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RRR (Read Route Record) is a general purpose acquirement, transmission and processing daemon supporting HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT, TCP, UDP and other I/O devices. RRR has a variety of different modules which can be chained together to retrieve, transmit, modify and save messages.

RRR can read data of different types from external programs or sensors using UDP, TCP, UNIX sockets, piping or files. It is also possible to run self made scripts inside of RRR to modify messages as they pass through.

As part of an application, RRR will handle tasks like networking, daemonizing, logging and buffering, allowing developers to focus on more specialized tasks.

The different RRR modules share a common message format which enables excange of messages between any modules. Modules may serialize data into other protocol formats to send messages externally, or deserialize input data into RRR messages.

The use of RRR assists in creating message-passing and event-driven application designs. RRR itself as well as the devices and other applications it interacts with can be considered to part of the same application. Inside a single instance of RRR, many modules may run at the same time and the only way for these to communicate is by passing messages to each other, and message passing is the only way for the modules to communicate with externals.

Among other things, RRR can be used to:

  • Read Acquire/capture messages, telegrams and data using piping, UNIX sockets, UDP/TCP-packets, HTTP or MQTT
  • Route Transfer messages using HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT, UDP or TCP
  • Record Modify and process messages using Perl, Python or JavaScript. Save messages using InfluxDB, MySQL or a customized save method.

Application examples may include:

  • Barcode scanners
  • Sensors (temperature, pressure, voltage etc.)
  • Communication with PLCs
  • Message forwarding, media or protocol conversion etc.
  • Host monitoring, logging
  • Print spooling
  • General capture and acquisition of all kinds of data, messages and telegrams

RRR is used by starting one or more modules with different capabilities that read messages from each other. Some modules also use networking to communicate with different types of devices or with RRR programs on other hosts. Once a message enters RRR, it is stored in an internal format, an RRR-message, which is supported by all the different modules. It is also possible to generate these messages externally based on the header files.

To send data to RRR, the data should be in some form of predictable binary or textual format. Data may also be acquired directly by RRR if you write a custom Perl or Python script to acquire readings from the source, for instance when the data source is a device on a computer. HTTP and MQTT can also be used to send data to RRR.

Message processing in RRR is designed to work with as little state as possible. By default, messages are passed through without the need for any complex data structures in memory or persistently open TCP connections. This design enhances stability, but also requires that larger applications using RRR have the same mentality. For network connections which require some state, like MQTT, RRR will transparently make sure that a connection is available at all times, relieving application designers from the burden of implementing this.

Before starting up and configuring RRR to use networking, read the SECURITY section at the end.

The directory /examples/ in the source tree or on contains larger application examples. The .md files contain the examples, and the source scripts and configuration files used in the examples are found alongside these.



  • Use RRR arrays to parse incoming HDLC messages
  • New module modbus for retrieving data from ModBus servers
  • New module lua for running Lua scripts inside of RRR
  • Method discern definitions to pass messages into different functions of a script when using Python, JS, Perl or Lua.
  • Improved debugging tools, hook messages and events using the rrr_stats tool

Refer to debian/changelog for a complete list of changes, fixes and features.


  • Support JavaScript modules by using the V8 JS engine


RRR supports being run by SystemD and runit and has native Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora and ArchLinux packages. In addition, RRR may be compiled and run on FreeBSD or other Linuxes including Raspbian, Void, Alpine and SUSE. Other systems might work but are not supported.

Among distributions known not to work out of the box, are OpenBSD and NetBSD. These do not work due to lack of support for process shared locks.

Please create an issue on the GitHub page if you are unable to use a particular device with RRR or if it doesn't run on a particular distribution.


RRR is released under the GPLv3 with exceptions for self written modules. Please check out the LICENSE.*-files regarding this.


It is possible to write custom modules in Perl, Python and C. All three have similar easy to use interfaces to RRR. The man page for rrr.conf has more information on this, also check out

The RRR library provides many protocol implementations and networking tools. While it is possible to link other programs to the RRR library, there is currently some initialization of different data structures for logging etc. which needs to be done. If you wish to do this, please open an issue on the GitHub page to discuss it there.

If you are a developer and would like to see more functionality or have some ideas, please consider forking the GitHub repository.



Compile from source

$ git clone
$ cd rrr

Some systems have customized branches, choose one of the following if appropriate:

$ git checkout voidlinux
$ git checkout alpine
$ git checkout freebsd

The RRR source tree contains packages for Debian-based systems, RedHat-based systems and ArchLinux.

