This module allows you to establish and automate a specific Purchase Order Approval Block Reason in the system: the 'Minimum Purchase Order Amount per Vendor'.
- Go to 'Purchases / Purchase / Vendors'
- Click on a Vendor and inside the 'Sales & Purchases' page specify the non-required field 'Minimum Purchase Amount'.
- Assign the security group 'Release blocked RFQ' to users that should be able to release the block. Users in group 'Purchase / Managers' are by default assigned to this group.
- Go to 'Purchases / Purchase / Requests for Quotation'
- Create a new RFQ and upon saving if the Untaxed Amount is below the Purchase Minimum Amount specified in that vendor, then the Approval Block Reason is automatically set and the Approval Block Reason is not editable anymore.
There is a filter 'Blocked' to search for orders that are blocked. It is also possible to search RFQ’s with the Approval Block Reason 'Minimum Purchase Order Amount per Vendor'.
- Press the button ‘Confirm’. If there’s an approval block, the order will be set to status 'To Approve'. You will then need to request a Purchase Manager to approve it.
- All the RFQ’s with a total amount surpassing the specified Minimum Purchase Order Amount for that vendor (excluding taxes) are automatically released.
- If a blocked RFQ without surpassing the minimum amount wants to be released, a user member of the security group 'Release RFQ with approval block' can see a button 'Release Approval Block'. When pressing it, anyone seeing that RFQ is able to validate it.
- Followers of the RFQ receive notifications when an approval block has been set or released.
Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.
- Odoo Community Association: Icon.
- Jordi Ballester Alomar <>
- Roser Garcia <>
- Darshan Patel <>
This module is maintained by the OCA.
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.
To contribute to this module, please visit