Welcome back!
If you were here last week and you have already cloned the github repository,
you can update the phs directory with all of the new updates by navigating to
your phs
directory (by changing directories with cd phs
), and then
running git pull
. This command 'pulls' any updated files from the github
repo onto your own personal computer. Sometimes, git
is worried about
overwriting changes you've made to files, and so you won't be able to pull
until you run git reset --hard HEAD~
, after which you can run git pull
This deletes any changes you've made to your phs/
directory since the last
time you git clone
d or git pull
ed, after which point you are free to pull
the new version.
This week we are going to learn how to "customize" your shell environment. The
way to do this in the shell is with Run Command or rc
files, such as a .bashrc
or a
. These are configuration files that customize a program-- in this case
, the files configure bash or vim respectively. However, rc
files exist for
many programs (if you use matplotlib for plotting in python you can use a
to customize default fontsizes or colors, or Linux users have
an .xinitrc
that configures their graphics). These files are sometimes referred to as
"dotfiles", since they begin with a .
, and they are all located in your home
directory. All dotfiles are files are "hidden", which means you need to use ls -a
to see them (-a
is the parameter for "all files").
Remembering the elaboration Run Command(s) is a useful mnemonic for understanding how
files work. Consider your .bashrc
file. First off, bash is a *nix shell and
command language that allows you to interact with your operating systems kernel from the command
line. In other words, (for most people at least) bash is the actual program that interprets the
commands you type in your shell and sends them to the kernel for execution. Of course, there
are other options for shell command languages that some people prefer to use.
How do you check that your shell is running bash? Check with:
% echo $SHELL
% echo $0
Here, $SHELL
is a saved variable, that you can output. We will learn about
later this session. Other examples of saved variables that you can echo
are $USER
(your username) and $HOME
(your home directory). You can change
directories to your home directory with cd $HOME
(check with pwd
), or you
can use the shorthand cd ~
. That's right-- ~
and $HOME
store the same
% echo ~
% echo $HOME
Let's get back to rc
files. We have now established that you are using a bash
So what does your .bashrc
file do? Every time you open up an instance of your bash shell,
the commands in your .bashrc
are executed immediately and line-by-line.
Let's test this. Move to your home directory with cd ~
. Do
you have a .bashrc
file already? If you ls
, you will not see any dotfiles--
use ls -a
or ls -lah
instead. Do you see a .bashrc
file? In either case,
let's open it in vim: vim .bashrc
I'm going to add a few nonsense bash commands to demonstrate how the .bashrc
works. If you have a .bashrc
file that contains text, leave the existing text
alone, but elsewhere add the lines (in vim use hjkl
to move, i
for insert
mode, and Esc
to escape, and :wq
to write and quit):
echo "hey there"
cd phs
Now open and close your bash
shell. What happened? To me, I see:
hey there
When you opened bash, the .bashrc
was automatically executed. Let's replace
its current contents with something useful. Delete the lines we just added in
vim with Shift + v
to sweep out the selection, then d
to delete. Instead,
assuming the line is not already present in your .bashrc
, add the line
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
if using Windows or Linuxalias ls='ls -G'
if using Mac
Once you :wq
in vim, now every time you open bash
, the colors should
automatically look nice. This is a simple customization, but hopefully it gets
the message (and potential customizability) across. I include an example
file in this directory, which I called my_bashrc
-- if we have time,
we will revisit this at the end of the session.
We are now going to learn how to create simple bash scripts. A bash script is a list
of bash commands in a file that are all exectuted when you call the file as an exectutable
program. Move back to the week_3
directory with cd phs/week_3
. Let's make a file
in vim with vim my_bash_script
, that contains
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo My name
echo is
Take special notice of the first line. A script must always begin with a "sh-bang"
or "shebang", i.e, the number sign and exclamation mark #!
