcrud/routes (or at the value passed to params['url']).
This route lists all the routes that were created with crud-mongoose-express.

Note: if you prefixed the routes with app.use( "prefix", routes), as in Example 2, the prefix won't appear in the routes list.

available parameters are: url or prefix (which add a prefix to /mcrud/routes). If you set both, prefix will be ignored.