- macOS (haven't tested on other platforms)
- Docker for Mac
- docker-sync
docker-sync start
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm spring bundle install
docker-compose run --rm spring rails db:prepare
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps
If all containers are "Up", visit http://localhost:3000 to check if the application is running
Run all commands through the Spring container. Examples:
docker-compose exec spring spring rspec
docker-compose exec spring spring rake db:migrate
docker-compose exec spring bash
# Docker
alias dksyn='docker-sync'
alias dksynr='dksyn stop && dksyn start'
alias down='dkcd; dksyn clean'
alias ds='dkce spring'
alias dsd='dkce --env RAILS_ENV=development spring'
alias dst='dkce --env RAILS_ENV=test spring'
alias start='dksyn start &; dkcU &; wait'
alias stop='dksyn stop &; dkcx &; wait'
alias up='dksyn start; dkcU'
# Rails in Docker
alias bundle='ds ./bin/bundle'
alias rails='ds ./bin/rails'
alias rake='ds ./bin/rake'
alias rspec='ds ./bin/rspec'