Lexicographically means in the dictionary order. For e.g., let's try to write [4,5,6] in dictionary order
- To identify the breakpoint in simple words:
- Start from the end of the array and move backward.
- Look for the first position i where the number at that position (nums[i] < nums[i + 1]).
- That position i is the breakpoint.
- Break out of the loop once you get the value!
- If there's no breakpoint found then reverse the entire array (In this case :- [3,2,1] no increasing elements so directly jump to step4 - [1,2,3])
- Swap the element at the breakpoint with the next element. Break out of the loop once you get the value!
- Reverse the right part (breakpoint_index + 1 to n-1) of the array
Example :
- Input Array :- [1,2,3]
- breakpoint_index = 1 i.e., after [1]st element - 2, there's an increasing element [2]nd index - 3
- Swap breakpoint_index and next element - [1,3,2]
- Reverse the right part of the array i.e., (breakpoint_index + 1 to n-1) -> from [2]st index till [2]nd index - Hence SKIPPED.
- Input Array :- [2,3,1]
- breakpoint_index = 0 i.e., after [0]th element - 2, there's an increasing element [1]st index - 3
- Swap breakpoint_index and next element - [3,2,1]
- Reverse the right part of the array i.e., (breakpoint_index + 1 to n-1) -> from [1]st index till [2]nd index, reverse the array - [3,1,2]
public static void nextPermutation(int[] nums) {
int i, ind = -1, n = nums.length;
// For e.g., 1, 3, 2
// Step 1 : Find the break point after which all the elements are in increasing order
ind = i;
// If no breakpoint found then
if(ind == -1)
reverseArray(nums, 0, n-1);
// For e.g., 1, 3, 2 -> 2, 3, 1
// Step 2 : Swap the index with the next element
int temp = nums[i];
nums[i] = nums[ind];
nums[ind] = temp;
// For e.g., 2, 3, 1 -> 2, 1, 3
// Step 3 : Reverse the right part of the array
reverseArray(nums, ind+1, n-1);
static void reverseArray(int[] nums, int firstIndex, int lastIndex)
int temp = 0;
temp = nums[firstIndex];
nums[firstIndex] = nums[lastIndex];
nums[lastIndex] = temp;
Time complexity :
- O(3*n)
- Finding the breakpoint
- Finding the reverse of elements
- Finding the next greatest element
Space Complexity :
- O(1) : since no extra space used
Next Permutation Article reference