See the COMPILE section below for further information.


Compiling the source requires some basic knowledge on how to build a program using Autotools. Usually, some extra packages must be installed prior to compilation.

On SUSE, the following packages should be installed to build RRR:

$ sudo zypper install git perl libmariadb-devel python3-devel openssl-devel autoconf automake gcc libtool libjson-c-devel libnghttp2-devel

On Debian, Ubuntu and derived systems, the following should be installed:

$ sudo apt install libperl-dev git libmariadb-dev-compat python3-dev libssl-dev autoconf automake gcc libtool

On Alpine Linux, the following should be installed:

$ sudo apk add git automake autoconf libtool libressl gcc musl-dev perl-dev python3-dev mariadb-dev pkgconfig make linux-headers

On other systems, packages with similar names also exist.

See ./configure --help for flags to use for disabling features with dependencies (Python, MariaDB/MySQL, SystemD, LibreSSL/OpenSSL etc.).

$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install		-- Skip if you do not wish to install RRR on the filesystem

If you are on Ubuntu, Debian or similar, you can build .deb packages. Look online on detailed information about this and on which packages you need to build .deb packages.

$ dpkg-buildpackage
$ sudo dpkg -i ../rrr*.deb

To build packages for Arch Linux, a PKGBUILD file is available in the arch/ subdirectory. RRR is also availabe on AUR.


To start the program with modules, a config file must first be made. Write this into a file called rrr.conf.



Then, run the following command:

$ rrr --debuglevel 2 rrr.conf

You can see that my_source generates messages which my_target then reads. Since RRR is designed to run forever, use Ctrl+C to exit. RRR might produce some error messages when the different modules shut down, this is normal.

Keep reading below for more examples, and refer to man rrr, man rrr_post and man rrr.conf for more detailed information on how to configure rrr.


$ cd /directory/to/rrr/source/which/you/have/already/compiled
$ man ./src/misc/man/rrr.conf.5
$ man ./src/misc/man/rrr.1
$ man ./src/misc/man/rrr_post.1
$ ./src/rrr my_rrr_test_configuration.conf


If you installed one of the provided packages, RRR will have configured systemd or runit and might already be running using a dummy configuration.

Configuration files are placed in /etc/rrr.conf.d/. RRR will start one process fork for every configuration file in this folder (which ends with .conf). Place files in this folder and restart RRR with sudo systemctl restart rrr or sv restart rrr. Logs are delivered to syslog like other daemons.

For testing purposes, RRR can be started to start all configuration files in a directory by using rrr /etc/rrr.conf.d/.

When compiling from source, there are configuration flags available to enable and disable systemd and runit.


When compiling RRR, the configuration script will search for both OpenSSL and LibreSSL installations. By default, the latter takes precedence if both are present.


By default, the RRR daemon is started with the -s flags, enabling the statistics engine. Each running fork will create a socket in /tmp/ to which the binary rrr_stats can connect. If there is only one fork, rrr_stats will find it and connect to the correct socket without any additional arguments.

To view log output instead of statistics, run rrr_stats -j.

Note that if you produce a lot of debug output, having rrr_stats running can cause crashes. By default, RRR only prints out errors and warnings.


Instead of just passing chunks of data around, RRR can organize data into arrays. The array system is designed so that messages/telegrams from external sources can be parsed directly into an RRR array and used by the different modules.

An array definition describes the data RRR will receive, and all data is validated against these definitions. RRR messages may contain either raw data or an RRR array. Some modules, like the buffer module, do not care about what kind of messages they handle, these will just forward all messages. Capable modules may on the other hand pick data from the array in the message or perform modifications.

An RRR array consist of multiple positions where each position has one or more value of a certain type and length, possibly tagged with a name.

The array definition specifies data types, sizes and tags. Some types need to have a specified length, and other types figure out the length automatically. RRR will always make sure that it is possible to determine the length of each record, this is necessary to be able to separate the records from each other upon receival. In a single position, all sizes must be equal.

If you are unsure about whether a definition is valid, just try to use it and RRR will give you an error message if it isn't.

Below is the specification for array definitions, more detailed descriptions of the types are found in the section ARRAY TYPES.

  • type - Identifier name of the type
  • length - Length in bytes of the type (if required)
  • count - Item count of the specific type, defaults to 1 if not specified
  • tag - Optional custom identifier tag of the type


Let's say we have incoming messages on UDP and wish to parse them. We use the IP module to receive the messages and separate them from one another.

