Unit | Lesson | Topic |
P1 | 1 | Course Overview |
P1 | 2 | Introduction to Operating Systems |
P2 | 1 | Processes and Process Management |
P2 | 2 | Threads and Concurrency |
P2 | 3 | Threads Case Study: Pthreads |
P2 | 4 | Thread Design Considerations |
P2 | 5 | Thread Performance Considerations |
P3 | 1 | Scheduling |
P3 | 2 | Memory Management |
P3 | 3 | Inter-Process Communication |
P3 | 4 | Synchronization Constructs |
P3 | 5 | I/O Management |
P3 | 6 | Virtualization |
P4 | 1 | Remote Procedure Calls |
P4 | 2 | Distributed File Systems |
P4 | 3 | Distributed Shared Memory |
P4 | 4 | Datacenter Technologies |