Team: c7f.m0d3, msm, other019, nazywam, shalom, akrasuski1
- Rail Dence Cipher (Crypto) 50
- URE (Crypto) 100
- High-speed RSA Keygen (Crypto) 150
- Hail Zeus (Crypto) 300
- dMd (Reverse) 50
- SRM (Reverse) 50
- Android App (Reverse) 100
- Interpolation (Reverse) 200
- Serial (Reverse) 150
- Hackme (Web) 400
- Login to system (Pwn) 200
- SQL (Pwn) 150
- Kiuar (Pwn) 200
- Kick Tort Teen (Forensics) 50
- Dumped (Forensics) 100
- We lost the Fashion Flag (Forensics) 100
- Uagent (Forensics) 100
- Network Forensics (Forensics) 200
- Blocks (Forensics) 400
- Asian Cheetah (Misc) 50
- Hack By The Sound (Misc) 200
- Impossible Game (Misc) 300
- SecCoding 1 (Misc) 100
- SecCoding 2 (Misc) 300