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Brief description of the Suppl_files scripts

The following scripts were used to generate extra figures not plotted during the RDS preparation or DEGs analysis

  • Extra_figures_DISCO.R - XIST, TMSB4X and TMSB4Y RNA expression
  • Extra_figures_Velmeshev.R - TMSB4X and TMSB4Y RNA expression
  • num_cells.R - plots the number of cells in the datasets, divided by sex and cell type
  • num_cells_vs_DEGs.R - plots the number of cells versus the numebr of DEGs, divided by sex
  • pubmed_results.R - script that take as input csv files downloaded from Pubmed, and generates plots to show the absolute number and percentage of publication for the following queries:
    1. "brain" AND "sex differences"
    2. "brain" AND "sex differences" AND "development"
  • XIST.R - plots the XIST expression in all datasets and the number of samples in each dataset, split by sex