  • Each message begins with 10 integeres af 1 bytes each, whereof the last nine are to be grouped together
  • After this, there is a quoted string of arbitrary length which we have to parse, but which we mostly ignore later
  • Then, two integeres with one byte each follow
  • At the end there is an 8 byte arbitrary value which is to be split into two parts followed by a carriage return which we do not use

Here's a graphical representation of the array with the tags we want to use to address the different elements when processing the message:

 | my_int |   my_integers   |                           | same_tag | same_tag | split_blob  |    |
 |   1    |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| "String data without tag" |    11    |    12    | blob | abcd | CR |

The 2D way of representing the same array, it kindof looks like this internally in RRR after it has been parsed:

 | my_int | my_integers |                           | same_tag | same_tag | split_blob |    |
 |   1    |     1       | "String data without tag" |    11    |    12    |    blob    | CR |
 |        |     2       |                           |          |          |    abcd    |    |
 |        |    ...      |                           |          |          |            |    |
 |        |     9       |                           |          |          |            |    |

The array definition in the configuration for the IP module will look like this:


The internal RRR array will always preserve the location of the different elements. The tags are not in a hash table, the array is always stored as it was first parsed.

If the same message is to be converted back to raw data and sent over the network, let's say from the IP module, the data will be written out mostly as it was received, including the quotes on the string. Note that integer values always are represented internally with 64 bits (eight bytes). When exported, they will also be this big, there is no method of reducing their size. If it is important to preserve the sizes of integers, use the blob type instead. Note that multi-byte integers parsed using blobs will not undergo endian-conversion, they will always be represented in their original endian inside RRR.

The MQTT client module has the ability to export raw array values into PUBLISH message bodies.

The Perl5 and Python3 modules have functionality for array manipulation if messages need to be modified or processed in some way inside of RRR.


Array branching (or array trees) allows a single definition to be used for different input data. If you for instance have a protocol with different message types, an indicator byte at the beginning of each message can be used to identify which branch to use.

An array with branches is just like a standard array with one or more IF blocks in between the values. The IF blocks may be nested.

Let us say we want to receive two different message types. We use an indicator byte to distinguish them, and this byte is set to either 1 or 2. We specify this array tree in our configuration file.

 IF ({indicator} == 1)
 ELSIF ({indicator} == 2)

If the indicator byte is set to 1, we parse a 16 byte message. If it is two, we parse two 32 byte messages. In both cases, we expect a separator character at the end (like ETX, CR, LF etc.).

After a branched array has been successfully parsed, all values which were encountered while we parsed and checked conditions reside in a single standard array. The receiver of these arrays must be adapted to receive all possible different arrays the array tree may produce.

When using branching, it's important to consider all possible outcomes. If we receive invalid data, we should branch to a block with the err value defined. This is a dummy value which doesn't parse anything but instead always produces an error to make the parsing stop.

Most standard operators are available, like + * - << & || && etc. It is possible to use AND and OR as well, those are aliases for && and ||.

A condition is considered to be true if it evaluates to non-zero.

Array trees may be specified in configuration files (outside instance definitions) with a header with a name like {MY_ARRAY}. The tree must end with a ; (this also goes for each IF, ELSIF or ELSE block). All modules which have array definitions parameters may either specify an array tree like ip_input_types=be4,be4 or reference an array from elsewhere in the configuration like ip_input_types={MY_ARRAY}.

If the array tree is specified directly at the parameter, no newlines may occur within the tree (which may become messy). The terminating semicolon is optional when array trees are defined in a configuration parameter.

Although this example covers most of the branching-stuff, more detail can be found in the rrr_post(1) manual page.


Here's a short list of modules to start with, more are listed in the rrr.conf man page.

ip (read and send data records using UDP and TCP)

This module handles inbound and outbound IP traffic. It can parse incoming data and organize it into RRR arrays, and also send data to external hosts based on address information in the messages it receives from other modules.

The IP module is the binding link between RRR and external devices using IP networking. The module will handle both TCP and UDP simultaneously. If using TCP, one connection is by default created for every outbound message. This is to avoid problems with TCP connections staying open for longer periods.

The IP module does not use packet boundaries to separate data records. When using UDP, it is therefore important to make sure that data is not split into many packets which might cause parts of a message to disappear without this being detected.