. In a *nix system,
whenever a text file is used as if it is an executable, the file's first line is parsed
as an interpreter directive, which consists of a #!
followed by a path to a specified
interpreter program ( here we have #!/bin/bash
). The interpreter program is then
executed, passing it as an argument to the path that was initially used when attempting
to run the script. Exit insert mode with Esc
and write and quit vim with :wq
. We
now need to change the scripts files permission so that it can be run as an executable.
This is done using the command chmod
. Only then can the file be executed
). In the shell, run
% chmod u+x my_bash_script
% ./my_bash_script
My name
Let's be a little more creative: edit this file again with vim my_bash_script
, but this time make it read:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo This file has parameters
echo $0
echo $1
echo $2
We can run the file immediately (without chmod
) since it already has
executable permissions. We find that by running it, it outputs:
% ./my_bash_script
This file has parameters
Interesting-- $0
returns the name of the function that we are running. What
do $1
and $2
do? Let's try running the file again, but pass parameters:
% ./my_bash_script physics rules
This file has parameters
Therefore, $1
and $2
are parameters passed to the function $0
. (For those
curious, google "positional parameters" to learn more). Earlier, when we ran
echo $0
, the output was bash
-- this is because in the shell, bash is the
name of the executed function.
Finally, we want to learn how to use this bash script from anywhere in our
filesystem. If we changed directories and wanted to run my_bash_script
, we
would need to do something like ../../my_work/phs/week_3/my_bash_script physics rules
. This is inconvenient-- when we run the command vim
, or
, or head
, or cat
, these functions all work without needing to
explicitly state where they are located. Hey-- where are they located? Use the
command which
to figure it out:
% which vim
% which cat
% which less
All of these files are stored in the bin
directory, which is short for
"binary files". This directory /usr/bin
is where all of the commands you use
in the shell are located (try out ls /usr/bin
and scroll through the list).
Why is it that these programs can be executed from anywhere? The answer is in
the shell variable $PATH
, which is a list of directories that your shell
searches through whenever you run a command. Look at what is in your path with
% echo $PATH
You'll notice that the place where vim
and cat
were located is one of the
directories in the $PATH
variable. In general people will have different
variables. When you execute a program foo
in the command line, the
shell will look through every directory in $PATH
looking for an executable
program that is named foo
, and once it finds one, it executes it. We want to
make a personal bin
directory in our home directory, in which we can
place scripts that we have made. Once we add this directory to our $PATH
we will be able to execute them from anywhere.
Navigate to your $HOME
folder by typing cd
. First check if a bin
folder exists in the home directory with ls ~
. If it does not, make it with
mkdir ~/bin
. Now, we need to add this directory to the $PATH.
Remind yourself of the full path to this folder by typing echo $HOME
or pwd
. For example,
your output might be /home/your_username
. To add your personal bin
folder to your
, in bash run the command
% PATH=$PATH:/home/your_username/bin
(for me I run PATH=$PATH:/home/dillon/bin
). If this /home/your_username/bin
is already in your $PATH
, you don't need to do this.
Now move your script to the new bin
directory with mv my_bash_script ~/bin
. ls .
to ensure it is gone, and ls ~/bin
to ensure it
was moved.
Now, we can run the command my_bash_script
even without the ./
part, just
like we would run less
or cat
! Try it out:
% my_bash_script physics rules
This file has parameters
We have made a program that is executable from anywhere on our machine.
However, the crux was updating the $PATH
variable. If we restarted bash,
would revert to its previous value. That means, every time we start
, we want the $PATH
variable to update to include our personalized
. To do this, naturally, we will add to our .bashrc
. We can do this
either with vim ~/.bashrc
, and add the line
, or we can use the redirect command >>
and do it in one bash command
% echo PATH=$PATH:/home/your_username/bin >> ~/.bashrc
which will append the command to the .bashrc
. Now you can restart bash, and
still use your script my_bash_script
anywhere you wish.
