- bean-service : CDI-based bean services, Java transformations, and a SOAP binding.
- bpel-jms-binding : use of a JMS binding for a BPEL service
- bpel-loan-approval : multpile BPEL processes interacting with each other
- bpel-say-hello : BPEL process reads message passed as input
- bpel_service : Examples to demonstrate use of the BPEL component.
- bpel-simple-correlation : two separate interactions correlated to same BPEL process instance
- bpel-xts-subordinate-wsba : BPEL process requiring WS-BusinessActivity
- bpel-xts-wsat : use of WS-AtomicTransaction in BPEL processes
- bpm-service : basic BPMN2 process which invokes bean services.
- camel-amqp-binding : service binding using the Camel amqp component
- camel-atom-binding : service binding using the Camel atom component
- camel-binding : service binding using the Camel gateway component.
- camel-bindy : usage of the Camel Bindy component
- camel-bus-cdi : usage of custom ProcessorFactory used by Camel Exchange Bus internally to create and it's binding feature
- camel-cxf : usage of SOAP with Camel Cxf component
- camel-dozer : usage of camel-dozer transformation
- camel-ftp-binding : ervice binding using the Camel FTP component.
- camel-hl7 : usage of the Camel HL7 component within a SwitchYard service
- camel-jaxb : demonstrates the usage of the camel dataformats
- camel-jms-binding : service binding using a Camel JMS endpoint.
- camel-mail-binding : usage of the Camel Mail Component and its binding feature by receiving and sending messages
- camel-mqtt-binding : usage of the Camel MQTT binding feature
- camel_netty_binding : service binding using a Camel TCP/UDP endpoint.
- camel_quartz_binding : invoke a service periodically.
- camel_rest_binding : service binding using REST.
- camel-rss-binding : usage of the Camel RSSComponent and its binding feature by polling for messages
- camel-sap-binding : usage of the Camel SAP and it's binding feature
- camel-saxon : usage of the Camel XQuery component within a SwitchYard service
- camel-service : routing service example using the Java DSL and XML route definition languages.
- camel-soap-proxy : simple pass through between SOAP gateways to demonstrate proxy capabilities.
- camel-sql-binding : usage of the Camel SQL Component
- ear-deployment : example packaging multiple SwitchYard applications, associated libraries, and a JMS destination inside an EAR archive
- http-binding : service binding using the HTTP gateway component.
- jca-inflow-activemq : usage of the JCA Component and its service binding feature, by binding to a ActiveMQ Queue
- jca_inflow_hornetq : service binding using the JCA component
- jca-outbound-activemq : usage of the JCA Component and its reference binding feature by binding to a ActiveMQ Queue
- jca_outbound_hornetq : service binding using the JCA component
- remote-invoker : use of the RemoteInvoker with services in SwitchYard using the SCA Binding
- rest_binding : service binding using RESTEasy
- rules-camel-cbr : uses the combination of a rules service and a camel service to create a content-based router.
- rules-interview : demonstrates the use of simple business rules using drools drl.
- rules-interview-container : usage of a rules service which performs an age check
- rules-interview-dtable : usage of a rules service where the rules are specified using a DTABLE resource
- soap-addressing : usage of SOAP with WS-Addressing
- soap-attachment : usage of SOAP with Attachments (SwA)
- soap-binding-rpc : usage of SOAP gateway component using RPC style
- soap-mtom: usage of SOAP with MTOM/XOP
- transform-datamapper : transformation using camel endpoint generated by data mapper.
- transform-dozer : transformation using Dozer bean mapper.
- transform-jaxb : automatic transformation of JAXB-annotated message payloads.
- transform-json : transformation to/from JSON using the JSON transformer.
- transform-smooks : Smooks-based transformers to map between XML and Java.
- transform-xslt : transformation using XSLT.
- validate-xml : XML message contents validation.
- orders : includes a JSF front-end demonstrating injection of service references into webapps.
- policy-transaction : uses transaction policy to control transactional characteristics of a service.
- security-propagation-jms : uses custom MessageComposer and DataBindingCreator to propagate security credentials over JMS queue.
- webapp-deploy : demonstrates deployment of SwitchYard embedded in a web application.