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Programming Help Sessions (PHS): Week 5

Welcome back!

If you were here last week and you have already cloned the github repository, you can update the phs directory with all of my new updates by navigating to the phs directory (cd phs), and then running git pull. If this doesn't work, run git reset --hard HEAD~, after which you can run git pull (which forces you to forget any changes you have made). Now, if you list the files (ls) in this directory you should see a new week_5 folder. Move into this directory.

We will be viewing graphics in this session, so if you are running Windows, start your X graphics server, and then restart your terminals:

  • If you followed the guide last week and installed an X server, launch the program VcXsrv (assuming you have the line export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 in your .bashrc already)
  • If you are on a lab computer, launch the program XLaunch and accept the default settings (press Next three times + Finish)

Using ssh (secure shell)

ssh is a protocol that allows you to securely login to a remote server. Once logged in, you can use the remote server in the same way that you have been using the shell in this course. The security of ssh is ensured through cryptography, which is an entire field of study. The idea is to encrypt the communication between you and the server, so that even if the communication is intercepted, it will be entirely indecipherable.

It is common practice to use ssh to remotely access a different system. In the old days, Windows users would use the program Putty in order to ssh into Unix machines. I used to ssh into my college computers in order to have access to pay-walled research articles, or to use proprietary software (e.g. Mathematica) that I didn't have personal access to. My friend would ssh into his parent's computers, which allowed him to keep them updated and in good shape without being there in person. Most commonly, I ssh into supercomputers, which are much faster (typically they have many more CPU or GPU cores) than my personal machine.

I can't share my login to supercomputers that I have access to (liability, etc., etc.), and so we will be using a publicly available server at SDF ( We will use a free account I made earlier, with username eric2 and password my_pass. To login to the server, we use the command

    % ssh

When prompted that "The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established", type yes and continue. Then enter in the password my_pass when prompted, and press Enter a few times until you see the prompt


This is the same type of shell that we have been using all along! Try some familiar commands:

    % ls
    .          ..         .history   .hushlogin .lesshst   .signature my_acct    my_file
    % cat my_file
    hello there
    % pwd
    % whoami

However, if you try to use different commands (like head or tail), they don't work. Even using vim doesn't work-- vim becomes nano, a different (equally ubiquitous) text editor. Try making a file with vim my_name where you replace my_name with your actual name. This will make the files unique-- since everyone is logged in as the same user, if people open the same file at the same time, those files will be overwritten. In this text editor (which is not vim), you use the arrow keys to move around, and enter text normally (i.e. not like in vim). To save, use Ctrl+O, and to quit use Ctrl+X. In general, the caret ^ means Ctrl.

Now let's explore the rest of this filesystem. With ls -lah we can see who owns which files. We can also run this on the parent directory (..). A sample of the output is:

    % pwd
    % ls -lah
    total 35K
    drwx------     3 eric2  users  512B Nov 26 08:48 .
    drwxr-xr-x  1229 new    wheel   24K Nov 25 12:36 ..
    -rw-r--r--     1 eric2  users   10K Nov 26 09:01 .history
    -rw-------     1 eric2  users    8B Nov 22 23:14 .hushlogin
    -rw-------     1 eric2  users   44B Nov 26 08:14 .lesshst
    -rw-------     1 eric2  users   61B Nov 22 22:57 .signature
    drwxr-xr-x     2 eric2  users  512B Nov 22 22:58 my_acct
    -rw-r--r--     1 eric2  users   18B Nov 26 08:52 my_file
    % cd ..
    % pwd
    % ls -lah
    drwx------     2 erezbeyi          new    512B Sep 13 18:51 erezbeyi
    drwx------     2 ergab             users  512B May 26  2010 ergab
    drwxr-xr-x     2 erhjzuztert       new    512B May 22  2018 erhjzuztert
    drwx------     2 eric13            users  512B Oct  1  2010 eric13
    drwx------     3 eric2             users  512B Nov 26 08:48 eric2
    drwx------     2 eric84            users  512B Aug 19  2010 eric84
    drwx------     2 erica.parker      users  512B Oct  8 15:41 erica.parker