Serial to ethernet converters often split up messages into many datagrams by default, make sure they are configured correctly and check that there is only one message per datagram with a network analyzer like Wireshark. If fragmentation is a problem or the messages are too big to fit in single datagrams, use TCP instead.

Usage example with barcode reader and ACK messages

A simple setup using the IP module can be to process barcodes from a scanner and send ACK back. The IP information in an RRR message (where it came from) is always preserved internally in RRR. This makes it possible to simply return a message to the IP module if we wish to send a reply.

  1. Scanner sends a barcode to RRR using UDP (for instance STX 'BLABLA128' ETX)
  2. IP module receives and parses the UDP packet
  3. A Perl or Python script does some processing of the barcode
  4. The contents of the reply ACK message is added to the message (for instance STX 'A' ETX)
  5. The IP Module sends the packet back to the scanner.

In this configuration example, an instance of the IP module both gives data to the Perl module instance, and also reads data from it. The data which IP receives from network is put into an RRR Array Message with three fields: start, message and end. If the syntax in the received data is not correct, the data is ignored. By saving the start and end values, we don't have to worry about what they actually are when processing the message.

When the Perl module generates the reply, it creates an additional array value called reply. The IP module is then configured to find three fields start, reply and end in messages from Perl and send them out concatenated together. While the RRR message still contains the original barcode field once it returns to the IP module, this field is ignored in this example. Messages from the barcode reader(s) are delivered to UDP port 3333.

The following RRR config script rrr-devicemaster.conf will set everything up:



The following Perl script /home/rrr/ will process the messages:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

package main;

use rrr::rrr_helper;
use rrr::rrr_helper::rrr_message;

sub process {
    	my $message = shift;
	# Do message processing
	my $processing_succeeded = 1;
	# Send reply if everything is OK
	if ($processing_succeeded) {
		# Push ACK reply value to the message and send it
		$message->push_tag_blob("reply", "A", 1);

		# IP information is already in the message, as well as
		# start and end separators. This call will cause the IP
		# module to receive the message.
	return 1;


There are some more advanced example configuration files in /misc/test_configs, including how to read the barcode.

mqttbroker (run an MQTT broker)

Starts an MQTT broker which any MQTT client can use to exchange messages. The broker supports TLS, ACL and authentication, have a look at man rrr.conf.

mqttclient (run an MQTT client)

Starts an MQTT client which can connect to any MQTT server. Messages can be read from other modules and published to a MQTT broker, and it is possible to subscribe to topics to receive messages other modules can receive. Two RRR MQTT clients can exchange RRR messages through any MQTT broker, and an arbitrary number of clients can run in each RRR program.

Below follows an example configuration which uses RRR to receive data records from an external MQTT client and save it to an InfluxDB database:



# Array definition of the data received from the MQTT broker


# Read messages from the MQTT client

# Parameters used when writing to the InfluxDB server

# Tags and fields to retrieve from the received RRR messages and write to InfluxDB

Use your favorite MQTT client to publish a message with a data record to the RRR broker which the RRR MQTT client then receives and parses. Refer to the ARRAYS section below on how to specifiy different data types.

mosquitto_pub -t "a/b/c" -m "3.141592,12345678\"myserver.local\""

Please note that RRR does not provide a stand-alone MQTT client.

httpclient (send messages to a HTTP server and parse responses into RRR messages)

The HTTP client can send requests using HTTP or HTTPS, using both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. Messages it receives are converted into HTTP requests. The server and endpoint to use can either be configured statically or configured in each message. Connections are made to HTTP servers automatically.

httpserver (receive HTTP requests)

The HTTP server converts HTTP requests into RRR messages. It can both generate empty responses for any received request, or a backend Perl or Python program can process requests and make responses. More complex structures are also possible, for instance to forward requests on to mqttclient and have some external device generate any responses. The server can be configured to work with HTTP push and Websocket.

ipclient (send messages between RRR instances over UDP)

This module is useful when messages need to be transferred over lossy connections where TCP doesn't work very well.

The ipclient module keeps track of all messages and makes sure that they are delivered excactly once (like MQTT QOS2).

The module may function both as a server which accepts connections and a client (also simultaneously).

An RRR native protocol is used to transfer messages which means that an RRR program only can communicate with other RRR programs using this module.

python3 (generate and/or modify messages by a custom python program)

The python3 module use a custom user-provided program to process and generate messages. Special RRR- objects which resemble RRR internals are provided.

