The task is to reverse-engineer strange file that isn't recognizable by file program:
a@x:~/Desktop/ex5$ file M.ex5
M.ex5: data
But we can see that the first 3 bytes are EX5
I googled this magic and I've found that this extension is supported by program MetaTrader5.
MetaTrader 5 is a free application for traders allowing to perform technical analysis and trading operations in the Forex and exchange markets.
EX5 is a compiled script written in MQL5 language which is a language for automated strategies.
I installed MetaTrader5 and I've run this script (dragged and dropped the file).
I've loaded the compiled script by clicking 2 times on it (placed on Desktop). Then, I've run this script in MetaTrader5 (Clicked on it).
Then I launched process hacker. There was a process called terminal64.exe
I've filtered the memory for string "flag". I did this in the following way:
I've clicked on the process and went to tab "memory". Button "strings" -> check mapped, image, private -> ok -> filter -> contains -> "flag".
One of these was very promising - 0x2d50b56: your flag: %s
I followed this string and ended up in a memory region with other interesting strings:
Hello hacker!
Try again!
They all are encoded in UTF16 format. There is the length before every string(4 bytes; little-endian).
One of these strings was very interesting:
I've xored the beginning of it with flag format prefix and I've got:
>>> xor('MdgsskESN','MeePwnCTF')
I've concluded that the key is 0,1,2,3,4...... and so on:
>>> xor('MdgsskESNr]8`am?}"M!KA~$G[v/\x7fvAO\x14S\x16G\x17X',range(0,50))
That was the flag.