There is no goal to overcontrol you and your code solutions.
Our main purpose to decrease code-review costs and reach consistent code 🤙
Its recommended not to use React namespace to access inner hooks and etc.:
Namespace is redundant here, because React has consistent and not-frequently-changing API
# Bad
- import * as React from "react";
- ...
- const [...] = React.useState(...);
- ...
- React.useEffect(() => {
- ...
# Good
+ import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
+ ...
+ const [...] = useState(...);
+ ...
+ useEffect(() => {
+ ...
Its recommended to use convinient way of hooks calling:
- Not in conditions or cycles
- Only at start of component
- Only in function or other hooks
- Not in JSX (!!!)
Its good example of "small, but not explicit code"
If you use, for example, in JSX - it won't has predictable behaviour in future logic (specially - after adding some conditions)
Also - its more difficult to maintain
# Bad
- const Foo = () => (
- <div>
- {useSome("/bar") && <Bar>}
- <button onClick={useEvent(() => model.some())}>
- </div>
- )
# Good
+ const Foo = () => {
+ const bar = useSome("/bar");
+ const someEvent = useEvent(model.some);
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {bar && <Bar>}
+ <button onClick={() => someEvent()}>
+ </div>
+ )
+ }
# Also Good
+ const useFoo = (baz: numer) => {
+ return useBar(baz);
+ }
Use implicit return only for simple components
When you note, that component has started to increase - please add explicit return expression
# Bad
- const Foo = ({ one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, array }: FooProps) => (
- <article>
- <ul>
- { => {
- const handleClick = () => model.some(;
- return (
- <li key={} onClick={handleClick}>{}</li>
- )
- })}
- </ul>
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- </article>
- )
# OK
+ const Bar = ({ bar }: BarProps) => <span>{bar}</span>
# Good
+ const Baz = () => {
+ return (
+ <article>
+ ...
+ </article>
+ )
+ }
- Use
for all general cases - Use
for specific cases, only if there no way to use interfaces- (&, |, some types issues, ...)
API responses should be normalized and usable
If you have some troulbes with response format, then please discuss this with your backender
There should not be any hardcoding normalization processing on client-side!
(do not confuse with entities normalizing
# Bad
- some_field: number;
- AnotherField: string;
- "yet-one-field": string[];
# Good
+ someField: number;
+ anotherField: string;
+ yetOneField": string[];