Next, we turn to the typesetting language LaTeX. LaTeX turns a plaintext .tex document into a beautifully typeset and vector graphic .pdf document. (It can also create .dvi and .ps documents, but in the modern era .pdf is all you will need). In LaTeX, though, there is a learning curve-- unlike Microsoft Word, where "what you see is what you get", you do not simply type on a screen and print out the document.
Briefly look at the LaTeX syntax with less skeleton_document.tex
. We will
compile this document into a pdf using pdflatex MY_FILE.tex
% pdflatex skeleton_document.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Arch Linux) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
Output written on skeleton_document.pdf (1 page, 124382 bytes).
Transcript written on skeleton_document.log.
If you ls
, you should now see additional files, including
. Let's open this file with a pdf viewer:
Mac OSX: run
open skeleton_document.pdf
in Mac will automatically map to the proper program for whatever file type you are opening -
Ubuntu: run
evince skeleton_document.pdf
, or some other pdf viewer (e.g.mupdf
). If you want to make this feel more fluid, you can add the linealias pdf='evince'
to your.bashrc
, and then use the commandpdf skeleton_document.pdf
. -
Windows: This is a little tricky. Windows Subsystem for Linux allows you to reproduce the command line aspects of Linux, but it doesn't allow for convenient graphic interfacing. If you have configured an X server (following the instructions under "Graphical Applications" at https://seanthegeek.net/234/graphical-linux-applications-bash-ubuntu-windows/), then you can launch the program VcXsrv, update the bash variable
withexport DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
, and run a graphical application. (You will need to run thisexport
command every time you have a new bash session-- alternatively, add this line to your.bashrc
withecho "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" >> ~/.bashrc
. -
Windows on Broida 5223 lab computers: Open the X server on the desktop of these computers called XLaunch, and accept the default settings (press Next three times + Finish) until you can't anymore. Restart any terminals you have open, and you should now be able top open graphical applications from the terminal on these machines.
Windows, don't use graphics server method: If you don't configure an X server, you will need to navigate to your Linux files through your standard Windows file explorer. For details see here. In your Windows file explorer, navigate to
, but DO NOT modify any of the files. If you do, you may break the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Treat every file as 'read-only'. Once you are here, navigate to thephs/week_3
folder, and double-clickskeleton_document.pdf
like you did in the old days. This incompatibility, which doesn't allow you to natively use graphics from the shell, is a surface defect of a deeper problem, is why I still urge you to dual-boot Ubuntu: you are not truly using Linux, and so there will always be things like this that break your user experience/immersion in Linux.
In an adjacent window now, in vim open skeleton_document.tex
to see the basic
syntax, and to learn how to use the (very useful!) f
key. We will flip
between vim
and the .pdf
to see what syntax produces what output.
You will notice that this generates a lot of extra files (*.log
, *.aux
that we don't need. We can remove these files with the script
-- look at its contents with vim, ensure it is executable with
ls -lah
, and run it with ./clean_up_files
. Note what your workspace looks
like before and after. Let's add this script to our bin, so that we can use it
% cp clean_up_files ~/bin
LaTeX is widely used, and accordingly has extensive documentation for nearly every need. In general, (as with most things) the fastest way to learn how to use LaTeX is google: en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/ is an excellent resource for basic issues, and StackExchange typically has solutions to any more advanced or specific questions.
Let's now look at a simple LaTeX report template that uses BibTeX, a
bibliography manager. A simple report file is in bibtex_file.tex
, which uses
the BibTex file bibtex_file.bib
. Each of these files are comprised of text,
and are compiled with LaTeX. The commands necessary to compile this article are
in compile_article
; you can either run this bash script (./compile_article bibtex_file.tex
) or you can type out each command in the bash script, replacing
the $filename
by bibtex_file
. The commands of this script are pdflatex
which we used earlier-- and bibtex
, which is a command used to get your
references right. When using bibtex
, you need to compile the article multiple
times (as in the script) in order for the program to learn what references go
where correctly. Also, this script runs clean_up_files
at the end, which
removes any unnecessary files that are made during the compilation process.
