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Create Linearized Dark files for MIRAGE using the Darks from the JWST/NIRCam Cryo-Vacuum Campaigns (ISIM/CV)

Author: Arsh Nadkarni (UArizona)

Source: Bryan Hilbert (STScI)


  • Get the essential Darks from FENRIR: Copy the required darks from /surtrdata/External/ISIMCV3_unzipped. For example, if you want to get AX Darks, say cp -r /surtrdata/External/ISIMCV3_unzipped/NRCNRCAX*.fits AX/. This will copy the AX Darks from FENRIR to a directory AX on your local machine. Create a directory AX_Darks inside AX to copy only the .fits dark files.

  • Copy .fits Darks to their sub-directories: Use the code to copy the .fits dark files in AX to a sub-directory AX_Darks which will host all the .fits Dark files. This bash file should be inside the A1 directory. Then, from the command-line: bash You will see all required darks in the AX_Darks directory subsequently.

  • Sort the Darks based on the ISIM/CVX performance: Manually sort the acquired dark files based on your ISIM/CVX needs.

  • Convert from Raw to DMS Format: Use, which calls and First, update the glob call in so that it is pointing to your files (AX_Darks\*.fits). Then from the command-line:python You will see all required darks in the AX_DMS_Darks directory subsequently.

  • Tweak the DMS Darks to be in the Level1B format (this will save disk space by removing unnecessary extensions): You can either:

    • A) make executable, and then use a separate call for each uncal file: > ./ your_dark_file_uncal.fits
    • B) update the glob call in to point to your DMS uncal files (AX_DMS_Darks\*uncal.fits), and run: > python
      You will see all required darks in the AX_DMS_Darks directory subsequently. Now, move the Level-1B Darks to another directory in AX, say AX_Level1b_Darks using mv *level1b_uncal.fits /AX_Level1b_Darks.
  • Run MIRAGE's dark_prep step on the DMS Darks in order to Linearize: Create a MIRAGE yaml file for each Level1b dark - easiest is probably to use the attached yaml file as a template and update the file name in the 'dark:' field, as well as the value in 'array_name:', which should be 'NRCXX_FULL' where XX is the detector number (e.g. 'A1'). For the A5 and B5 detectors, you may also need to update the filter value to be something in the LW channel. I don't think dark_prep looks at this info, but if you get an error, that's one thing to do to solve it. Update the glob call in to use your yaml files. E.g yaml_files = sorted(glob('/home/anadkarni/mirage_darks/A1/A1_yaml_files/*.yaml')). Then call from the command-line: python You will see all required Linearized Darks in the mirage_darks directory subsequently. Now, move the Linearized Darks to another directory in AX, say AX_Linearized_Darks using mv *_uncal.fits AX/AX_Linearized_Darks.

  • Finally, put the resulting Linearized Darks into the proper sub-directory in your MIRAGE_DATA location: E.g. /home/anadkarni/JWST_Programs/mirage_reference_files/mirage_data/nircam/darks/linearized/<detector_name>/

The list of Darks to be converted from ISIM/CV3 can be found in: darks_notes_CV3.txt