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File metadata and controls

250 lines (212 loc) · 9.29 KB

made-with-golang License: GPL v3 Discord Contributing Donate


CLI tool to manage your torrent client queues. Primary focus is on removing torrents that meet specific criteria.

This is a fork from l3uddz.

Example Configuration

    enabled: true
    filter: default
    download_path: /mnt/local/downloads/torrents/deluge
    free_space_path: /mnt/local/downloads/torrents/deluge
      /downloads/torrents/deluge: /mnt/local/downloads/torrents/deluge
    host: localhost
    login: localclient
    password: password-from-/opt/deluge/auth
    port: 58846
    type: deluge
    v2: true
    download_path: /mnt/local/downloads/torrents/qbittorrent/completed
      /downloads/torrents/qbittorrent/completed: /mnt/local/downloads/torrents/qbittorrent/completed
    enabled: true
    filter: default
    type: qbittorrent
    user: user
    password: password
    # NEW: If this option is set to true, AutoTmm aka Auto Torrent Managment Mode,
    # will be enabled for torrents after a relabel.
    # This ensures the torrent is also moved in the filesystem to the new category path, and not only changes category in qbit
    # enableAutoTmmAfterRelabel: true
      # general
      - TrackerStatus contains "Tracker is down"
      - Downloaded == false && !IsUnregistered()
      - SeedingHours < 26 && !IsUnregistered()
      # permaseed / un-sorted (unless torrent has been deleted)
      - Label startsWith "permaseed-" && !IsUnregistered()
      # Filter based on qbittorrent tags (only qbit at the moment)
      - '"permaseed" in Tags && !IsUnregistered()'
      # general
      - IsUnregistered()
      # imported
      - Label in ["sonarr-imported", "radarr-imported", "lidarr-imported"] && (Ratio > 4.0 || SeedingDays >= 15.0)
      # ipt
      - Label in ["autoremove-ipt"] && (Ratio > 3.0 || SeedingDays >= 15.0)
      # hdt
      - Label in ["autoremove-hdt"] && (Ratio > 3.0 || SeedingDays >= 15.0)
      # bhd
      - Label in ["autoremove-bhd"] && (Ratio > 3.0 || SeedingDays >= 15.0)
      # ptp
      - Label in ["autoremove-ptp"] && (Ratio > 3.0 || SeedingDays >= 15.0)
      # btn
      - Label in ["autoremove-btn"] && (Ratio > 3.0 || SeedingDays >= 15.0)
      # hdb
      - Label in ["autoremove-hdb"] && (Ratio > 3.0 || SeedingDays >= 15.0)
      # Qbit tag utilities
      - HasAllTags("480p", "bad-encode") # match if all tags are present
      - HasAnyTag("remove-me", "gross") # match if at least 1 tag is present
      # btn 1080p season packs to permaseed (all must evaluate to true)
      - name: permaseed-btn
          - Label == "sonarr-imported"
          - TrackerName == ""
          - Name contains "1080p"
          - len(Files) >= 3

      # cleanup btn season packs to autoremove-btn (all must evaluate to true)
      - name: autoremove-btn
          - Label == "sonarr-imported"
          - TrackerName == ""
          - not (Name contains "1080p")
          - len(Files) >= 3
    # Change qbit tags based on filters
      - name: low-seed
      # This must be set
      # "mode: full" means tag will be added to
      # torrent if matched and removed from torrent if not
      # use `add` or `remove` to only add/remove respectivly
      # NOTE: Mode does not change the way torrents are flagged,
      # meaning, even with "mode: remove",
      # tags will be removed if the torrent does NOT match the conditions.
      # "mode: remove" simply means that tags will not be added
      # to torrents that do match.
        mode: full
          - Seeds <= 3

Optional - Tracker Configuration

    api_key: your-api-key
    api_user: your-api-user
    api_key: your-api-key

Allows tqm to validate if a torrent was removed from the tracker using the tracker's own API.

Currently implements:

  • Beyond-HD
  • PTP

Filtering Language Definition

The language definition used in the configuration filters is available here

Filterable Fields

The following torrent fields (along with their types) can be used in the configuration when filtering torrents:

type Torrent struct {
	Hash            string  
	Name            string  
	Path            string  
	TotalBytes      int64   
	DownloadedBytes int64   
	State           string  
	Files           []string
	Tags            []string
	Downloaded      bool    
	Seeding         bool    
	Ratio           float32 
	AddedSeconds    int64   
	AddedHours      float32 
	AddedDays       float32 
	SeedingSeconds  int64   
	SeedingHours    float32 
	SeedingDays     float32 
	Label           string  
	Seeds           int64   
	Peers           int64   

	FreeSpaceGB  func() float64 
	FreeSpaceSet bool

	TrackerName   string
	TrackerStatus string

Number fields of types int64, float32 and float64 support arithmetic and comparison operators.

Fields of type string support string operators.

Fields of type []string (lists) such as the Tags and Files fields support membership checks and various built in functions.

All of this and more can be noted in the language definition mentioned above.

Helper Filtering Options

The following helper functions are available for usage while filtering, usage examples are available in the example config above.

IsUnregistered() bool // Evaluates to true if torrent is unregistered in the tracker
HasAllTags(tags ...string) bool // True if torrent has ALL tags specified
HasAnyTag(tags ...string) bool // True if torrent has at least one tag specified
Log(n float64) float64 // The natural logarithm function


If the top level config option bypassIgnoreIfUnregistered is set to true, unregistered torrents will not be ignored. This helps making the config less verbose, so this:

      # general
      - TrackerStatus contains "Tracker is down"
      - Downloaded == false && !IsUnregistered()
      - SeedingHours < 26 && !IsUnregistered()
      # permaseed / un-sorted (unless torrent has been deleted)
      - Label startsWith "permaseed-" && !IsUnregistered()
      # Filter based on qbittorrent tags (only qbit at the moment)
      - '"permaseed" in Tags && !IsUnregistered()'

can turn into this:

bypassIgnoreIfUnregistered: true

      # general
      - TrackerStatus contains "Tracker is down"
      - Downloaded == false
      - SeedingHours < 26
      # permaseed / un-sorted (unless torrent has been deleted)
      - Label startsWith "permaseed-"
      # Filter based on qbittorrent tags (only qbit at the moment)
      - '"permaseed" in Tags

Note: If TrackerStatus contains "Tracker is down" then a torrent will not be considered unregistered anyways and will be ignored when tracker is down assuming the above filters.

Supported Clients

  • Deluge
  • qBittorrent

Example Commands

  1. Clean - Retrieve torrent client queue and remove torrents matching its configured filters

tqm clean qbt --dry-run

tqm clean qbt

  1. Relabel - Retrieve torrent client queue and relabel torrents matching its configured filters

tqm relabel qbt --dry-run

tqm relabel qbt

  1. Retag - Retrieve torrent client queue and retag torrents matching its configured filters (only qbittorrent supported as of now)

tqm retag qbt --dry-run

tqm retag qbt

  1. Orphan - Retrieve torrent client queue and local files/folders in download_path, remove orphan files/folders

tqm orphan qbt --dry-run

tqm orphan qbt


FreeSpaceSet and FreeSpaceGB() are currently only supported for the following clients (when free_space_path is set):

  • Deluge
  • qBittorrent

FreeSpaceGB() will only increase as torrents are hard-removed.

This only works with one disk referenced by free_space_path and will not account for torrents being on different disks.