A custom python program might look like this, check out man rrr.conf on how to make it run.

   from rrr_helper import *
   import time
   my_global_variable = ""

   def config(rrr_config: config):
        global my_global_variable

        # retrieve a custom setting from the configuration file. The get()
        # will update the "was-used" flag in the setting which stops a
        # warning from being printed.
        print ("Received configuration parameters")
        my_global_variable = config.get("my_global_variable")

        return True

   def process(socket: rrr_socket, message: rrr_message):
        # Return False if something is wrong
        if my_global_variable == "":
             print("Error: configuration failure")
             return False

        # modify the retrieved message as needed
        message.timestamp = message.timestamp + 1

        # queue the message to be sent back (optional) for python to give to readers

        return True

   def source(socket: rrr_socket, message: rrr_message):
        # Set an array value in the template message
        my_array_value = rrr_array_value()
        my_array_value.set(0, "my_value")

        my_array = rrr_array()


        # queue the message to be sent back (optional) for python to give to readers

        # sleep to limit output rate

        return True

The rrr_helper Python module is built into RRR and is only available when the script is called from this program.

perl5 (generate and/or modify messages by a custom perl script)

The perl5 module makes it possible to process and generate messages in a custom-written perl script. The first and only argument to the source- and generate-functions is always a message. Modifications to the message in the script will be done to the original message, hence there is no need to return the message.

A message can however be duplicated one or more times by calling its send()-method.

Below follows an example perl script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

package main;

use rrr::rrr_helper;
use rrr::rrr_helper::rrr_message;
use rrr::rrr_helper::rrr_settings;

my $global_settings = undef;

sub config {
	# Get the rrr_settings-object. Has get(key) and set(key,value) methods.
	my $settings = shift;

	# If needed, save the settings object
	$global_settings = $settings;

	# Custom settings from the configuration file must be read to avoid warning messages
	# print "my_custom_setting is: " . $settings->get("my_custom_setting") . "\n";

	# Set a custom setting
	$settings->set("my_new_setting", "5");

	return 1;

sub source {
	# Receive a newly generated template message
	my $message = shift;

	# Do some modifications
	$message->{'timestamp'} = $message->{'timestamp'} - $global_settings->get("my_custom_setting");

	print "source:  new timestamp of message is: " . $message->{'timestamp'} . "\n";

	# Return 1 for success and 0 for error
	return 1;

sub process {
	# Get a message from senders of the perl5 instance
	my $message = shift;

	# Do some modifications to the message
	$message->{'timestamp'} = $message->{'timestamp'} - $global_settings->get("my_custom_setting");

	print "process: new timestamp of message is: " . $message->{'timestamp'} . "\n";

	# This can be used to duplicate a message. Not needed if we are not duplicating
	# $message->send();

	# Return 1 for success and 0 for error
	return 1;

cmodule (generate and/or modify messages by a custom C module)

A C-module has config, source and process functions just like Perl and Python scripts, and the excact same internal RRR framework handles these semantics.

Custom C-modules are usually compiled inside the RRR source tree. Read /src/cmodules/README for information on how to do this, usually only a single C-file is needed to create a module.

file (read data from files, sockets, FIFO devices, character devices, serial ports etc.)

The file module reads and parses data from filesystem entries into RRR array messages.

socket (read data records from a UNIX socket)

The socket module listens on a socket and parses data records it receives before forwarding them as RRR messages to other modules. It expects to receive records with data types defined in an array definition. This is useful when it's practical to pass over data to RRR locally using scripts.

raw (drain output from other modules)

Read output from any module and delete it. Can also print out some information for each message it receives.

dummy (generate dummy measurements)

Create dummy messages with current timestamp as value at some interval.

mysql (store messages to database)

Reads messages from other modules and stores them in a MySQL database.

influxdb (store messages to database)

Reads messages from other modules and stores them in a an InfluxDB database.

A binary, rrr_post, is provided to communicate with the socket module. The type of input data is defined in its arguments, and an RRR array message for every record is created and sent into RRR over the socket.

Below follows an example configuration where a data record is created locally and then sent to RRR using rrr_post to be saved in an InfluxDB database.



