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How to create conda environment for benchmarking

pip install -r xgboost_bench/requirements.txt
# or
conda install -c intel scikit-learn scikit-learn-intelex pandas tqdm

Algorithms parameters

You can launch benchmarks for each algorithm separately. The table below lists all supported parameters for each algorithm.


parameter Name Type default value description
num-threads int -1 The number of threads to use
arch str ? Achine architecture, for bookkeeping
batch str ? Batch ID, for bookkeeping
prefix str sklearn Prefix string, for bookkeeping
header action False Output CSV header
verbose action False Output extra debug messages
data-format str numpy Data formats: numpy, pandas or cudf
data-order str C Data order: C (row-major, default) or F (column-major)
dtype np.dtype np.float64 Data type: float64 (default) or float32
check-finiteness action False Check finiteness in sklearn input check(disabled by default)
output-format str csv Output format: csv (default) or json'
time-method str mean_min Method used for time mesurements
box-filter-measurements int 100 Maximum number of measurements in box filter
inner-loops int 100 Maximum inner loop iterations. (we take the mean over inner iterations)
outer-loops int 100 Maximum outer loop iterations. (we take the min over outer iterations)
time-limit float 10 Target time to spend to benchmark
goal-outer-loops int 10 The number of outer loops to aim while automatically picking number of inner loops. If zero, do not automatically decide number of inner loops.
seed int 12345 Seed to pass as random_state
dataset-name str None Dataset name


parameter Name Type default value description
n-estimators int 100 The number of gradient boosted trees
learning-rate float 0.3 Step size shrinkage used in update to prevents overfitting
min-split-loss float 0 Minimum loss reduction required to make partition on a leaf node
max-depth int 6 Maximum depth of a tree
min-child-weight float 1 Minimum sum of instance weight needed in a child
max-delta-step float 0 Maximum delta step we allow each leaf output to be
subsample float 1 Subsample ratio of the training instances
colsample-bytree float 1 Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree
reg-lambda float 1 L2 regularization term on weights
reg-alpha float 0 L1 regularization term on weights
tree-method str The tree construction algorithm used in XGBoost
scale-pos-weight float 1 Controls a balance of positive and negative weights
grow-policy str depthwise Controls a way new nodes are added to the tree
max-leaves int 0 Maximum number of nodes to be added
max-bin int 256 Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features
objective str True reg:squarederror, binary:logistic, multi:softmax or multi:softprob. Control a balance of positive and negative weights