Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read a character from the input file
Step 3: If it is an Operator goto step 4 else goto step 7
Step 4: Check if it is '/' and the next character is '/' or '*' If yes goto step 5 else goto step 6
Step 5: Ignore all the character using a while loop until the characters '//' or '*/' is encountered respectively and in order.
Step 6: Print the character as an operator
Step 7: Check if it is a Special character if yes print it as special character
Step 8: Check if it is a digit if yes print it as a digit
Step 9: Check if it is an alphabet if true goto step 10 else goto step 12
Step 10: Read the character following using a while loop into a temporary array until a delimiter is encountered ( space )
Step 11:Check if the string read is a valid keyword If true print it as a keyword else as an Identifier.
Step 12: Increment the variable tracking the current line number.
Step 13: Do step 2 to step 12 until the end of file is encountered.
Step 14: Stop