Notice that our name and folder, eric2, is in this directory. We own this folder, but other users have their own personal folders, too. However, we aren't able to access most of these other people's folders:

    % cd eric84
    /usr/local/bin/psh[622]: cd: /sdf/udd/e/eric84 - Permission denied

This is because their permissions forbid others from reading their data. However, some people have relaxed their permissions. erhjzuztert, for example, has a folder that others (such as us) are able to read:

    drwxr-xr-x     2 erhjzuztert       new    512B May 22  2018 erhjzuztert

Let's check out their directory with cd erhjzuztert. Explore with ls. This is a boring directory (only dotfiles), but you can read them with cat if you wish. If you try to make a file (e.g. with touch my_file), you won't be able to-- this is because you don't have 'write' permissions.

This is the extent to which we will explore this remote server. Exit with the command exit, and press Enter and Ctrl+C a few times until you are back to your normal shell.

Installing zsh

  1. sudo apt install zsh
  2. chsh -s /bin/zsh

Adding new functionality to your .bashrc

  • Add [[ -f ~/.bashrc]] && source ~/.bashrc to your .zshrc
  • Augment your .bashrc with a new cd, vv, pp, S, and s functions


Installing Python

Today we are going to be learning some basics about Python - a ubiquitous and syntactically pleasing programming language. Of course, in order to use Python, we first need to have it installed! You may already have it installed on your computer. To check this run the command python3 --version. If not, Python can be conveniently installed using the various package managers for your system:

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux/Linux:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3
  • MacOS:
brew install python3

The most crucial third-party Python package is pip, a tool for installing and managing other Python packages, such as those found in the Python Package Index (PPI). A version was probably installed on your computer by default during the python3 installation. Check this by running the command pip3 --version. If not try the commands

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux/Linux:
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
  • MacOS:
brew install python3-pip

pip can now be used to easily mange powerful code packages. Let's see how this works. Go ahead and enter the following command ```pip3 install numpy matplotlib`` NumPy is the most important package for scientific computing with Python. Among other features, it containts N-dimensional array objects, linear algebra tools, Fourier transforms etc. Matplotlib is a plotting library that can produce publication quality figures in a variety of formats.

Convenient Shell Utilities

ranger is a vim-influenced file manager that makes it easier to interactively navigate your file directory system from the terminal. In fact, ranger is actually a Python package and can therefore be installed using pip! To install the latest version of ranger, use the command:

python3 -m pip install ranger-fm

(This is simply another syntax for using pip3). Make sure the version of ranger installed is v1.9.0 or later by using ranger --version. We can increase the functionality of the software by making a few simple modifications. In particular, we can modify the configuration of ranger to allow us to preview PDF files from the terminal. Run the command:

ranger --copy-config=all

to create/overwrite your configuration files for ranger. Use vim to open up the file ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf. Find the line set preview_images false and change it to set preview_images true. Now use vim to open up the file ~/.config/ranger/ and uncomment the following text

        # application/pdf)
        #     pdftoppm -f 1 -l 1 \
        #              -scale-to-x 1920 \
        #              -scale-to-y -1 \
        #              -singlefile \
        #              -jpeg -tiffcompression jpeg \
        #              -- "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH%.*}" \
        #         && exit 6 || exit 1;;

Open ranger from the command line. Use hjkl to move within and between directories. Use Enter to open files (ranger will guess the default program), and use q to quit ranger.

Running Python Files in the Python Interpreter

Open two command line windows and place one above the other (splitscreen). In both windows, navigate to the ~/phs/week_5 directory.

In one of the windows execute python3, which will open up the python interpreter-- this is a useful space in which to test basic syntax and how to use functions, entering text one line at a time (like in the command line). We can create python scripts in vim that run many lines at once. In general, the interpreter is good for testing out small snippets of code or ideas, while scripts are good for larger more extensive programs that you will revisit and modify. You should use python3 instead of python2 whenever possible, since it is morally proper to use up-to-date software. (A large part of the following text is taken from phs/python/intro/

Once in the interpreter (python3 on the command line), you can use any commands you would use in python:

% python3
>>> print("Hello World!")
Hello World!
>>> 8*2
>>> 8**2

Exit the interpreter with Ctrl + d, or with quit(), or with exit(). Other common python commands are listed at the end of this guide--- on your own time, try out these commands in the python shell (interpreter), and verify the outputs shown.

