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BERT: Pre-trained models and downstream applications

This is a Texar implementation of Google's BERT model, which allows to load pre-trained model parameters downloaded from the official release and build/fine-tune arbitrary downstream applications (This example showcases BERT for sentence classification).

Texar provides ready-to-use modules including BERTEncoder, and BERTClassifier. This example shows the use of BERTClassifier for sentence classification tasks.

To summarize, this example showcases:

  • Use of pre-trained Google BERT models in Texar
  • Building and fine-tuning on downstream tasks
  • Use of Texar RecordData module for data loading and processing
  • Use of Texar Executor module for simplified training loops and TensorBoard visualization
  • Use of Hyperopt library to tune hyperparameters with Executor module
  • Adaptive distributed training using AdaptDL


Install dependencies

Apart from requiring Texar-PyTorch, you should also satisfy dependencies in requirements.txt by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start

Download Dataset

We explain the use of the example code based on the Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MRPC) corpus for sentence classification.

Download the data with the following command:

python data/ --tasks=MRPC

By default, it will download the MRPC dataset into the data directory. FYI, the MRPC dataset is part of the GLUE dataset collection.

Prepare data

We first preprocess the downloaded raw data into pickled files. The preprocessing step tokenizes raw text with BPE encoding, truncates sequences, adds special tokens, etc. Run the following command to this end:

python --task=MRPC \
    --max-seq-length=128 \
    --pretrained-model-name=bert-base-uncased \
  • --task: Specifies the dataset name to preprocess. BERT provides default support for {'CoLA', 'MNLI', 'MRPC', 'XNLI', 'SST'} data.
  • --max-seq-length: The maxium length of sequence. This includes BERT special tokens that will be automatically added. Longer sequences will be trimmed.
  • --pretrained-model-name: The name of a pre-trained model to load selected in the list of: bert-base-uncased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, bert-large-cased, bert-base-multilingual-uncased, bert-base-multilingual-cased, and bert-base-chinese.
  • --output-dir: The output path where the resulting pickled files will be put in. Be default, it is set to data/{task} where {task} is the (upper-cased) dataset name specified in --task above. So in the above command, the pickled files are written to data/MRPC.

Outcome of the Preprocessing:

  • The preprocessing will output 3 pickled data files {train.pkl, eval.pkl, test.pkl} in the specified output directory.

  • The command also prints logs as follows:

      INFO:root:Loading data
      >> Downloading 100.0%%
      Successfully downloaded 407727028 bytes.
      INFO:root:Extract bert_pretrained_models/
      INFO:root:num_classes: 2; num_train_data: 3668 has been updated
      INFO:root:Data preparation finished

    Note that the data info num_classes and num_train_data, as well as max_seq_length specified in the command, are required for BERT training in the following. They should be specified in the data configuration file passed to BERT training (see below).

  • For convenience, the above command automatically writes num_classes, num_train_data and max_seq_length to

Train and Evaluate

For single-GPU training (and evaluation), run the following command. The training updates the classification layer and fine-tunes the pre-trained BERT parameters.

python --do-train --do-eval \
    --config-downstream=config_classifier \
    --config-data=config_data \


  • --config-downstream: Configuration of the downstream part. In this example, config_classifier configures the classification layer and the optimization method.
  • --config-data: The data configuration. See the default for example. Make sure to specify num_classes, num_train_data, max_seq_length, and pickle_data_dir as used or output in the above data preparation step.
  • --output-dir: The output path where checkpoints are saved.
  • --pretrained-model-name: The name of a pre-trained model to load selected in the list of: bert-base-uncased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, bert-large-cased, bert-base-multilingual-uncased, bert-base-multilingual-cased, and bert-base-chinese.

After convergence, the evaluation performance is around the following. Due to certain randomness (e.g., random initialization of the classification layer), the evaluation accuracy is reasonable as long as it's >0.84. An example output is as follows:

Using cached pre-trained BERT checkpoint from /home/centos/texar_data/BERT/bert-base-uncased.
INFO:root:step: 50; loss: 0.646327
INFO:root:step: 100; loss: 0.281063
INFO:root:eval accu: 0.8260; loss: 0.4123; nsamples: 408
INFO:root:step: 150; loss: 0.231236
INFO:root:step: 200; loss: 0.175780
INFO:root:eval accu: 0.8431; loss: 0.4503; nsamples: 408
INFO:root:step: 250; loss: 0.077983
INFO:root:step: 300; loss: 0.009281
INFO:root:eval accu: 0.8578; loss: 0.5342; nsamples: 408
INFO:root:step: 350; loss: 0.021876
INFO:root:step: 400; loss: 0.005707
INFO:root:eval accu: 0.8676; loss: 0.5084; nsamples: 408
INFO:root:step: 450; loss: 0.003567
INFO:root:step: 500; loss: 0.034953
INFO:root:eval accu: 0.8701; loss: 0.4743; nsamples: 408
INFO:root:step: 550; loss: 0.008626
INFO:root:eval accu: 0.8627; loss: 0.5593; nsamples: 408

Restore and Test

python --do-test --checkpoint=output/model.ckpt

The output is by default saved in output/test_results.tsv, where each line contains the predicted label for each example.