These scripts are useful in many different contexts. Therefore, we should make
them accessible from anywhere! To do this we will copy the compile_article
our bin, where clean_up_files
is already located:
% cp compile_article ~/bin
Now, you can check to see that you can call these scripts from anywhere:
% which clean_up_files
% which compile_article
Isn't having a personal bin
Open both the .tex
and the .bib
file in vim, using vim bibtex_file.tex
and then :tabe bibtex_file.bib
in vim. Switch between these two files with
, which stands for goto tab. Note the format of the .bib
This citation is typically available for any scientific journal, look for the
'download citation' link on the article website.
Beamer is an open-source presentation software, which allows for LaTeX to be
used as a presentation tool. An example presentation is beamer_template.tex
which can be compiled by executing compile_article
in the same manner as
Also in this document, you will see how to include graphics, how to draw in LaTeX using tikz, how to include sets of equations, and how to cite references without using BiBTeX.
To see an example research report (Eric Jones' final report for
Parallel Computing, a class at Colorado School of Mines, where he
parallelized matrix multiplication), look in the example_tex_report
directory. Compile and view the document as usual.
Finally look at a sample LaTeX resume/CV cv_simple.tex
. Compile this in the
usual way with compile_article cv_simple.tex
, and take a look at how it
looks. This uses the res.cls
document style, which basically modifies a bunch
of the default commands to make them look like a resume. Based on the pdf
output, it should be self-explanatory to modify the appropriate sections of
this CV with your own achievements, but hopefully this gives you a good
framework to start from!
In sum, you should have enough LaTeX resources that you can modify in order to
fit any of your needs: view the basic .tex
file structure in
, view a document with BiBTeX citations with
and bibtex_file.bib
, view a humanities-style document with
, view a Beamer presentation with beamer_template.tex
and view a fully fleshed out report that includes figures in the
LaTeX is not only for scientific writing! lais_example.tex
is an example of
how to format some common elements of papers for your liberal arts classes.
Using BibTex, as in the previous example, is useful for LAIS as well! You can
usually export citations in the correct format (as .bib
) from most academic
journals, or otherwise export them as .ris
and convert them to into .bib
style citations as we did earlier. Open lais_example.tex
in vim, explore it,
and compile it with compile_article lais_example.tex
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to compile LaTeX documents without leaving vim?
We'll record a Vim macro which does this
compilation for us. I like to use the macro @w
, because to me this is like a
'deep' write - not only am I writing the document, I'm compiling it to produce
the output. We use this by modifying our .vimrc
, which is a list of commands
that are executed in vim every time you open vim (things to include in your
include a preferred colorscheme, adding line numbers to vim, and
various vim macros such as the one we are about to learn). Commands in vim
are things that begin with :
, so for example, you could add :q
to your
and every time you opened vim, it would automatically close (don't do
this, since how would you edit your .vimrc
to undo it?).
Place these lines in your .vimrc
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex let @w=':wa
:!compile_article %
To copy these lines, you should open README.md
in vim and search for
, and yank this line with visual block mode Vy
. Open your .vimrc
in the same window with :split ~/.vimrc
, navigate to where you want to paste
this line, and paste with p
or P
. You cannot just copy and paste these
lines from your internet browser, because we are using a special character (in
vim it looks like ^M
but actually it is the literal Enter key,
, which we
can't see on github but which we can see in vim. To make this character, press
(in insert mode) Ctrl-V
followed by Enter
(try it yourself!). Ctrl-V
allows for any non-standard key to be 'printed' in this way, including
Backspace, Ctrl+keys, and others. This is why the above formatting of the
README on github looks kind of weird.
In this command, we are telling Vim to run the command in quotes (:wa...%^M
every time we press the key @
then w
(not together). The command calls
, the script we currently placed in our bin
, in order to
build a document. The autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex
tells Vim to use this
definition for @w
whenever a tex
file is opened.