Creating Python Scripts in vim

A python script is a text file consisting of python commands on each line. When the script is executed, each line of the script is sequentially executed in the interpreter. Blank lines are ignored, and on any line the text that follows a # is a comment and will be ignored.

Let's make our first python "Hello, world" script. To do this, open up a new file with vim You should now be looking at the vim editor in all its glory. Let's quickly save and quit with :wq + Enter, and investigate our new file in the shell with ls -lah:

    % ls -lah
    total 288K
    drwxr-xr-x  2 eric users 4.0K Oct 18 12:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x 10 eric users 4.0K Oct 18 12:02 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users 190K Oct 18 11:59 command_line_appendix.pdf
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users  951 Oct 18 11:59 jabberwocky
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users 1016 Oct 18 11:59
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users    0 Oct 18 12:40
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users  28K Oct 18 12:33
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users 2.7K Oct 18 11:59
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users 1.6K Oct 18 11:59
    -rw-r--r--  1 eric users 5.6K Oct 18 12:24

Notice our new script is present, with size 0. This makes sense-- we didn't type anything! Open the script again with Go into insert mode (i), and type the lines:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This comment is the second line of the file
print("Hello, world!")

Then escape from insert mode (Esc) and write and quit (:wq). You should now be at the shell once again. In the first line in the file, we placed the 'sh-bang' #!/usr/bin/env python3. This tells the shell to execute the file using python3, and the /usr/bin/env is a program that knows and tells bash where python3 is located on your computer.

You would like to execute this file, but it is currently just a text file:

    % ls -lah
    -rw-r--r-- 1 eric users 46 Oct 18 12:44

To make this file executable, you need to change the modifications and take the user class and add (+) execute permissions, with chmod u+x Now, the file has execute permissions:

    % chmod u+x
    % ls -lah
    -rwxr--r-- 1 eric users 46 Oct 18 12:44

Notice the '-' is now an 'x'. Execute this file with ./

    % ./
    Hello, world!

(As a caveat, you could have originally executed the file without changing the file permissions with python3, but making files you want to execute executable with chmod is the proper way to do things in the command line)

Executing premade python files

Now let's read through the fancier python file in vim. Part A demonstrates a simple for loop, using the range command which effectively constructs a list of numbers that you can iterate through. Part B uses a for loop to perform the derivative of some (time, position) coordinates. Part C constructs and calls a simple function that adds numbers within a certain range. Part D is optional, and integrates a function for those in Physics 134 that needed to know this (see below for more details).

If you try to execute it right now, it won't work:

    % ./
    bash: ./ Permission denied

This is because you don't have the right permissions! Allow users to execute with chmod:

    % ls -lah
    -rw-r--r-- 1 eric users 837 Oct 18 13:58
    % chmod u+x
    -rwxr--r-- 1 eric users 837 Oct 18 13:58
    % ./
    PART A
    <<< ETC. >>>

[ An aside:

If you want to run part D: change run_part_d = False to run_part_d = True and try running it. You may need to install the python packages numpy (for numerical integration) and matplotlib (for plotting) with pip3 install numpy and pip3 install matplotlib). If you don't have pip3, you may need to install it with sudo apt install python3-pip. Then, the code in Part D solves the differential equation dx/dt = 5*x - x^2 for time 0 to 10. Replace your dx/dt and your t_max in the integrand function. Currently Part D saves a figure of x(t) to my_first_figure.pdf. To view this pdf file:


In general, the procedure for creating and running python files from the command line is:

  • make your own python file with vim that includes the sh-bang #!/usr/bin/env python3
  • make it executable with chmod and run it:
% chmod u+x     # Do once to make executable
% ./             # Can be run like this every time
  • or run your file with python
% python3

If you chose to make your script executable by running chmod u+x and called it using the ./ syntax, the 'sh-bang' described above is required.

