Releases: atac/c10-tools
Releases · atac/c10-tools
- fe8569c Incremented version #.
- 3d53a4a Merge pull request #20 from linville/issue-19
- 3e869bd Default to YMD date formatting (and avoid accessing non-existent attribute).
- c49dd02 Added top-level usage to readme.
- a28b7f8 Fixed a bug in reindex causing --strip to fail.
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- b82e1b6 Bumped version number.
- fee43ac Fixed dockerfile.
- 955d10e Removed no-binary constraint on download step.
- 03539d0 Added cbitstruct as a dependency.
- 3e718f8 Fixing scripts spec.
- a6bc274 Updated bundle step to use python 3.9
- 56807a3 Updated readme. Resolves #14
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- 50f4924 Still addressing package step.
- 2133c05 Working on package step.
- ce2524a Corrected pipelines config error.
- a18b4a7 Added build OS to build and package steps since default now fails.
- 8c1d10c Removing native binaries for now.
- 41e16f3 Adjusting CI/CD
- 0b492da Switching to pyproject.toml.
- 7094fa6 Corrected test bug based on current year.
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- 963220e Added 1553 command words to stat verbose mode.
- eae78d4 grep rewrite underway
- 0d2005e Fixed typos in deprecation warnings.
- d75b0f1 Fixed binary build (no main in
- 464d75c Replaced tox.ini since tox is no longer used.
- 0aa65c4 Removed bokeh dev dependency.
- 5875142 Removed dask dependency.
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- d06e56c Incrementing minor version number for new inspect tool.
- a4ea6e1 Inspect tool finished and tested.
- 19c81d7 Added the ability to filter inspect on channel and type.
- 501b394 Updated error reporting and reading of corrupted files.
- 747d614 Added byte offset to output.
- cbc997a Implemented automatic ASCII/CSV output switching.
- c10c230 Implemented initial inspect tool.
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- 7e893bf Finished updating reindex.
- b1c8a7c Finished renaming reindex and adding deprecation warning.
- d64bdc8 Finished initial rewrite of reindex tool.
- ba8c73a Finished updating timefix.
- cc408ee Fixing windows tests.
- 43785bd Finished updating wrap-pcap (now frompcap).
- 4e99e00 CLI refactoring
- 86a6b70 Finishing up initial refactoring/rewrite of wrap-pcap tool.
- 63132b1 wrap-pcap working again. Back to refactoring.
- 9e39110 Moved swap_word function.
See More
- 3733c46 Added c10-headers to entrypoints
- df95197 Added byte offset for error reporting.
- 3bbf8d6 Disabled parallel processingto simplify refactoring.
- f933b61 Cleaning up c10 module.
- 96dc6ec Update
- 226796c Updated readme to reflect new CLI design.
- 403ff77 Movconsolidated tools into a new 'deprecated' module to clean up the directory.
- c3ee41d Updated capture tool's handling of tmats. Resolves #4
- f9f46ba Tweaking line endings in test files.
- e76ec7a Working on windows tests still.
- 9c6c958 Updated to make tests pass on windows.
- 340dc62 Moved from-pcap to new capture tool. Will addlive streaming capture eventually.
- 40b831c Added TMATS support.
- b3ad3d4 Updated to fail gracefully when packets/end time found.
- 1f28c12 Added deprecation warning to c10_events.
- 17f779a Added vscode to ignore.
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- 8810194 Fixing the build.
- 0675d73 Added events to verbose mode of stat and added tests for verbose mode.
- 50b6050 Reduced build to single entrypoint and disabled larger libaries to improve startup time.
- b0a94e4 streamcheck disabled when matplotlib not present.
- 914f9f0 Finished implementing trim and slice in copy tool.
- ede6f4e Minor edits.
- 9d883da Minor bugfix.
- ba13190 Updated pychapter10 version.
- 1ed18ac Updated stat tests.
- 26f7bc9 Consolidated errcount into c10 stat in verbose mode.
See More
- 96582c4 Updated fmt_table to allow for manual rows.
- bcaf030 Updated errcount to show details of error-free channels.
- 52c075f Multiple small updates.
- 6dbc974 Updated pychapter10 version and removed i106 references.
- d0161bf Refactored stat to make the various steps clearer. TIL yield from!
- c96d376 Updated get_time to rollover RTC.
- 5995258 Added src to cleanup.
- 77c309a Updated junit filename.
- 1ace546 Tuning azure config.
- e214b6a Adjusting azure config.
- c2762e3 Removed tox and i106 from automated tests.
- d4d52d3 Renamed test directory.
- 8d0b8a2 Removed i106 reference at top of readme.
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