Notice the ^M
in the command string - that is not just a Shift+6+M
, it's
actually a special character which means newline
- get that character by
pressing Ctrl+v
in insert mode, then pressing Enter
. You can get similar
special characters which mean Escape
or other special keys using the same
This command will literally be fed into Vim character-by-character. When you
press @w
, first a :
will be passed to Vim, putting it in command mode, then
a wa
will be fed to it, typing the command wa
for you (and writing=saving
all of the files you have open). When it reaches the
, the Enter
key is fed to Vim, running that command for you. So we are
writing out all open files with the first :wa
The second bit of the command opens up command mode again, :
, then uses the
to tell Vim that the rest of the command is a shell command, not a Vim
command (try running :!ls
, for example). The %
will be replaced by the
filename of the document you are currently editing.
If you have some other command or script that you want to use from LaTeX, put
that in quotes after the exclamation point instead. For example, if you have a
script my_script
that accepts the file you are currently editing (%
) and does
some task, put :wa :!my_script %
Wouldn't it be nice to open the resulting PDF from vim, too? This will not work
for Windows users unless they have installed an X server, as your Linux
subsystem is not compatible with running graphics. This process is similar to
compiling the document to PDF: we will define some macro that does it for us. I
use @o
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex let @o=':!EDITOR %:r.pdf &>/dev/null &
You should replace the word EDITOR by the pdf viewer of your choice. For Mac, I would recommend
replacing it by open
. For me, this command reads
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex let @o=':!mupdf %:r.pdf &>/dev/null &
Again, the formatting is weird due to the special character ^M
-- view this
file in vim in order to copy and paste. Here, we've simply added another macro
for Vim to use when we open .tex
files. This macro calls the command mupdf %:r.pdf &>/dev/null &
. mupdf
is a pdf viewer (you may have okular
- check by running those commands in your terminal). The %:r
be replaced with the filename minus the extension (report.tex
-> report
so that %:r.pdf
will be replaced by the filename minus the initial extension
plus .pdf
-> report.pdf
). The &>/dev/null
tells the shell
to throw away output (any minor errors that mupdf
has, etc), and the final
tells mupdf
to run in the background, so that Vim will stay open and
Files in your home directory that start with a .
(they are 'hidden') and end
in rc
are configuration files for given program. Today we will modify a
, which gives options for bash (which is probably the shell you are
using). You can ensure this with echo $0
(every line you enter into the shell
is literally passed to the bash
function (or whatever this command returned),
and the shell organizes the input and output in a user-friendly command line).
Your .bashrc
file is executed line by line in bash every time you start up
bash or open a terminal, which effectively personalizes your shell.
Ensure you are in the week_3
directory with pwd
. A sample bashrc is already
in this week_3
directory as my_bashrc
. Investigate it with
. See if you have a .bashrc
already located in your home
directory. Since it is a dotfile, you need to specify the -a
(all) command to
ls: ls -a ~
. Whether or not you already have one, open one in vim with vim ~/.bashrc
. Once open in vim, open my sample file in the same vim screen with
:vsplit my_bashrc
Now we will use vim
to copy and paste select lines from one bashrc to the
other. You can tell which file is which on the bottom, where it will say
or ~/.bashrc
. Switch between the two sides of your screen with
Ctrl-W Ctrl-W
in normal mode. Select some text in my_bashrc
with visual
block mode V
, then sweeping text with j
or k
, and they yanking (=copying)
with y
. Change screens with Ctrl-W Ctrl-W
, navigate to where you want it
with j
and k
, and paste it with p
or P
We will work through the lines in the bashrc together. Briefly, an alias
is a
keybinding, so alias v='vim'
means that anytime I type v
, it literally gets
turned into the command vim
. Think of these as 'keyboard shortcuts'.
Functions in bash execute a series of commands that act on the function
parameters. $@
means 'all of the parameters you pass', $1
means 'the first
parameter you pass', and so on. PS1
is what your shell prompt says (for me it says
eric@eric-arch ~). If you wanted, you could put echo "Hi there"
in your
, and every time bash opened it would greet you with "Hi there".