Food for thought: What was the difference between running our short "Hello, world!" program in the interpreter versus running it in a script? In what instances are scripts useful, and when is the interpreter useful?

Python Commands

Assignment and Arithmetic

Assignment uses the = operator. The standard arithmetic operators are supported (+, *, -, /) on number types.

>>> a = 5
>>> print(a)
>>> a = 15 + 30
>>> print(a)
>>> b = 22
>>> print(a, b)
45 22
>>> print(a*b + (b-a))
>>> b = a / b
>>> print(b)
>>> b = a / b
>>> print(b)

What if we want to perform a sqrt or sin? We have to import a module which has that function defined - the math module. Modules consist of prebuilt commands that are constructed and peer-reviewed by a few open-source contributors. Once you learn to use these modules (especially numpy, scipy, itertools, and matplotlib), your code can worry more about implementing ideas rather than the implementation itself.

>>> import math             # Somewhere before we use `math`
>>> print(math.sqrt(4))
>>> print(math.sqrt(15))
>>> print(math.sin(math.pi / 2))

We often use exponentials, or other complex math functions, when trying to solve problems with programming. Find e^10, where e is the base of the natural log. Then, take log(16), then (log(16) base 2). What function do you use, and how do you call it? Google will have all the answers. (google "python exponential", for example)

Eventually, you can also write your own modules that contain your own specific functions for your own specific task-- to do this, you can create a python file called, and then import it in a python script with import my_module.


In python, lists are one of the fundamental datatypes. Even strings ('apple') are stored as lists of single characters (['a', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e']) in python. To construct a list, we can define it manually using [element1, ..., elementn] syntax. The elements can be of any type, and of heterogeneous types.

>>> test_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> print(test_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> names = ["Bob", "Rob", "Robert", "Bobert"]
>>> print(names)
['Bob', 'Rob', 'Robert', 'Bobert']
>>> things = ["Car", 4, 2.23, "Denver"]
>>> print(things)
['Car', 4, 2.23, 'Denver']

You can access a specific element of a list using the my_list[index] syntax. The index'th element of the list my_list will be returned (the first element is accessed with index = 0). A negative index will start from the back of the list.

>>> test_list = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
>>> print(test_list[0])
>>> print(test_list[2])
>>> print(test_list[-1])
>>> print(test_list[-2])

Operators and Functions

The + operator on two lists extends the first list with the second list.

>>> list1 = [1,2,3]
>>> list2 = [4,5,6]
>>> print(list1, list2, list1 + list2)
[1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

The append function on a list adds an element to the end of the list:

>>> test_list = [1,2,3]
>>> print(test_list)
[1, 2, 3]
>>> test_list.append(4)
>>> print(test_list)
[1, 2, 3, 4]

The len function on a list tells you how long it is.

>>> print(len ([1,2,3,4,5]))

In your shell, create some test lists and compare the behavior of append and extend. What happens when you append lists to lists?


Strings are a special case of a python list where the elements are char's. You can create a string in python using quotes (single or double). You can concatenate strings using the + operator.

>>> my_string = "hello"
>>> print(my_string)
>>> string_two = " world"
>>> print(my_string + string_two)
hello world
>>> print(len (my_string))

In the python shell, create a test string. How would you access the first letter of that string, with list syntax?

List Slices

List slices can be used to select a certain subset of another list. They use the my_list[start:end:inc] syntax. The new list starts at the start index, goes until the end index (but does not include it), making jumps of inc. By default, start is 0, end is len(my_list), and inc is 1.

>>> test_list = [1,2,23,2,38,48,54,90]
>>> print(test_list[3:5])
[2, 38]
>>> print(test_list[:7])       # Everything up to element 7
[1, 2, 23, 2, 38, 48, 54]
>>> print(test_list[2:7:2])    # Every second element from 2-7
[23, 38, 54]
>>> print(test_list[::-1])     # Reverse a list
[90, 54, 48, 38, 2, 23, 2, 1]

In the python shell, try the following:

  • reverse elements 1 through 4 in a test list
  • use list slices to extract the first 4 letters in a string


To build lists and perform other calculations, we use loops. A python for loop iterates through a list provided by the user. This list could be a range of numbers, or lines in a file, or any list.