Use other datasets/tasks also support other datasets/tasks. To do this, specify a different value to the --task flag when running data preparation.

For example, use the following commands to download the SST (Stanford Sentiment Treebank) dataset and run for sentence classification. Make sure to specify the correct data path and other info in the data configuration file.

python data/ --tasks=SST
python --task=SST
python --do-train --do-eval --config-data=<config_data>

Using Executor Module

To use this feature, please install tensorboardX by issuing the following command

pip install tensorboardX shows how to use Executor module for a typical train-eval-test loop. We initialize an Executor object with all the required properties like datasets, logging, metrics etc. Executor is also integrated with tensorboardX (tbX) to help visualize the training process. To use tBX support, provide tbx_logging_dir indicating the directory to save the logs and tbx_log_every for frequency of logging to the Executor object. All the train_metrics and valid_metrics will be logged into tensorboard. To run, run the following command

python --do-train --do-test

If the logs are in runs/ folder, the tensorboard server can be started by the following command

tensorboard --logdir runs/

Visualizing loss/accuarcy on Tensorboard

Hyperparameter tuning with Executor

Hyperparameter tuning with hyperopt

To run this example, please install hyperopt by issuing the following command

pip install hyperopt shows an example of how to tune hyperparameters with Executor using hyperopt. To run this example, run the following command


In this simple example, the hyperparameters to be tuned are provided as a dict in which are fed into objective_func() . We use TPE (Tree-structured Parzen Estimator) algorithm for tuning the hyperparams (provided in hyperopt library). The example runs for 3 trials to find the best hyperparam settings. The final model is saved in output_dir provided by the user. More information about the libary can be found at Hyperopt.

Hyperparamter tuning with Neural Network Intelligence (NNI)

The page describing NNI (neural network intelligence) and its usage can be found at this link. To run this example, please install nni by issuing the following command

python -m pip install --upgrade nni

The code script used for nni hyperparameter tuning is In this simple example, the hyperparameters to be tuned are provided as a search_space.json file, for which how to include additional hyperparameters to tune in the json file should be referred to this link. We prepare two configuration yaml file, config_tuner.yml and config_advisor.yml for respectively using build-in nni tuners and advisors on tuning. Some build-in advisors need to be installed, please refer to the link for how to install in you need to use it. In the configuration file, you can modify the number of maximum trials, the maximum running duration and some other arguments (e.g. maximum or minimum). In order to run this example, run the following command

nnictl create --config config_tuner.yml --port 9009

The port id can be set with any effective port id. Then you can use the Web UI urls given from your terminal to monitor the auto-tuning progress on the WebUI. More information about NNI can be found at NNI.

Adaptive distributed training using AdaptDL

The page describing AdaptDL and its usage and setup can be found at this link.

A version of the BERT example which uses texar.torch.distributed Adaptive API can be run on a kubernetes cluster with AdaptDL scheduler. With the help of AdaptDL, the classifier can be trained on a cluster with multiple replicas in data parallel fashion. The number of replicas is automatically decided by the AdaptDL scheduler. Instructions for setting up an AdaptDL cluster can be found here.

Once the cluster is setup and ready, the BERT AdaptDL job can be run with


Parameters like job name, number of replicas etc. can be changed by modifying the embedded job manifest in the file Moreover, the AdaptDL trainer API works locally (without the cluster) by default with a single replica. This can be used for testing changes locally before they are run on a cluster. For single replica training you can directly run the code as shown.

python --do-train --do-eval \
    --config-downstream=config_classifier \
    --config-data=config_data \

See here for full documentation on how to train the model in standalone mode.

Run NNI tuners with adaptdl

In this pratice, we follow the aforementioned setup of AdaptDL cluster. A version of the BERT example is provided based on the above example from the adaptive distributed training using AdaptDL, which auto-tunes the hyperparameters specified in search_space.json. Accordingly, we prepare a configuration file config_bert_classifier.yml for the user to run the experiment with NNI tuners. In this configuration file, everything but several arguments follows the rule of running local NNI experiments as we introduced above. Compared with config_tuner.yml we provide for running a local experiment, one difference is that the user needs to specify a nniManagerIp, which is an IP address of the machine on which NNI manager process runs and typically on which you submit the job. Also, notice trainingServicePlatform is changed to adl, and please see this link for more details to set up a configuration file for adl training service platform. The other difference is that the user needs to prepare a docker image to be pulled from their docker registry repository when submitting the job. In order to build a docker image for the example, the user needs to go to the root directory of texar and run a docker build command followed by a docker push command. In order to pull the image from the private docker registry, the user needs to provide a Secret in the configuration file (e.g., stagingsecret in our example). Please check this link for how to create a Secrete and pull an image from a private registry with a Secrete in Kubernetes. Please see below for our example about how we build and push a docker image to our docker registry repository:

docker build -t -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker push

Then in the configuration file, we provide the command line for running the training job with its code path in the docker container, e.g., in our case we feed python3 /workspace/texar-pytorch/examples/bert/ to config_bert_classifier.yml, where /workspace/texar-pytorch/examples/bert is the path of the training script in the docker container. In addition to these changes, the user needs to set up AdaptDL cluster and install NNI locally. After all the setups, similarly to running a local job, just run:

nnictl create --config config_bert_classifier.yml --port 9009