CRUD App with MongoDB
Project aims get information about CRUD App with MongoDB via a Javascript React with Next.js framework and MongoDB.
At the end of the this project, you will be able to;
improve coding skills within ReactJS, Next.js, Tailwindcss, MongoDB.
use git commands (push, pull, commit, add etc.) and Github as Version Control System.
├── app
│ └── addTopic
│ │ │ └── page.jsx
│ └── api/topics
│ │ │ └── [id]
│ │ │ │ └── route.js
│ └── editTopic/[id]
│ │ │ └── page.jsx
│ └── favicon.ico
│ └── globals.css
│ └── layout.js
│ └── page.jsx
├── assets
│ └── ss.png
├── components
│ └── EditTopicForm.jsx
│ └── Navbar.jsx
│ └── RemoveBtn.jsx
│ └── TopicsList.jsx
├── libs
│ └── mongodb.js
├── models
│ └── topic.js
├── package.json
└── yarn.lock