>>> for x in [1,2,8,4,19]:
...     print(x, x+i)          # Notice extra space before print
1 2
2 4
hello hellohello
4 8
19 38

Notice in this example you are not printing the iterator (i=1,2,3), but rather are printing the constituent elements of the list themselves.

Quite often we need to add up numbers in a loop. If we wanted to sum the numbers from 3 to 5, we need to create a range. The range(start,end,inc) function will produce all numbers up to, but not including, end and will increment by inc (1 by default). Also note that we need to initialize the tot variable before the loop. The tot += elem operation is shorthand for tot = tot + elem.

>>> print(range(3,6))
range(3, 6)                     # Most useless output ever
>>> for i in range(3,6):
...     print(i)               # Don't forget extra space before print
>>> tot = 0                         # Let's calculate a total
>>> for elem in range(302,6000):
...     tot += elem
>>> print(tot)

Notice that the statements which are "inside" the loop must be indented. There is no rule saying you have to use spaces or tabs, but you have to be consistent. This enforces easier-to-read code.

Building lists with append

This method is useful when you don't know how long your list will be, but you think it will be short. The function append is not as efficient as some of the later methods.

>>> app_list = []
>>> data_to_app = [1,3,5,8,1000]
>>> for elem in data_to_app:
...     app_list.append(elem)
>>> print(app_list)
[1, 3, 5, 8, 1000]

In the shell, take the following list of lists and create one flattened list using a for loop and the + operator:

>>> to_flatten = [[1,2,3],["wat"],[0.2,1000]]

Building a pre-allocated list

In this example, we allocate all the memory for the list ahead of time and update values after. This is more efficient than appending to an existing list every time (the lists memory only needs to be allocated once). This technique is especially useful in conjunction with the linspace function of the numpy module, and is the standard way to crunch large list calculations (solving ODEs, analyzing large data sets, etc.). The syntax [0]*num creates a list of 0's that is num long.

>>> xs = [1,3,5,10,15]
>>> vs = [0]*(len(xs)-1)            # Allocate memory for velocities
>>> dt = 1
>>> for t in range(len(vs)):
...     dx = xs[t+1] - xs[t]
...     vs[t] = dx/dt
>>> print(vs)

The loop above took a list of positions and, assuming constant time intervals, created a list of velocities. On your own, take that list of velocities and make a loop to calculate a list of accelerations, including allocating memory before the loop. Your resulting list should be [0.0, 3.0, 0.0].

Building lists with list comprehensions

This is the most compact and "pythonic" way to build lists. It is also usually the fastest. List comprehensions need to be used with an existing list to build from, which can be a built-in like the range(start, stop, inc) function.

Here are some examples of list comprehensions. Notice that you can evaluate general expressions (even calling functions) in the list comprehension.

>>> simple_range = [x for x in range(5)]
>>> print(simple_range)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> squared = [i*i for i in simple_range]
>>> print(squared)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
>>> import math
>>> sqrts = [math.sqrt(element) for element in range(12, 15)]
>>> print(sqrts)
[3.4641016151377544, 3.605551275463989, 3.7416573867739413]

We can also add conditional statements, for example to grab all multiples of five. The % operator - called modulus - calculates the remainder after division (eg. 5 % 3 == 2, 17 % 7 == 3, 10 % 2 == 0). The == operator calculates if the terms on either side are equal, and returns a boolean True or False.

>>> simple_range = [x for x in range(44) if x % 5 == 0]
>>> print(simple_range)
[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40]
>>> squares_under_fifty = [n*n for n in range(51) if n*n <= 50]
>>> print(squares_under_fifty)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]

We can do mathematical operations within the list comprehension. In the shell, write your own list comprehension which returns the squares of all of the integers from 10 to 20.

