Step 1: Start
Step 2: Check if the character is lowercase or it is an Epsilon.
Step 3: If step 2 is true stop else continue
Step 4: For any character of the start of the LHS that matches with the input character do step 5 to step on the first character of it's RHS
Step 5: If it is an epsilon add it to the result
Step 6: If it is the same stop
Step 7: If it is lowercase add it to the result set
Step 8: If it is uppercase find the first of that character.
Step 9: stop
Step 1:If the input character is the first non-terminal of the production add
to te list. -
Step 2: For any character on the LHS of the productions that matches with the input character do Step 3 and Step 4
Step 3: If the next character is end of line find the
and the non-terminal on it's LHS is not the same find thefollow()
of that non-terminal -
Step 4: If the next character is not the end of line find the
of that character.