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Cloc Install Instructions 1.0P

The Cloc utility consists of three bash scripts with file names "" , "" , and "" . These are found in the bin directory of this repository. Copy these files to a bin directory in your Linux environment PATH such as /usr/local/bin. To update to a new version of Cloc simply replace, and in that directory.

In addition to the bash scripts, Cloc requires the HSA runtime and the HLC compiler. This set of instructions can be used to install a comprehensive HSA software stack and the Cloc utility for Ubuntu. In addition to Linux, you must have an HSA compatible system such as a Kaveri processor. There are four major steps to this process:

1. Prepare System =================

Make sure Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit version has been installed. We recommend the server package set. The utica version of ubuntu (14.10) has not been tested with HSA. Then install these dependencies:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install libstdc++-4.8-dev
sudo apt-get install libelf-dev
sudo apt-get install libtinfo-dev
sudo apt-get install re2c
sudo apt-get install libbsd-dev
sudo apt-get install gfortran
sudo apt-get install build-essential 

Uninstall Infiniband

If you have Infiniband installed, uninstall the MLNX_OFED packages.

mount the appropriate MLNX_OFED iso
/<mount point>/
2. Install Linux Kernel Drivers ===============================

Make sure you get the backlevel kfd-v1.0.x branch. This set of instructions is for the provisional HSA runtime. The software stack for the new finalized v1.0F is not yet complete. We will update these install instructions when that is complete. This should be sometime in June 2015.

Execute these commands:

cd ~/git
git clone -b kfd-v1.0.x
sudo dpkg -i HSA-Drivers-Linux-AMD/kfd-1.0/ubuntu/*.deb
echo "KERNEL==\"kfd\", MODE=\"0666\"" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/kfd.rules
sudo cp HSA-Drivers-Linux-AMD/kfd-1.0/libhsakmt/lnx64a/ /opt/hsa/lib

Reboot System

sudo reboot

Test HSA is Active.

Use "" in HSA Linux driver to verify installation.

cd ~/git/HSA-Drivers-Linux-AMD

The output of above command should look like this.

Kaveri detected:............................Yes
Kaveri type supported:......................Yes
Radeon module is loaded:....................Yes
KFD module is loaded:.......................Yes
AMD IOMMU V2 module is loaded:..............Yes
KFD device exists:..........................Yes
KFD device has correct permissions:.........Yes
Valid GPU ID is detected:...................Yes
Can run HSA.................................YES

If it does not detect a valid GPU ID (last two entries are NO), it is possible that you need to turn the IOMMU on in the firmware. Reboot your system and interrupt the boot process to get the firmware screen. Then find the menu to turn on IOMMU and switch from disabled to enabled. Then select "save and exit" to boot your system. Then rerun the test script.

3. Install HSA Software =======================
mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone -b release-v1.0
cd HSA-Runtime-AMD/ubuntu
sudo dpkg -i hsa-runtime_1.0_amd64.deb

Install HSAIL Compiler (HLC)

cd ~/git
git clone
cd HSAIL-HLC-Stable/ubuntu
sudo dpkg -i hsail-hlc-stable_1.0_amd64.deb

Install and Test Cloc utility

As of Cloc version 0.8 the executable shell script names are changed to, and These scripts need to be copied to a directory that is in users PATH. For example /usr/local/bin is typically in PATH.

cd ~/git
git clone -b 0.8
sudo cp CLOC/bin/ /usr/local/bin/.
sudo cp CLOC/bin/ /usr/local/bin/.
sudo cp CLOC/bin/ /usr/local/bin/.
cp -r git/CLOC/examples .
cd examples/snack/helloworld

Install Kalmar compiler

This was formerly known as C++AMP. This step is optional because it is not needed for Cloc. However this is becoming a very good HSA compiler.

mkdir ~/git/deb
cd ~/git/deb
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Install Okra

This step is also optional. It is not needed for Cloc. However, it is currently needed for the experimental version of gcc that supports OpenMP accelertion in HSA.

cd ~/git
git clone
sudo mkdir /opt/amd/okra
sudo cp -r Okra-Interface-to-HSA-Device/okra /opt/amd
sudo cp Okra-Interface-to-HSA-Device/okra/dist/bin/ /opt/hsa/lib/.

Set HSA environment variables

export HSA_LLVM_PATH=/opt/amd/bin
export HSA_RUNTIME_PATH=/opt/hsa
export HSA_OKRA_PATH=/opt/amd/okra
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/amd/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/hsa/lib
4. Optional Infiniband Install ==============================

Go to the Mellanox site and download the following MLNX_OFED iso package:
2.4-1.0.4/Ubuntu/Ubuntu 14.10/x86_86/MLNX_OFED*.iso     

Ubuntu 14.10 is the one that needs to be downloaded to be able to build and install with the 3.17 and 3.19 kernels

Install gcc-4.9

The gcc-4.9 compiler is needed for some of the Mellanox tools which need libstdc++6 built with g++-4.9 or greater

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9
sudo apt-get install g++-4.9
sudo apt-get install gfortran-4.9


Mount the MLNX_OFED iso for Ubuntu 14.10
sudo /<mount point>/mlnxofedinstall --skip-distro-check

Setup Infiniband IP Networking

Edit /etc/network/interfaces to setup IPoIB (ib0)

Run Subnet Manager

On a couple of the systems, opensm should be run

sudo /etc/init.d/opensmd start

Load Kernel Components

Load the IB/RDMA related kernel components

sudo /etc/init.d/openibd restart

Verify Install

Run this command

lsmod | egrep .ib_|mlx|rdma.  

It should show 14 or more IB-related modules loaded.