# Read messages from the socket module

# Parameters used when writing to the InfluxDB server

# Tags and fields to retrieve from the received RRR messages and write to InfluxDB

Use rrr_post to parse the input data record, which in this case is provided on standard input.

echo "3.141592,12345678,\"myserver.local\"" | rrr_post /tmp/my_rrr_socket.sock -a fixp#loadavg,sep1,ustr#uptime,sep1,str#hostname -f - -c 1


An RRR-message contains some metadata and a class specifier which tells us what kind of information and/or value it stores.

  • Metadata for a message:
    • Timestamp Usually specified when a message was created.
    • Topic A topic to be used by MQTT modules
    • Class and Data Raw data of a message or Array data
    • Source-address IP-address of a sender for messages which originated remotely.

On the network, all multibyte fields are in Big Endian format.


If you use RRR for networking tasks, please note that there are no authentication or any kind of security on many network functions. Although some modules have rate limiting causing them to drop incoming data if they are overloaded, this is merely to avoid filling up memory with buffered messages.

If RRR is configured to read raw data from other hosts, this should happend on closed networks protected by a firewall. A firewall should run on a separate machine to prevent accidental openings, do not rely on software firewall rules on the machine running RRR.

The MQTT modules support both TLS and authentication. It is recommended, if security is needed, to use a custom CA-certificate to validate certificates when receiving and making connections. The brokers and clients must then use certificates signed with this CA-certificate to identify themselves. It is not safe to rely on external CA-authorities, these are only safe when connecting to remote hosts using DNS. Anyone may obtain such certificates.

In the configuration, specify a ca_path or ca_file to prevent the TLS library to look in standard system directories for public CA-certificates. Even better: If the public certificates are not used for anything else, delete them.

Make sure that plain listening mode is disabled for modules if you wish to require TLS, and also double check afterwards that RRR does not listen to unsafe ports.

Note that RRR does not check for revoked certificates. If some certificate has been leaked and is compromised, the CA-certificate used to signed this and all other certificates must be removed from all hosts and replaced. RRR does not validate hostnames in certificates.

The HTTP modules can also use TLS in this setup for authentication, but there are no usernames or passwords. The ipclient module, providing assured delivery over UDP, has no TLS. This also goes for the raw networking ip module.

With the default RRR configuration file (dummy configuration), no networking is started.



These types require the length field to be specified.

  • be - Unsigned number in big endian binary format. Length must be in the range 1-8.
  • le - Unsigned number in little endian binary format. Length must be in the range 1-8.
  • h - Unsigned number in the endianness of the machine. Might be unsafe for network transfer. Length must be in the range 1-8.
  • blob - Arbitrary binary data. Length must be in the range 1-1024.
  • sep - One or more separator characters. Matches ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ NULL ETX EOH LF CR and TAB. Length must be in the range 1-64.
  • stx - One or more STX or SOH characters. Length must be in the range 1-64.

Types be, le and h may be followed by an s after the length specifier to indicate that the input number is signed. If instead u or nothing is set here, the value is treated as unsigned. No other types may have the sign flag set.


The lengths of these types are identified automatically and must not be set. They cannot be at the end of a definition, nor follow after each other.

  • ustr - An unsigned integer encoded with ASCII characters 0-9. Stored with 64-bits.
  • istr - A signed integer encoded with ASCII characters 0-9 optionally preceeded by - or +. Stored with 64-bits.
  • fixp - The RRR fixed decimal type encoded with ASCII characters 0-9 (and A-F). May include a single dot . to separate integer from fraction, and the integer part may be preceded with a sign (- or +). Stored with 64-bits where 1 bit is the sign, 39 bits are the integer and 24 bits are the fraction. May be preceeded with 10# or 16# to indicate use of base 10 or base 16 conversion, default is base 10.


The lengths of these types are identified automatically and must not be set. They may be at the end of a definition.

  • msg - A full RRR message complete with headers and checksums. A message has its length inside the message header.
  • str - An arbitrary length string of characters beginning and ending with double quotes ". Double quotes inside the string must be escaped with . The surrounding quotes are not included in the final string.
  • nsep - Match any numbers of bytes until a separator character NULL, SOH, STX, ETX, EOH, LF, CR or TAB is found. The separator itself will not be included in the result, a sep should follow afterwards to take care of it.


  • A space is not considered a separator, as spaces often exist inside different messages.
  • The nsep type is not a complete negation of the sep type, the latter matches many more characters. The reason behind this is that messages with arbitrary text and an end delimeter then can be matched using the simple definition nsep,sep1. The nsep will match letters, punctuations, spaces etc., and the sep1 will match for instance a newline or ETX byte.