If you want more examples of what experienced users put in their .bashrc
, try
for some ideas
Often, journals only have a .ris
(RIS) type of citations (like
in this directory; cat
this file to see what it looks
like compared to the .bib
file). Using shell commands, we can convert these
RIS citations into BIB citations. We will need some commands in the bibutils
package. Download it with sudo apt install bibutils
(Windows/Ubuntu) or
brew install bibutils
Now we can take a RIS citation and convert it to .xml
, then take the .xml
citation and convert it to .bib
. To do this, run
% cat pmcid-PMC5080291.ris | ris2xml | xml2bib
author="Edwards, Adrianne N.
and Karim, Samiha T.
and Pascual, Ricardo A.
and Jowhar, Lina M.
and Anderson, Sarah E.
and McBride, Shonna M.",
title="Chemical and Stress Resistances of Clostridium difficile Spores and Vegetative Cells",
journal="Front Microbiol",
publisher="Frontiers Media S.A.",
Now we can take this output and pipe it into your .bib
entry, with cat pmcid-PMC5080291.ris | ris2xml | xml2bib >> bibtex_file.bib
. Make sure you use
the redirect >>
instead of the overwrite >
! Once you do this your .bib
file may have a weird <feff> character before your BiBTeX entry, but you can
delete it in the usual way in vim with x
. I often delete the abstract
field of the
BiBTeX entry with dd
, but it is up to you. (An alternative to redirecting
this output is to copy it into the bibtex_file.bib
file-- for me, I do this by
highlighting the text in the shell with a mouse, then middle-clicking in insert
mode in vim)
Now we have a new .bib
entry, so let's use it. Write a line in the
that includes the command \cite{Edwards2016}
, then
recompile this file with compile_article bibtex_file.tex
, and view the
resulting pdf to ensure your citation worked properly. With this method, you
will never need to make your own citations ever again for scientific articles!
I find myself converting citation styles quite often, since lots of medical
journals don't support .bib
export. Therefore, I have a command makebib
defined in my .bashrc
-- you can have it too! Add the following lines to your
# convert .ris to .bib
function makebib() {
cat $1 | ris2xml | xml2bib
Then restart your shell, and test the output makebib pmcid-PMC5080291.ris
-- it should act the same as before, and if you desire,
you can redirect it to your bibtex file.
In this script, as in the compile_article
command before, the $1
whatever the first parameter you pass to your function is; $2
is the second
variable; and $@
is all of the variables you pass.
There is a suspiciously simple conjecture in mathematics that has never been proven, called the Collatz conjecture. Start with a positive integer, and if it is even divide by two, and if it is odd multiply by three and add 1. The conjecture states that no matter what number you start with, you will end up with 1. (e.g.: 3 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1)
We are going to build these Collatz chains using python. Open a new python file
in vim with vim my_collatz.py
, and in the first line enter the sh-bang
. In the first couple of lines, place a simple print('hey there')
. Open another shell and navigate to the same folder. Make the python
file executable with chmod u+x my_collatz.py
, and execute it with
. Ensure that your shell prints the expected statement.
Make sure you have a good workflow here! I like to have two terminal windows side by side, one in the shell ready to execute the python file (use the up arrow to access the last command you used), and the other in vim editing the python file. Switch between these windows with Windows+Tab or Alt+Tab.
We will make the Collatz sequence together in class. One key aspect of python
is that you need your spacing to be correct. If you are indented where you
shouldn't be, or not indented where you should be, python will throw an error
(IndentationError: unexpected indent
). When errors occur, read the error
message-- it even says what line the error occured on, and tells you the class
of what was wrong.
To make the Collatz sequence, we will use: function definitions (def
loops, list append
ing, casting numbers as int
s, if
and else
statements, and eventually accept user input from the command line with
. To see a completed version of this file, refer to