Factory function to make lint test rules.
When the linter exits non-zero, the test will print the output of the linter and then fail.
To use this, in your linters.bzl
where you define the aspect, just create a test that references it.
For example, with flake8
load("@aspect_rules_lint//lint:lint_test.bzl", "lint_test")
load("@aspect_rules_lint//lint:flake8.bzl", "flake8_aspect")
flake8 = flake8_aspect(
binary = "@@//:flake8",
config = "@@//:.flake8",
flake8_test = lint_test(aspect = flake8)
Now in your BUILD files you can add a test:
load("//tools/lint:linters.bzl", "flake8_test")
name = "unused_import",
srcs = ["unused_import.py"],
name = "flake8",
srcs = [":unused_import"],
load("@aspect_rules_lint//lint:lint_test.bzl", "lint_test") lint_test(aspect)
Name | Description | Default Value |
aspect | - |
none |