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AsisHash 150 (re, 150p)



Dostajemy program (elf). Analizujemy jego działanie, w dużym uproszczeniu wygląda to tak:

int main() {
    char password[...];
    scanf("%s", password);

    char *hash = hash_password(password);
    if (!strcmp(hash, good_hash)) {
        puts("Congratz, you got the flag :) ");
    } else {
        puts("Sorry! flag is not correct!");

Funkcja hash_password jest bardzo skomplikowana i nawet nie próbowaliśmy analizować jej działania. Zamiast tego zrobiliśmy coś prostszego - ponieważ hash jest monotoniczny (dla dłuższych haseł/wyższych znaków ascii daje wyższe wyniki), spróbowaliśmy zgadnac hash (docelowy hash flagi jest stay i równy 27221558106229772521592198788202006619458470800161007384471764) za pomocą bruteforcowania z nawrotami wszystkich możliwych flag:

import subprocess

def run(flag):
    return subprocess.check_output(['./hash.elf', flag]).split('\n')[0]

def prefx(a, b):
    p = 0
    for ac, bc in zip(a, b):
        if ac == bc:
            p += 1
    return p

def plaintext(t):
    return ''.join(c if 32 <= ord(c) <= 127 else '.' for c in t)

sln = '27221558106229772521592198788202006619458470800161007384471764'
charset = '0123456789abcdef}'

def tryit(f, r, n):
    pp = prefx(sln, r)
    print plaintext(f), r[:pp], r[pp:]
    stat = '<' if sln[pp] < r[pp] else '>'
    print plaintext(f), r[:pp], r[pp:], stat
    for c in charset:
        f2 = f[:n] + c + f[n+1:]
        r2 = run(f2)
        p2 = prefx(sln, r2)
        if p2 > pp:
            s = tryit(f2, r2, n+1)
            if s == '>':
    return stat

for c in range(256): # try to guess good initial padding
    print c, '!!!!!!!!!!!'  # debug info
    placeholder = chr(c)
    start = 'ASIS{' + placeholder * 33
    start = 'ASIS{d5c808f5dc96567bda48' + placeholder * 13   # algorytm zacinał się czasami, więc ręcznie dawaliśmy mu dobre wartości początkowe przeniesione z poprzednich wykonań.
    start = 'ASIS{d5c808f5dc96567bda48be9ba82fc1d' + placeholder * 2
    tryit(start, run(start), len(start.replace(placeholder, '')))

Po chwili czekania i tweakowania algorytmu, dostajemy flagę:


ENG version

We get a binary (elf). We analyse its behaviour and it is doing:

int main() {
    char password[...];
    scanf("%s", password);

    char *hash = hash_password(password);
    if (!strcmp(hash, good_hash)) {
        puts("Congratz, you got the flag :) ");
    } else {
        puts("Sorry! flag is not correct!");

The hash_password function is very complex and we didn't ever try to analyse it. Instead we did something simpler - since the hash is monotonous (for longer input/higher characters it gives higher results) we tried guessing correct flag (flag hash is known and equal to (27221558106229772521592198788202006619458470800161007384471764) using bruteforce with backtracing:

import subprocess

def run(flag):
    return subprocess.check_output(['./hash.elf', flag]).split('\n')[0]

def prefx(a, b):
    p = 0
    for ac, bc in zip(a, b):
        if ac == bc:
            p += 1
    return p

def plaintext(t):
    return ''.join(c if 32 <= ord(c) <= 127 else '.' for c in t)

sln = '27221558106229772521592198788202006619458470800161007384471764'
charset = '0123456789abcdef}'

def tryit(f, r, n):
    pp = prefx(sln, r)
    print plaintext(f), r[:pp], r[pp:]
    stat = '<' if sln[pp] < r[pp] else '>'
    print plaintext(f), r[:pp], r[pp:], stat
    for c in charset:
        f2 = f[:n] + c + f[n+1:]
        r2 = run(f2)
        p2 = prefx(sln, r2)
        if p2 > pp:
            s = tryit(f2, r2, n+1)
            if s == '>':
    return stat

for c in range(256): # try to guess good initial padding
    print c, '!!!!!!!!!!!'  # debug info
    placeholder = chr(c)
    start = 'ASIS{' + placeholder * 33
    start = 'ASIS{d5c808f5dc96567bda48' + placeholder * 13   # the algorithm sometimes was stuck so we were starting it again with already pre-computed prefixes
    start = 'ASIS{d5c808f5dc96567bda48be9ba82fc1d' + placeholder * 2
    tryit(start, run(start), len(start.replace(placeholder, '')))

And after a short while and some optimizations to the algorithm we get the flag:
