- You have to upgrade your PDP configuration(s), e.g.
files, using XSLT stylesheet pdp-xsd-v7.xsl and any XSLT engine supporting XSLT 2.0, e.g. SAXON-HE 9.x or later, e.g. with this command:
$ PDP_XML_FILE="pdp.xml"
$ mv $PDP_XML_FILE{,.old}
$ java -jar Saxon-HE-10.3.jar -xsl:migration/pdp-xsd-v7.xsl -s:$PDP_XML_FILE.old -o:$PDP_XML_FILE
- If you are still using Java 8, you have to upgrade to Java 11 (Java 8 is no longer supported).
- If you have any custom PolicyProvider extension, you need to update the implementation of the method
to the new PDP API (authzforce-ce-core-pdp-api
: 17.0.0).
- Modify the PDP configuration (XML): replace the XML namespace
- Make sure all your custom PolicyProviders implement the new PolicyProvider interfaces, i.e. BaseStaticPolicyProvider or, as fallback option, CloseableStaticPolicyProvider
- Modify the PDP configuration (XML):
- Merge 'rootPolicyProvider' and 'refPolicyprovider' into one 'policyProvider' using the new 'StaticPolicyProvider' type if you were using 'StaticRefPolicyprovider' or 'StaticRootPolicyProvider', else your new custom PolicyProvider types if you were using custom ones.
- Add 'rootPolicyRef' element with policyId of the root policy.
- If you are migrating from v13.2.0 or lower, and using either
types in XML namespacehttp://authzforce.github.io/core/xmlns/test/3
, you must rename them toTestAttributeProviderDescriptor