As a final example, let's write a quick flatten function which takes a list of lists and creates a list with one less level of nesting:

>>> list_of_lists = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
>>> flattened = [x for sublist in list_of_lists for x in sublist]
>>> print(flattened)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

This is some crazy syntax, so take a while to think about how this works. It might help to see the equivalent for + append loop expression:

>>> list_of_lists = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
>>> flattened = []
>>> for sublist in list_of_lists:   # Appears first in nested comprehension
...     for x in sublist:           # Appears second
...         flattened.append(x)
>>> print(flattened)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

List comprehensions are much faster than for loops + append, especially for larger lists!

Computing Collatz sequences in python

There is a suspiciously simple conjecture in mathematics that has never been proven, called the Collatz conjecture. Start with a positive integer, and if it is even divide by two, and if it is odd multiply by three and add 1. The conjecture states that no matter what number you start with, you will end up with 1. (e.g.: 3 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1)

We are going to build these Collatz chains using python. Open a new python file in vim with vim, and in the first line enter the sh-bang #!/bin/python3. In the first couple of lines, place a simple print('hey there'). Open another shell and navigate to the same folder. Make the python file executable with chmod u+x, and execute it with ./my_collatz. Ensure that your shell prints the expected statement.

Make sure you have a good workflow here! I like to have two terminal windows side by side, one in the shell ready to execute the python file (use the up arrow to access the last command you used), and the other in vim editing the python file. Switch between these windows with Windows+Tab or Alt+Tab.

We will make the Collatz sequence together in class. One key aspect of python is that you need your spacing to be correct. If you are indented where you shouldn't be, or not indented where you should be, python will throw an error (IndentationError: unexpected indent). When errors occur, read the error message-- it even says what line the error occured on, and tells you the class of what was wrong.

To make the Collatz sequence, we will use: function definitions (def), while loops, list appending, casting numbers as ints, if and else statements, and eventually accept user input from the command line with sys.argv. To see a completed version of this file, refer to

Simulating Random Walkers in 2D

Documentation to come! Sorry for the delay! You might need sudo apt-get install python3-tk for this one.

Some practice with vim and LaTeX

Let's get some practice modifying documents in vim. Open skeleton_document.tex in vim, and scroll down to line 24. Autocompile it regularly (use @w and @o in vim, like we defined last week in our .vimrc), and each time you recompile the .tex file refresh the pdf to see how you changed it. Perform the following tasks (autocompiling each time):

  • Modify some of the math on lines 16 and 18
  • Follow the instructions and fix the typos on lines 24-33
  • Add an item to the itemize environment (line 49-ish) with your favorite type of ice cream
  • Make a sub-sub-list by making a new enumerate environment within the existing ones on line 58
  • Break the Pythagorean theorem by adding an extra constant (line 65-ish)
  • Add a new row to the matrix (line 75-ish)

If you have already performed this practice, execute the program vimtutor instead from the shell:

    % vimtutor

More vim practice

Make your own CV! Open the file cv_simple.tex in vim, and find all of the fake names (Ann Ersha) with /Ann Ersha, then Enter, and scroll between instances with n (forwards) or N (backwards). For each one, replace the name with your name. Compile and open the file.

Or: You can change all of the names at once using the regular expression:

    :%s/Ann Ersha/My Name Here/gc

This will look for every instance of Ann Ersha, and ask if you want to change it-- type y for yes, or n for no.


  • update your email
  • update your research experience (what labs have you been in)
  • update your affiliations

This is basically identical to my CV format (the format is given is res.cls), and in my opinion looks very professional. People will be able to tell it is made in latex, too, and they will be impressed!

Other useful shell programs

See what programs are running (task manager) with top. If you want it to be fancy and have colorful graphics, use htop (install it if you need). See the low-level hardware commands your system is running with dmesg. View the background daemon commands your system is running with journalctl. Examine your cpu with lspcu. See your filesystem with lsblk and df. See your wireless/wired connection hardware profiles with ip link. Remember your wireless name (mine is 'wlp4s0'). Use iftop -i wlp4s0 (replace 'wlp4s0' with your wireless device name) to see the internet traffic you are uploading and downloading. Use ps to see currently running processes. Use pkill PROCESS_NAME to force kill a given process (I sometimes need to use pkill chromium when my internet bugs out).