All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Use new concurrency (async/await) capabilities instead of callback function.
- iOS Deployment Target to 15.0 .
- Nested attribute handling
- Possibility to override the equality check between two Resources
- Can now use Swift types for Resource's attributes
- Runtime library to set attributes by reflection
to JSON:API structs to compare them
- Exclude Info.plist in sources to avoid warning for SPM
- Resources that doesn't directly inherit from base
class can now be correctly deserialized within includes.
- Possibility to install the library with the Swift Package Manager
- Fix Podfile
- Swift representation of JSON:API objects
open class to transform a model to a JSON:API resource- Network abilities to discuss with a JSON:API server